

中文摘要 本計畫依合約規範完成各項量化工作,統計至105年12月31日,各量化工作總進度為100%。105年12月份機車到檢率為70.8%,為歷年最高,若扣除死車,納管率為86.3%。 為促使機車到檢,本計畫除寄發各項通知外,移動站方面導入機車定時定點定檢之概念至村里,本年度執行後,發現白沙鄉公所之成效不佳,其餘二處平均皆可檢驗近16輛機車;另外,提供機車車隊定檢服務,共執行21次合計1,461輛機車檢驗,提升本縣到檢率近3%。 為有效管制離島機車,已連續2年度提前在4、5月執行,其不合格率雖略高於全縣平均值,但因遊客數尚未達高峰,不合格車輛有較多時間改善,故其改善完成率可高達97.8%,較103年度提高15%,亦高於本縣平均不合格改善率90.6%。 統計並比較104年度觀光人數及油品銷售之關係,本縣之觀光曲線在每年11月至隔年1月為最低,2月份常為農曆過年,因此人數率有提升,自每年4月開始,觀光客人數開始增加,至7月達到最高峰後,觀光人數便開始逐漸下降,因此在觀光旺季時,油品銷售量亦隨之增加。而92、95無鉛汽油及超級柴油之銷售量與觀光人數呈高度正相關,98無鉛汽油及漁船用油之銷售量則與觀光人數無關。 在協助二行程機車汰舊補助審查工作方面,計畫目標執行400件,目前已完成600件審查工作,目標達成率100%。此外,協助環保局進行二行程機車汰舊工作,本年度共汰舊二行程機車1,278輛,各式污染減量:PM10 0.79公噸、PM2.5 0,64公噸、NOx 1.34公噸及NMHC10.06公噸。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源、機車排氣檢測、油品抽測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 7290 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/17 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 范遠謙
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳正忠 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105澎湖期末定稿.pdf 10MB

Penhu County Mobile Sources Audition and Control Project, 2016

英文摘要 On motorbike pollution control, according to the data on EPA moter vehicles emission regular test information management system, the rate of Penghu County motor vehicles emission regular test is 70.8%. We revised off-use motor vehicles, the control rate is 86.3%. On diesel vehicle pollution control, those in-use diesel vehicles for which air pollutant emissions are determined through visual determination are all pass. There are 10 diesel vehicles failed to meet the emissions standards in 2016. The failure rate is 3.3%, and less than 5% for 3 consecutive years. In comparison with other local competent authorities, the failure rates are less the same. On sulfur content of diesel supplied for use in transportation vehicles, the failure rate is 2.0% in 2016. There were diesel vehicles which sulfur content of diesel are 994、3,370 and 2,930 ppm. It means they had ever used diesel supplied for use in fishing vessels. On vessel pollution control, non-fishing vessels for which air pollutant emissions being determined through visual determination are also all pass. The audition on sulfur content of diesel supplied for use non-fishing vessels, all vessels complied the standards determined by the central competent authority. In 2016, we reviewed 400 applications for subsidy of fall into disuse of 2-stroke motorbike. There were 1,278 2-stroke motorbikes been discarded. We estimated the reduction of NMHC are 10.1 tonnes/ yr, PM10 is 0.79 ton/ yr, PM2.5 is 0.64 ton/ yr.
英文關鍵字 Mobile Sources, vehicles emission