

中文摘要 2015年南部縣市登革熱疫情嚴重爆發,居高不下,故政府進行105年嘉南地區戶外登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除監控計畫,進行嘉義縣4鄉鎮與臺南市6行政區,登革熱病媒蚊監控、孳生源清除、衛生教育宣導、問卷工作及辦理專家諮詢會議。監控結果顯示,4月至11月底以來,嘉義地區陽性率偏高,誘集蚊種皆為白線斑蚊。臺南市東區和平里及永康區中興里、新營區大宏里的陽性週數有18及14、14週,為最高。埃及斑蚊比例偏高的里有北區六甲及延平里、南區新興里及中西區民生、民權里,其中,新興里的埃及斑蚊比例高達94.0%。由上述結果而得之埃及斑蚊比例較高之區域,可作為防治量能投入之參考,使防治工作更有效率。另本計畫完成嘉南地區3,581處之針對孳生源巡查記錄,並將有孳生源之地點(共244處)上傳Ecolife手機巡檢/通報系統通報當地清潔隊處理,或由巡檢人員自行進行清除。對民眾進行登革熱防治之知識、態度及行為之問卷調查部分,共739份,結果顯示大多數民眾清楚登革熱由蚊子叮咬傳染但只有39.0%民眾清楚知道病媒蚊於白天叮咬人,未來需加強民眾對病媒蚊叮咬時機的觀念;對登革熱病媒蚊的防治行為方面,民眾在戶內外有積水容器僅22.6%,但每週定期清洗倒乾淨者有60.4%,未來需加強衛教民眾增加清除積水容器的頻率,減少孳生源。本計畫亦於七月及十一月辦理二場專家諮詢會議,並提供本計畫的監控資料、方法及內容給予意見及建議未來登革熱監測及孳清工作的方向。
中文關鍵字 登革熱、病媒蚊、孳生源清除


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-J101-02-A186 經費年度 105 計畫經費 1950 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/29 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 黃紹毅
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 鄭志文 執行單位 國立中興大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年嘉南地區戶外登革熱病媒蚊孳生源清除監控計畫.pdf 5MB

Cleanliness campaignand surveillance program of outdoor dengue vector breeding sources in Chiayi and Tainan areas in Taiwan, 2016.

英文摘要 In September 2015, the dengue fever outbreak occurredin southern Taiwan; therefore, to effectively reduce the sources of dengue vectors, the government conducted Cleanliness campaign and surveillance program of outdoor dengue vector breeding sources in 4 townships of Chiayi and 6 districts of Tainan in Taiwan, 2016. This project was conducted in surveillance of dengue vectors with ovitraps, cleanliness campaign, health education and questionnaire survey and to organize conferences with experts.The results shows positive ovitrap rates remained at a high level at Chiayi City from Apr. to Nov., and all the vectors detected are Aedes albopictus. The surveillance using ovitraps at Heping Vil. of East Dist., Chunghsing Vil. of Yongkang Dist. and Dahong Vil. of Sinying Dist. of Tainan City showed that positive rate was over 20% for 18, 14 and 14 weeks, respectively. The Ae. aegypti rate in LiouJia Vil. and YanPing Vil. of North Dist., SinSing Vil. of South Dist., MinSheng Vil.and MinQuanVil. were high, especially in SinSing Vil.(94.0%). The results of high risk regions provide a reference for application of prevention and control resources, and hoping to make prevention and control measures more efficiently.We recorded 3,581 potential mosquito breeding sites, and uploaded the recordings to Ecolife APP, which can notify the responsible cleanup crews for cases reported in its jurisdiction.In addition, we completed 739 questionnaires and randomly selected the residents lived in Chiayi and Tainan for realizing the public’s knowledge, attitude and behavior for the dengue control program. Almost all residents knew mosquitoes transmit dengue fever, but only 39.0% of residents knew the dengue vector biting was in the daytime. Health education might have to emphasize on dengue vector biting timing. Residents had water-filled containers in the indoor and outdoor environments were only 22.6%. In the behaviors of cleaning water-filled containers regularly every week, there were 60.4%. It will be necessary to educate residents to remove unused containers for reducing these resources of dengue vectors.Conferences were held in Jul. and Nov., experts provided some positive suggestions for this program, including methods, surveillance, cleanliness campaign and future programs.
英文關鍵字 dengue fever, mosquito vectors, cleanliness campaign