

中文摘要 本計畫之執行係為持續推動高雄市低碳永續家園推動辦公室之運作,推動因應氣候變遷與城市之綠色轉型相關工作,包含研擬高雄市低碳永續相關作為及計畫管考、永續經營運作機能之維運,以及藉由推動市轄內各層級參與環保署評比認證制度,展現高雄市所累積之永續方案成果。 配合高雄市低碳永續家園政策在社區之推動,協助轄內社區提高社區電力自主能力,計畫針對所收集之名單完成社區建置可行性及建置效益評估,由環保局核定予龍目及崙港社區作為本年度社區示範型太陽能光電系統之輔導對象,由計畫完成系統建置工作,推估年減碳量約為6,357 kg CO2e,此外更進一步辦理教育宣導等,期藉示範點之設置達吸引社區民眾共同參與之擴大效益。 在針對市轄內社區之各項輔導作業上,計畫已完成5處具潛力社區:田尾社區、復安社區、竹西社區、舊港社區及竹寮社區,以及2處核心社區與其鄰近社區之行動項目建置作業,推動項目包含推動牆面植生或綠籬、舊建築物節能改善、推廣使用電動機車及雨水貯留再利用等,總計1年可省下47,131 kgCO2e之碳排放量。計畫也完成輔導2個區及165個社區取得低碳永續家園入圍認證,並進一步協助6個區及19個里達銅級(含5處具潛力社區),同時完成高雄市銅級認證之目標。 為使社區更清楚了解低碳永續工作,本年度除了藉由辦理4場次低碳永續相關教育訓練,讓各單位了解低碳永續家園認證制度,進而協助參與入圍及銅級認證工作,另選定2處特色社區進行觀摩,依社區型態安排觀摩主題,分別為台南市文南社區(都市型綠化空間營造)及高雄市大田社區(鄉村型資源再利用),藉此強化各社區代表對低碳永續之概念,並藉由刊登以「區里作伙推低碳、銅級榮耀網讚嘆--鳥松區、永安區、六龜區、茂林區及桃源區獲選為環保署低碳永續家園評比銅級認證,由陳菊市長頒獎公開表揚」為主題之媒體宣導廣告,展現本市認證成果並鼓勵其他單位共同參與。此外,更以社區特色環保產品作為宣導品,並以各社區低碳執行成果製作宣導手冊,藉社區成果宣導環保理念,提升各社區學習效法之意願,共同推動低碳永續家園。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、永續經營、社區輔導、低碳永續家園認證制度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 5143 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/24 專案結束日期 2016/11/30 專案主持人 黃美倫
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王重文 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度高雄市低碳永續家園運作體系與執行成效管考計畫.pdf 15MB

Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Operation system and Management and Evaluation Program for Kaohsiung City in 2016

英文摘要 The implementation of this project is to continuously help operate the Sustainable Low Carbon Homeland Office in Kaohsiung City, and to execute work related to climate change as well as green city transference. The content of implementation includes developing actions of sustainable low carbon project for Kaohsiung city, managing and investing actions and plans, maintaining the operating function of sustainable management, and convincing as well as supporting bureaus and offices in the Kaohsiung city into participating in Environmental Protection Administration Certification system in order to perform the results from implementing sustainable projects. The project coordinates with that of Sustainable Low Carbon Homeland policy in Kaohsiung city on the community level, and assist communities in improving their ability of self-supplied electricity. The project targets the lists of communities collected and investigates on communities’ feasibility as well as evaluates the benefits of setting plans on those sites. Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government approves that Long-mu and Lun-gang are two communities which are counseled as to the demonstration of solar power system this year, and it is the project’s duty to help accomplish the setting of the system. It is estimated that the annual reduction of carbon emission will be 6357 kg CO2e out of this action. In addition, the project also promotes educational propaganda, hoping that the setting of this demonstration site will expand the scale of participation in communities. As for the counseling for communities, the project has accomplished the setting of action plans for 5 potential communities—Tian-wei, Fu-an, Zhu-xi, Jiu-gang, Zhu-liao—and other two core communities along with their neighborhood communities. The action plans include growing greens along the walls or setting green fences, improving energy saving ability of old buildings, promoting the use of electric motorbikes, retaining and reusing rain water, and so on. It is estimated that the annual reduction of carbon emission will be 47,131 kgCO2e. The project has also counseled 2 districts and 165 communities in accessing the Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification, helping another 6 districts and 19 villages reach copper certification (5 potential communities included). Meanwhile, achieving the goal of reaching copper certification for Kaohsiung City. In order to let communities get a clear vision of work related to low carbon sustainability, the project held 4 educational training so that every unit can fully understand Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification system and assist in accessing the certification as well as reaching copper certification. In addition, two featured communities are chosen for visiting and arranging tours according to the specific types of these communities. They are Wen-nan community in Tainan for ‘green space creation in cities’, and Da-tian community in Kaohsiung city for ‘reusing recycled resources in countries.’ Through these two featured cities, it is hoped that the concept of low carbon sustainability can be delivered and strengthened for each community representative. Also, the project publishes media advertisement titled ‘Congratulations—Niao-song, Yong-an, Liu-gui, Mao-lin and Tao-yuan districts winning cooper certification of Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification from Environmental Protection Bureau! Mayor of Kaohsiung City rewarded and praised publicly.’ The results of certification can be showcased in the advertisement, and it is also a good way to encourage other units to take part in the project. Furthermore, the project uses environmental-friendly products featuring the communities as products for propaganda. The project also makes propaganda brochures out of the results of implementation of each community on low carbon sustainability, promoting environmental concepts via the results of communities. In doing so, it is hoped that communities are willing to learn from others and promote Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland together.
英文關鍵字 Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland, Sustainable Management, Community Counseling, Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification Mechanism