

中文摘要 本計畫已完成愛河流域水質模式維護,評估微笑礫間系統污染削減方案及河川涵容力,愛河流域水質採樣於民族橋、明誠橋及七賢橋共採集四次水文與水質。水質經由分析結果發現BOD與NH3-N濃度皆是民族橋含量最高,SS與COD濃度建國橋較民族橋高,由此推測民族橋BOD與NH3-N可能經由橡皮壩截流至微笑礫間曝氣處理後再放流至愛河,使得明誠橋測得之BOD與NH3-N相對較低之情形。計畫針對愛河經常性水質異常之河段增加葉綠素a、鹽度、總氮及總磷分析背景值,在四次採樣分析結果由總氮與總磷數據顯示,民族橋測站最高,隨河川往下游流動濃度遞減。在葉綠素a數據顯示第一次最高為建國橋,第二次採樣時明誠橋水質出現異常(咖啡色) ,因此在第二次明誠橋葉綠素a濃度最高76 μg/g,證實愛河出現水質顏色異常來自於藻類大量生長造成。本計畫水質生物急毒性分析共執行2次檢測,檢測結果顯示各測站檢測值TUa皆小於1,表示愛河水體不具有生物急毒性。愛河流域底泥品質評估分析結果顯示,愛河下游底泥PAHs含量較高,主要係河川由上游水體傳輸累積沉降至下游河段,以豐枯水期區分,豐水期含量較枯水期高。經由指紋判別顯示愛河底泥中PAHs大部分係屬於燃燒石油所生成之PAHs化合物。愛河底泥中抗生素僅有後港橋測得林可黴素42.34 ng/g,其餘測站皆無檢測到抗生素。在豐水期調查顯示,愛河底泥中有出現非抗生素之化合物(乙醯胺酚、布洛芬、酮洛芬、三氯沙),此結果顯示愛河流域中底泥對於非抗生素部分有累積情形。愛河流域上游後港橋測站之底泥(Cu及Zn)的含量、龍心橋測站底泥重金屬中(Cu及Zn)含量、下游之七賢橋測站底泥重金屬中(Ni)含量及九番埤排水測站底泥重金屬之Hg含量皆高於我國底泥品質之分類管理辦及用途限制辦法規範中之下限值。利用底泥重金屬含量評估,大部分介於ERL-ERM值,對於水體生物危害性不大。本計畫愛河流域藻類調查佈點共有3處,依據過去愛河每年3-6月份,出現多次水體變色情形。3月背景水樣中藻類分析結果,民族橋、明誠橋與建國橋水中藻類含量分別為 130,152、34,056 與 448,536 cell/L,以建國橋藻類含量較高。5月水樣中藻類分析結果,民族橋、明誠橋與建國橋水中藻類含量分別為 2,512,620、747,780 與 2,263,140 cell/L,以民族橋藻類含量較高。本計畫彙整四次背景採樣結果與4月異常通報調查成果,針對4月愛河河水變紅之異常通報調查成果顯示,民族橋至明誠橋變色範圍顯示藻類總數分別為370,920 cell/L及 661,980 cell/L,金藻(棕鞭藻)於民族橋測得數量為34,980 cell/L,其細胞呈褐色或褐綠色。明誠橋測站水中藻類共有 4 門 22 種,包含有矽藻門 15 種,測得總數量為115,500 cell/L,藻類數量足夠改變愛河水體顏色(矽藻呈褐色)。 本計畫蒐集與更新(2014至2016年度)環保局各監測站之水質監測數據及藉由現場調查之污染負荷及主流水質水量進行模式率定與驗證,更新原有模式率定之舊年度資料(2011年至2013年),並利用WASP模式分析愛河近年之溶氧、生化需氧量及氨氮之水質項目。計畫更新愛河各測站水質數據資料,每個測點共計約36筆數據,修正原WASP模式依四季進行模式模擬期程劃分,考量河川水質變化主要受降雨量形成之豐枯水期影響顯著,本計畫選擇模式率定與驗證模擬方案為豐枯水季之水質模擬,且豐枯水季之劃分依高雄市氣象資料,由2014至2016年度之實際累積降雨量進行評估,修正結果更能明顯區分豐枯水季之愛河水質模擬差異。微笑礫間系統出流水BOD及NH3-N污染負荷削減模擬成果顯示,微笑礫間出流水BOD削減20%後,微笑礫間放流口下游裕誠橋至龍心橋河段豐枯水季可達輕度污染上限值;當微笑礫間出流水BOD量削減40%後,微笑礫間放流口下游裕誠橋至龍心橋於豐枯水季皆可低於輕度污染上限值,其結果有利於稀釋下游寶珠溝閘門區段水質BOD之污染負荷。NH3-N污染負荷削減策略亦能提升微笑礫間放流口下游(裕誠橋至龍心橋)於豐枯水季之污染指標由嚴重污染降低至中度污染,其模擬成果顯示愛河水體中NH3-N污染物濃度後續應持續關注,因水體中NH3-N去除較具挑戰,本計畫建議可提升愛河水體中之溶氧量,藉由水體自然發生之氨氧化作用提升愛河水體品質。本計畫分析與彙整之愛河流域資料及建置之WASP模式,皆可作為未來愛河流域管理之參考。
中文關鍵字 愛河、流域管理、河川污染指數、水質模擬模式、鄰苯二甲酸酯、多環芳香烴、藻類


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 1521 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/16 專案結束日期 2017/01/15 專案主持人 高志明
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃雅琪 執行單位 國立中山大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度高雄市愛河流域管理計畫.pdf 0MB

The 2016 Love River Basin Management Project, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

英文摘要 In this study, the hydrologic investigation for the Love River were conducted and the recent water monitoring data (2014-2016, EPB, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan) of the Love River were also collected and evaluated. In this study, the sediment samples from the Love river were collected from the upper, mid, and downstream sections to evaluate the heavy metal and organic compound distributions in the sediments. Sediment investigation results show that the organic compound concentrations were lower than the lower level of sediment quality. Compared to the effects range low (ERL) values established by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) had insignificant impact on the aquatics. However, sediment contained higher concentrations of Cu, Zn, Ni, and Hg, which were higher than the lower level of the sediment quality. Moreover, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Hg concentrations were close to the effect range median (ERM) indicating the heavy metals had some impact on the aquatics. Thus, the sediment quality needs to be further investigated and the results can be used to develop the sediment management strategies. The water quality model [Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP)] (developed by USEPA) was applied for the water quality modelling of the Love River. The modelling results were used for pollutant loading calculation, river water quality simulation, and pollution control strategies development. The electric conductivity was applied for the model calibration. Results show that the simulated results matched with the observed data very well. The calibrated WASP model was used for dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) simulation. Results from the box-and-whisker plot analyses also verified that the established model is appropriate for the water quality modelling. Results from the water quality modelling show that the Minzu Bridge (Love River section) had a more significant impact on the Upstream of Love River water quality compared with the Other section. The highest content of BOD and NH3-N was in the Minzu Bridge. For economic reason and operation convenience, the river water treatment plant is better siting by the location of polluted stream as near as possible. Remedial strategies for the Love River water from short-term to long-term were developed. The completion of the Minzu Bridge section (oxidation ditch system, Smile Park) to remove 20% of the point source pollution (BOD & NH3-N) can serve as a short-term goal while 40% of pollutant removal by oxidation ditch system may serve as a mid-term and long-term strategy. Through the analysis of Algae biotechnology it was found that Love River were collected from the upper, mid, and downstream sections have many intrinsic Algae and abundance of microflora. In addition, The total number of algae of the Minzu Bridge to Mingcheng Bridge shows that the total number of algae is 370,920 cell / L and 661,980 cell / L in April 2016. The amount of algae is enough to change the color of the water (brown). Thus, the water quality needs to be further investigated and the results can be used to develop the Love river basin management strategies.
英文關鍵字 River Pollution Index (RPI), Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP), Phthalates (PAEs), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Algae