

中文摘要 依據合約規範工作項目及內容,配合 貴局之要求,於105年度內完成規定之工作項目並提出工作成果報告,每月初提送上月執行成果報表,而各項作業至105年12月31日止,營建工地完成簽立工地自主管理同意書共計78處(年度新增47處)。在道路認養方面,目前累計78處(年度新增47處),洗掃長度達43,635公里,營建工程巡查及稽查共完成5,103處次,空污費共徵收2,286處次,稽催件數達276處次,其餘各項工作1月至12月執行成果依序說明如下: (一)巡查管制作業 統計105年工地污染管制巡查共完成4820次,各月份巡查處次與本計畫執行初期所定之巡查目標相較,累計達成率已達100%。其中各鄉鎮市巡查件數以污染負荷最大地區花蓮市1,284件及吉安鄉982件最多,其次依序為壽豐鄉(501件)及新城鄉(438件)。平均每月巡查件數為402件。以工程類別來看,則以其他工程2,048件與建築(RC)工程1,784件,為主要巡查重點。 就稽查件數統計,目前共稽查283處次,以建築(房屋)工程(RC)佔最多,其次為其他工程。就各鄉鎮之稽查件數統計,以花蓮市及吉安鄉為主要稽查重點區。 105年度花蓮縣施工中的管線工程154處,計畫執行105年共計巡查141處227次,本年度由於現行之人力負荷不足以全面每月每件巡查1次,故針對較大型工程、污染嚴重工程及人口密集區工程掌握共9處,針對此9處工地共巡查66處次,管理辦法皆無缺失,後續將持續管制上述工程管理辦法符合度及工地周圍清潔度。 經查105年1月至12月底花蓮縣管線挖掘資訊服務系統查詢縣府核准施工之案件共367件(中華電信79件、自來水公司248件、台電公司36件、陸軍第二地區支援指揮部補給油料庫泵輸油料分庫4件),皆已申報空污費,後續將持續追蹤申報情形。 為執行營建工地噪音管制,目前本計畫人員至11月底為止建築工程進行75次營建工地噪音主動稽查量測,依據現場主要施工機具進行噪音量測,分別有怪手、吊車、破碎機、預拌車等易發生噪音源之機具,依據法規量測Leq與Lmax,量測結果均符合噪音管制標準,Leq量測範圍在55.8~71.8dB(A)之間,Lmax量測範圍在67.6~98.1dB(A)之間。Lmax值較高之工程大多集中在開挖、佈樁以及拆除作業。 (二)一、二級工程管制率及法規符合度 統計105年之工地共計列管3,346處,其中屬於一級工程有976處,佔總數29%;二級工程有1,755處,佔總數53%;三級工程615處,佔總數18%,而至105年12月底止,針對工程巡查狀況共計巡查2,335處,其中第一級工程共巡查774處,納管率為79%,第二級工程巡查1,217處,納管率為69%,整體花蓮縣營建工程納管率已達70%。 而在法規符合度上,一級法規符合度由105年1月77%提升至12月94%,共提升17%,二級法規符合度由105年1月67%提升至12月92%,共提升25%,將持續加強管制相關工作。 (三)營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收業務 統計自105年1月至12月止,本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費共徵收5,803萬520元,其中以道路工程2,340萬909元最多,佔總徵收金額40.33%,次之其他工程類別繳費1,439萬7,881元,佔總金額24.81%。本縣空污費整體徵收金額逐年上昇,105年相較去年增加110萬8,823元。 以徵收金額來看統計103年至105年12月底止,以104年5月2,826萬2,081元最高,主要為當月申報「台9線蘇花公路中仁隧道接續工程(隧道、橋梁、道路、建築)」,空污費共計2,392萬7,785元,佔當月徵收金額84.35%,其次為以101年11月2,037萬5,235元,金額較其他月份為多,主要為當月申報「台9線蘇花公路中仁隧道及道路新建工程」,空污費共計1,878萬9,498元,佔當月徵收金額92.22%。花蓮縣105年1月至12月申報金額大於10萬之工程,其金額高之原因乃為施工期程較長之大型公共工程為建築及道路工程。 營建工程會因工程種類異動、工期縮短、施工面積減少、合約經費減少、或是停工異動而申請退補費,自105年1月起至12月止,縣境內因合約經費減少異動申請退費的件數最多,合計共有289件,共退費154萬3,321元;其次為因工期縮短申請退費有128件,共退費22萬573元。 (四)營建工程空污費稽催作業 自105年1月起至12月止,由營建工程資料庫系統統計營建空污費申報未依期限繳納者共計有45處工地,分別為其他類工程25件、建築工程(RC)12件、建築(房屋)工程(SRC)4件、道路工程3件、管線工程1件,營建工程空污費加計徵滯納金及利息合計為新台幣37萬8,138元,經人員進行催繳作業後已完成100%到繳。於受理營建工程申報作業,為避免民眾對法令的不瞭解致受罰,或因部分業者因相關單位之預算編列運用延遲所致污染防制措施設施經費顯有不足,除經由承辦科及計畫人員主動電話提醒催繳共計276件,催繳金額為570萬9,865元,經人員進行催繳作業後已完成到繳,催繳率達成100%。 (五)機動車輛噪音管制暨非游離輻射源調查 計畫期間已執行45場次之機動車輛攔檢(查)作業,由警方依據車輛噪音感受程度予以攔查檢測,共計攔檢(查)527輛次,檢測作業相關記錄皆彙整由承辦單位執行後續程序,統一將不合格車輛列為通知到檢對象,同時警方也針對擾人安寧之噪音車依據道路交通管理處罰條例進行舉發開單,共告發機車4輛次,自小客車2輛次。 除依工作項目執行攔檢(查)作業外,並定期依據噪音車檢舉網站及警方寧靜專案資料進行彙整,篩選經陳情之可疑噪音車,協助辦理通知到檢之行政程序及現場檢測作業,計畫期間已執行通知到檢作業共計174輛汽機車,其中72輛為路邊攔查檢及校園稽巡查,噪音車陳情網站警察移入為88輛,外縣市移入則有14輛。 本計畫於本年度(105年)應執行本縣非游離輻射量測作業達100點次以上,計畫期間迄今已完成102點次,新增量測地點共95點次,另有4處基地台已拆除。 (六)創新作法-觀光旅館專案管制 旅館興建專案工程現場調查依據管理辦法進行現場查核及工程現況蒐集,並推估各專區內工程之管制前削減率(依據環保署A2010營建工程管制及收費系統計算)。依據現場調查缺失提出各工程改善方案,制訂改善期、輔導對策及分階段削減率目標。 營建工地資料具有階段性以及時效性,必須藉由每月不斷持續更新及雲端系統回報等才能得到正確的現況資料,因此在資料收集的方法上,要同時考慮既有工地之資料彙整,以及未來新建工地之資料更新兩部分,才能隨時保持工地資料的完整及正確性,提升防止污染源擴散能力,減少污染目的。 透過上述方法充分掌握觀光旅館類營建工地現況,並納入本計畫地方特性管制目標項目做法,及相關類型地工管制的規劃方法及措施展現,做為未來持續性管制的參考模式,以突顯出執行成果及效益。 自105年3月推行以來至今,23處工地削減率由平均60%提升至65%,除了維持平均削減率60%以外,並透過車行路徑、裸露地、結構體防塵網等加強查核,透過資料庫統計顯示,在管辦減量成效上在向上提升5%,換算減量成果TSP污染物削減量65.32公噸、PM10污染物削減量為36.29公噸、PM2.5污染物削減量為11.12公噸。 為了增加工地減污能力道路洗掃是最容易推動減污目標,而工地在施工中往往無法能落實防制設施的操作,為了達成實際減量工作,並以零排放概念為基本要求,在工程施作上會要求工地結合認養道路洗掃,避免因防制操作不當而使工區外道路產生污染,推動從今年3月至12月底止,經巡查認定需進行道路洗掃工程共有12處,合計洗掃公里數為2,202公里,平均每月洗掃220.2公里,依據環保署道路洗掃減量公式推算,在削減量的達成上分別為TSP 30.39公噸、PM10 5.73公噸、PM2.5 1.34公噸。 105年12月31日止,累計TSP削減量為95.71公噸,PM10削減量為42.02,PM2.5削減量為12.46公噸。 (七)細懸浮微粒減量措施及減量成果 依據環保署空保處109年細懸浮微粒PM2.5減量模擬分析及管制對策方向建議,針對第一級營建工程執行管制,透過稽巡查管制小組執行營建工程施工作業現況及法規指定應採行防制設施之查核,針對缺失工程加強輔導及複查,以提昇法規符合度,主要執行方案包括:1.缺失改善勸導 2.污染防制宣導 3.稽查裁處及改善複查 4.主動協商 5.電話聯絡 統計105年共巡查4,820件,在一級工程共巡查1,939件,其中巡查零缺失共有1,307件(佔67%),二級工程共2,397件巡查零缺失共1570件(佔66%),在記點缺失項目中,主要以圍籬設置不完整及主體防塵網設置不足等為常見缺失項目,其中PM10削減量已達到912公噸,換算PM2.5削減量為182公噸。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、空氣污染、污染防制、噪音管制、非游離輻射


專案計畫編號 105-2-05 經費年度 105 計畫經費 8940 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃筱潔 葉家寰 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


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期末報告 摘要.pdf 0MB

2016 Annual Hualien County Construction Project Audit and Noise Control Plan

英文摘要 According to the contract work plan and content, in line with your request, in 2016 years to complete the provisions of the work of the project and put forward the results of the report, the beginning of each month to submit the results of the implementation of the report last month, and the operation to December 31, , The construction site to complete the signing of the site to complete a total of 78 local consent (47 new year). In the area of ​​road adoption, the current total of 78 (47 new year), cleaning length of 43,635 km, construction inspection and inspection completed a total of 5,103 times, air pollution charges were collected 2,286 times, the number of reminders up to 276 The results of the remaining operations from January to December are as follows: (1)Inspection and control operations Statistics 2016 site pollution control inspection completed a total of 4820 times, the month of inspection and the implementation of the project scheduled for the initial inspection target compared to the cumulative rate reached 100%. Among them, 1,284 pieces of Hualien City and 982 pieces of Ji'an Township were the largest in the largest townships, followed by Shoufeng Township (501 cases) and new urban and rural areas (438). The average number of visits per month is 402 pieces. In the case of the engineering category, 1,784 pieces of other works, 2,048 and construction (RC) projects, were the main focus of the inspection. According to the statistics of the number of statistics, the current total inspection 283 times to the construction (housing) project (RC) accounted for the largest, followed by other projects. The number of inspection and inspection of the township, Hualien City and Ji'an Township as the main audit key areas. 2016 annual Hualien County in the construction of the pipeline project 154, the implementation of the plan in 2016 a total of 141 227 times this year due to the current manpower load is not enough to conduct a monthly inspection of each one, so for larger projects, serious pollution And the densely populated area project to master a total of 9, for this 9 sites were patrol 66 times, management practices are missing, follow-up will continue to control the project management approach compliance and site cleanliness around. According to the investigation from January to December at the end of December 2015 Hualien County pipeline excavation information service system query county government approved the construction of a total of 367 cases (79 Chinese medicine, water company 248, Taipower 36, the second army support headquarters supply Oil reservoir pump oil sub-sub-4), have declared air pollution charges, follow-up will continue to track the declaration of the situation In order to carry out the construction site noise control, the project staff to the end of November to the construction project 75 times the construction site noise active inspection and measurement, according to the main construction equipment for noise measurement, respectively, strange, cranes, crusher, And the measurement results are in line with the noise control standards, Leq measurement range between 55.8 ~ 71.8dB (A), Lmax measurement range of 67.6 ~ 98.1 in the range of 67.6 ~ 98.1 DB (A). Larger values ​​of the project are mostly concentrated in the excavation, pile and demolition (2)First, two project control rate and regulatory compliance Statistics of the site in 2016 a total of 3346, of which there are 976 first-level projects, accounting for 29% of the total; secondary projects have 1,755, accounting for 53% of the total; 615 projects, accounting for 18% of the total, and to 2016 At the end of December, a total of 2335 inspections were conducted for the inspection of the works. Among them, the first level of the project was inspected at 774, the management rate was 79%, the second grade inspection was 1217, the management rate was 69%, the overall Hualien County Construction Project management rate has reached 70%. In the regulatory compliance, the compliance rate of the first-class regulations increased from 77% in January 2016 to 94% in December, a total increase of 17%, two regulatory compliance from January 2016 to 67% in December to 92% 25% increase, will continue to strengthen the control related work. (3)Construction of air pollution control fee levy business Statistics from January 2016 to December only, the county construction of air pollution control costs collected a total of 58030520 yuan, of which the road works 23400909 yuan up to the total amount of 40.33% of the collection, followed by other engineering categories to pay 143907881 yuan, accounting for The total amount of 24.81%. The county's air pollution charges the amount of the overall increase year by year, compared to last year increased by 110,882 yuan in 2016. To collect the amount of statistics from the end of December 2003 to the end of December 2016, to May the highest in May 2008 28262081 yuan, mainly for the month to declare "Taiwan 9 line Suhua Road in the tunnel tunnel project (tunnel, bridge, road, building)" , The total amount of air pollution charges 23927785 yuan, accounting for the amount of 84.35% of the month, followed by 101 November 2011 203,235 yuan, the amount of more than the other month, mainly for the month to declare "Taiwan 9 line Suhua Road in the tunnel and the road construction ", Air pollution charges total 18789498 yuan, accounting for the amount of 92.22% of the month levy. Hualien County from January to December 2016 to declare the amount of more than 100,000 projects, the high amount of the reasons for the construction period is longer long-term large-scale public works for the construction and road works. Construction projects will be due to changes in the types of works, shorten the construction period, the construction area decreased, the contractual reduction, or downtime to apply for a refund fee, from January 2016 to December only, the county due to reduction in contract fees The total number of the largest, a total of 289, a total of 1543,321 yuan refund; followed by the short period due to apply for a refund of 128, a total withdrawal of 220,573 yuan. (4)Construction of air pollution charges to remind the operation From January 2016 to December only, by the construction of the project database system to build air pollution fee declaration does not pay the time limit to pay a total of 45 sites, respectively, 25 other projects, construction (RC) 12, 4 pieces of construction (housing) project (SRC), 3 road works, 1 pipeline project, air pollution fee plus levy and interest total of NT $ 378138, and 100% to 100 pay. In order to avoid the public's lack of understanding of the decree, or because some of the industry due to the budget of the relevant units to use the delay caused by the pollution control measures facilities are inadequate, except for the contractor and the program staff Active telephone reminder call a total of 276, the amount of 5709865 yuan, the commissioned by the staff after the completion of the payment to the call, the call rate reached 100%. (5)Investigation on Noise Control and Non - free Radiation Source of Motor Vehicles During the planning period, 45 motor vehicle inspection (investigation) operations have been carried out. The police have been detected by the police according to the noise level of the vehicle. A total of 527 vehicles have been checked and checked. The relevant records of the inspection operations are carried out by the organizer. Procedures, unified unqualified vehicles as a notice to the inspection object, while the police also for disturbing the noise of the noise car under the road traffic management regulations issued a bill, a total of four locomotives, since the small bus 2 times. In addition to the work of the implementation of the project to intercept (investigation) operations, and regularly based on the noise car reported website and the police quiet project information for the collection, screening by the suspicious noise car, to help notify the inspection of the administrative procedures and on-site inspection operations During the painting, there were a total of 174 motor locomotives, of which 72 were roadside inspections and campus inspections, and the police moved into 88, and 14 were moved outside the county. The program will be implemented in this year (2016) should be the implementation of the county non-free radiation measurement operations up to 100 points or more, the program has been completed so far 102 points, the new measurement sites a total of 95 points, and another four bases Taiwan has been removed. (6)Innovative practices - tourist hotel project control Construction of the project site construction site investigation According to the management method of on-site inspection and project status collection, and to estimate the project within the pre-regulatory reduction rate (according to the EPD A2010 construction project control and charging system calculation). According to the lack of on-site investigation of the project improvement program, to develop improvement period, counseling strategies and phased reduction rate target. The construction site information is stage and timeliness. It is necessary to obtain the correct status information by continuously updating the monthly and the return of the cloud system. Therefore, in the method of data collection, we should consider the data collection of the existing site and the future The new site of the information update in two parts, in order to keep the site information at any time the integrity and correctness, to enhance the ability to prevent the proliferation of pollution sources to reduce pollution Through the above methods, we will fully grasp the current situation of the construction site of the tourist class and incorporate the planning and implementation of the local project control objectives and the planning methods and measures of the relevant types of geotechnical control as a reference model for future sustainable control to highlight Implementation results and benefits. Since the implementation of March 2016, 23 site reduction rates have been raised from an average of 60% to 65%, in addition to maintaining an average reduction rate of 60%, and through the car path, bare ground, structural dust network to strengthen the inspection, through Database statistics show that the reduction in the effectiveness of the management of the increase of 5%, conversion reduction TSP pollutant reduction of 65.32 tons, PM10 pollutant reduction of 36.29 metric tons, PM2.5 pollutant reduction of 11.12 metric tons. In order to increase the site of sewage abatement capacity Road cleaning is the most likely to promote pollution reduction targets, and the construction site is often unable to implement the operation of the control facilities, in order to achieve the actual reduction work, and zero emission concept as the basic requirements, Will be required to apply for the construction site combined with the road cleaning, to avoid improper operation due to improper control of the road outside the work area to promote pollution from the beginning of March this year to the end of December, the inspection required to carry out a total of 12 road cleaning project, Washing the number of kilometers is 2202 km, the average monthly wash 220.2 km, according to the EPD road wash reduction formula projections, in the reduction of the amount of TSP 30.39 December 31, 2016, the cumulative TSP reduction of 95.71 metric tons, PM10 reduction of 42.02, PM2.5 reduction of 12.46 metric tons. (7)Fine floating particles reduction measures and reduction results According to the environmental protection department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the detailed analysis of the PM2.5 reduction and the control measures of the fine particulate matter in the year of 1998, the implementation of the construction of the construction and operation of the first-level construction project shall be carried out by the inspection and control team. The implementation of the facilities of the audit, for the lack of engineering to strengthen counseling and review to enhance compliance with the law, the main implementation of the program include: 1. Lack of improvement to persuade 2. Pollution prevention and control 3. Examining and improving review 4. active consultation 5. telephone contact A total of 4,820 inspections were conducted in 2016, 1,939 inspections were conducted at the first level, of which 1,307 were missing (67%) of the total number of inspections, and 2,570 inspections were missing 2,157 (66%) Missing items, mainly to the fence is not complete and the main air filter network settings such as the lack of common missing items, including PM10 reduction has reached 912 tons, converted PM2.5 reduction of 182 metric tons.
英文關鍵字 Construction engineering, air pollution, pollution control, noise control, non - free radiation