

中文摘要 本研究團隊於105年度執行之行政院環保署專題委託研究計劃「評估室內空氣污染物及環境影響因子相關性與檢討室內空氣品質管理政策」共分為四個部分,各章節計畫執行過程與成果分別敘述如下:   本案於國內12處賣場、國小及幼兒園等場所進行半揮發性有機化合物(Semi-volatile organic compounds, SVOCs),以鄰苯二甲酸酯(Phthalates, PAEs)與多環芳香烴(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, PAHs)於氣態、空氣懸浮微粒(Particulate Matter, PM2.5)以及地板灰塵中採樣及分析。PAHs結果顯示氣相中總濃度均高於在固相中(PM2.5),其中氣相PAHs以萘之濃度最高且遠高於固相濃度,空氣中萘濃度(含氣態及懸浮微粒)在上述場址測得之平均值(標準差)分別為140(140)、31(37)、42(36) ng/m3。其中空氣懸浮微粒中的PAHs以2~3環較多,5環以上者較少;室內地板灰塵介質內則以3~4環及萘等為主。PAEs結果顯示,氣相PAEs方面,分子量低於<300 g/mol且揮發性較高之PAEs大部分均有測出。空氣懸浮微粒中PAEs種類濃度較集中於分子量300-400 g/mol之間;室內地板灰塵中DIBP、DBP、DEHP、DNOP、DINP與DIDP檢出率高達100%,主要公共場所PAEs暴露量,無論成年人或兒童,其各類PAEs不同暴露途徑(食入、吸入與皮膚接觸)之總暴露量均低於歐盟建立之耐受量。公共場所內PAEs普遍分布於空氣與灰塵中,建議未來於更多室內場所評估新興污染物於室內環境多介質分布及污染來源,為日後訂定室內環境標準之依據。本案針對室內場所雙酚A(BPA)使用情形、濃度分佈、健康毒理等面向,進行資料收集與文獻回顧,並對各國新興污染物源頭管制相關法規與管理制度等進行彙整。   研究以1998-2015年之累積監測數據分析不同時段的採樣策略對室內生物性污染檢測濃度之影響,並分析生物性指標與環境因子、其他污染物指標之相關性,以瞭解其監測結果各自所代表之暴露情境及可能之應用性,做為日後標準化室內生物性污染採樣之參考。經比較單一時間點、日平均及2時段組合做為評估場所室內空間之生物性污染,發現以2時段組合效果最佳,任選兩個時段的測值均超標或均合格時,第3個時段也一樣超標或合格的機率≥ 82%,且細菌與真菌分別於”早上+下午” (89%) 以及”早上+中午” (89%) 時段檢測具有較佳之評估結果,故建議生物性污染之評估策略可改為空間內的兩個監測時段測值均超過法規標準者才視為不合格。另外,參考美國NIOSH之灰塵培養法,建立生物性指標之灰塵培養法,並於國小教室進行實測,空氣與灰塵培養性真細菌濃度分布趨勢不一致,顯示兩種不同介質之生物性污染物質可能分別代表不同狀態的暴露,然未來若要評估指標之適用性,則需再於不同室內環境中同時進行空氣、灰塵培養法之調查,並評估其室內人員之健康效應。   利用2006年至2015年全臺測站PM2.5濃度資料置入GIS Kriging模式推估室外濃度,累計共77點次學校場所調查資料,以年份進行分層分析,結果顯示2012以後推估值與室內PM2.5濃度具顯著相關 (r = 0.37-0.45);進一步以7個發展區置入迴歸模式,結果顯示高屏地區推估值與室內實際量測濃度達顯著相關,以平均值、中位數、最大值PM2.5推估與室內實際量測PM2.5的R2分別為0.74、0.75、0.69,因此高屏地區較適合以GIS kriging模擬推估模式做為未來建置以室外環境濃度預測室內空氣品質之參考工具。此外,根據遭受極端氣候事件前後結果發現室內空氣與灰塵總真菌濃度趨勢一致,即於淹水後2-4周有上升的趨勢,而於淹水後一年有下降的情形,顯示淹水事件後約需一年的時間方能逐漸回復至淹水事件發生前的狀態;2016年9月多個颱風接踵而至造成南臺灣水患頻傳,研究團隊於淹水事件後2-4週內進行環境實測,淹水教室內之真、細菌濃度顯著高於非淹水教室,且於室內環境觀察到明顯的霉斑、水痕,顯示學校場所長期連續遭受淹水事件,使建築物遭受水損害,進而造就微生物有利的生長環境,造成室內人員長時間的暴露,建議擬定有效的清除方案,以降低室內人員危害暴露。   自從臺灣於2011年通過室內空氣品質管理法,成為繼南韓之後第二個明確立法強制管制公共場所室內空氣品質的國家,而國際室內空氣品質相關政策發展趨勢自從2011年後幾乎少有變動,惟加拿大近年新增其管制項目或陸續修訂建議值,如NO2、甲苯、苯、萘等,而澳門自2014年始推行澳門一般公共場所室內空氣質素指引;香港、南韓、中國等開始管制新建/修建之建築或大眾交通運輸工具內的空氣品質。研究團隊彙整並分析團隊前期累積至少15年之公共場所室內空氣品質資料庫(含2013-2015年各縣市環保局之公共場所空氣品質檢測數據),顯示我國執行室內空氣品質管理法以後,公共場所室內空氣品質指標約有0.20%~83.97%的改善,合格率平均增加16.94%;根據室內空氣品質管理法之問卷調查顯示曾經聽過室內空氣品質管理法之比率未達50%,且聽過管理法者也未必能明確掌握主管機關、管制場所、污染物指標等規範內容,民眾曾經聽過或使用過環保署、各縣市環保局室內空氣品質資訊網頁等相關推廣指標約佔3至5成,顯示未來於推廣政策上仍有努力的空間,此外,為瞭解室內空氣品質法施政成效,研究團隊將前述研究成果編撰成施政報告書。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質、揮發性/半揮發性有機物、真/細菌


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-FA18-03-A174 經費年度 105 計畫經費 3920 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/18 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 蘇慧貞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝議輝 執行單位 成功大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA105FA1803A174(公開版).pdf 1MB

Evaluation the effects of environmental factors on indoor air pollutants and the effectiveness of policy enforcement

英文摘要  The EPA project in 2016 was aimed to " Evaluation the effects of environmental factors on indoor air pollutants and the effectiveness of policy enforcement." It is divided into four different parts according to four major purposes, and the results of each section are described as below:   In this study, indoor semi-volatile compounds(including Phthalates (PAEs) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)) partitioning between the gas, particle (PM2.5) and settled dust were investigated in twelve public places (4 shopping stories, 4 primary schools and 4 kindergartens). Results showed that the levels of gaseous PAHs were higher than that for particulate PAHs in all sampling sites. Gaseous PAHs were dominated by naphthalene, which exists almost entirely in the gas phase. The average air concentrations (gas- and particle phase) of naphthalene in shopping stories, primary schools and kindergartens were 140(140), 31(37) and 42(36) ng/m3, respectively. Two- and three-ring PAHs accounted for most of the air PAHs in shopping stories, primary schools and kindergartens, while PAHs in the dust samples were dominated by two- to four-ring PAHs. Results showed that the levels of gaseous, low molecular weight (< 300 g /mol) of high volatility PAEs, most of PAEs such as DEP, DIBP and DBP were detected. The molecular weight between 300 to 400 g/mol. The detection rates for DIBP, DBP, DEHP, DNOP, DINP and DIDP were reached to 100% in all indoor dust samples. The daily intakes (ingestion, inhalation and skin contact) of the target phthalates for adult and children were estimated lower than TDIs of the EU-CSTEE. More research regarding the distributions of SVOCs indoors is needed for the establishment of indoor air standards for those emerging compounds.   We analyzed the data of bioaerosol determined from 1998-2015 to investigate the impacts of the sampling strategies on the different time-based levels of bioaerosols. Moreover, the relationship between airborne bioaerosols and environment factors or other pollutants was also evaluated to understand the impaction of bioaerosols concentration distrbution. This study compared the guidelines to the daily average levels and the levels quantified in a time point (morning, noon, afternoon) and two different time periods. We found the usage of the data from two different time periods was the best indicator. When the concentrations detected in two varied time periods both were higher (or lower) than the standard value, the bioaerosols levels in ≥ 82% of spaces in the third time period were also higher (or lower) than the standard. The best detective time indicator of bacteria and fungi are ‘morning and afternoon’, ‘morning and noon’, respectively. Therefore, we suggest that take two different time periods concentration as the standard to evaluate the indoor air quality instead the greatest levels of the standard value, which may be impacted easily by the short-time sampling and the space environment. Further, we estabilished the dust culturable bioaerosols method after the reviewing the related literature and use sampling strategies in school classroom. The result show that the air and dust culturable concentration have no significant relationship and the distribution are not the same because airborne bacteria and fungi may be more suitable for short-term exposure. But the dust culturable bacteria and fungi may be taken as long-term exposure indicator but we still lack the evidence between the air/ dust culturable indicator and its health effects in Taiwan to evaluate the applicability of determining bacteria and fungi in the air or dust as the exposure indicators.   Using the PM2.5 monitoring data which measured by air pollution station from 2006 to 2015, as a predictor factor to put into the GIS Kriging model to estimate the outdoor concentration around the 77 schools. Then, assessment the association between the estimated concentration and indoor environment surveyed PM2.5 data to evaluate suitability of predictor. The results showed that correlation coefficient of the mean, median and maximum PM2.5 concentration used GIS estimated value, and indoor PM2.5 exposure level is range 0.37-0.45 from 2012-2015. Furthermore, using regression models to assess the R2 by stratified analysis which according to the national spatial planning divided into 7 areas. The results showed that the GIS estimated value in Gao-Ping Area was significantly correlated with the actual indoor concentration, R2 was range from 0.69-0.75. Therefore, it is a suitable tool to use the GIS kriging model to predict the indoor exposure level. In addition, the indoor air and dust concentration distribution of the total fungi indicator had the same trend in household which indoor environment had been suffered before and after the extreme weather events. That is, after flooding we found the high fungi exposure in 2-4 weeks, and the exposure level in a year later decreased which level was closed to the situation before the flood events. In addition, there were 4 typhoons during September to October in 2016 that caused the flooded events frequently in southern Taiwan. Our team detected bioaerosols distribution of the flood and non-flood classroom environment in the three elementary schools within 2-4 weeks. The result showed that the concentration of bacteria and fungi in the flooded classroom was significantly higher than in the non-flooded classroom. Also we observed the obvious mold and water-damage in the indoor environment, indicating that the continuously flooded events caused the water-damage of the building. Then, creating a suitable environment for fungal growthing, and result in the high exposure level. It is recommended that develop an effective clearance methods of indoor bacteria and fungi to reduce indoor microorganism exposure hazards.   After Korea established the Indoor Air Quality Management Act, the government of Taiwan enforced the IAQ Act in 2011/11/23, which was the second country to set up the standards in the world. Canada revised the IAQ Guideline like the naphthalene or benzene guideline after they set up the IAQ Guideline in 1995, and Macau promoted the IAQ Guideline in public places from 2014. Recently, Hong Kong, Korea, China planned to manage the air quality in newly or renew buildings or public transportation. To evalue the effectiveness of policy enforcement, our team reviewed the attainment rate of IAQ level in public buildings from 1998 the 2015 compared with IAQ Standards. The IAQ monitoring data in the public buildings was measured and collected by our team over the past 15 years, and combined with other project of city-/county-level data provided by EPA. As the result, after established the IAQ Management Act, the IAQ in the public places was better in these years, the average of attainment rate of IAQ indicators increased 16.94%. According to the questionnaire survey, people who had once heard the IAQ Management Act is under 50%. Even though had known the Act, they can not fully catch the information about the Act like regulatory authorities, enforced public places, pollutant indicators. Besides, ‘population who had used or heard indoor air quality of Environmental Protection Agency or Environmental Protection Bureau of City/County’ are 30.86%, 29.89%, respectively. Other promotion indicators of the effectiveness rate is range from 30% to 50% that still need more effort in the future in the promotion of policy. To understand the effectiveness of the IAQ Management Act, we collected the above findings into the Policy White Paper.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Air Quality, Volatile/Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds, Fungi/Bacteria