

中文摘要 依據臺灣排放量資料統計,機動車輛(移動污染源)排放的廢氣是各類空氣污染物排放總量重要來源之一,由於世界衛生組織業於101年正式將柴油廢氣列為第一級致癌物,因此,管制柴油車廢氣排放已成為施政重點之一,也為環保署近年14+N的重要推動項目之一。 為配合環保署政策,本計畫執行柴油車加裝濾煙器實車運行,並進行效益評估,主要工作為辦理30輛垃圾車加裝濾煙器及後續示範運行作業,執行作業包含每3個月或2,500公里進行一次檢測及定期進行維護保養及維修作業,經估算執行成果,每年可削減PM10約192.1公斤及PM2.5約162.0公斤。 有鑑於各縣市在示範運行時,遭遇包含駕駛未定時再生、油箱進水、再生失敗頻率高及濾芯破損等等問題,本套系統於計畫初期進行過系統設計及材質改善,以避免前述問題,並設計為全自動再生系統,不需駕駛者執行再生作業,大幅增加系統使用的便利性及減少報修頻率。車輛於累計行駛2小時及冷車4小時後,啟動引擎時即自動進行再生,再生時間視各車輛行駛情形統計設定為180秒及240秒,均可在熱車時間完成,減少對勤務的影響。 計畫期間有3輛加裝濾煙器後的車輛,進行功能測試時馬力減損並遭退驗,為了解是濾煙器系統或車輛本身老舊引起,本計畫於106年11月2日選定其中1輛車進行檢測,但當日車輛馬力又回復正常,且去除率亦符合規定,檢測結果顯示濾煙器並不一定是造成馬力減損的原因。 由本計畫執行之垃圾車加裝濾煙器運行結果,濾煙器的安裝的確有其減量效益,但對於車輛馬力減損或設備耐久性等問題仍需廠商投入更多的研發,找出更好的解決方案,以利於未來擴大推動。
中文關鍵字 濾煙器、垃圾車、濾芯再生


專案計畫編號 104-039 經費年度 105 計畫經費 6300 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/03 專案結束日期 2018/02/02 專案主持人 黃玉玫
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃世達 執行單位 衛宇科投股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 全文(上傳).pdf 22MB 期末報告

A pilot plan of installing Diesel Particulate filter on Garbage trucks in Nantou County for Year 2015

英文摘要 The project began on 3rd Feb., 2016 and ended on 2nd Feb., 2018. The work items in this project included to screen old garbage trucks in Nantou County which were suitable for installing Diesel Particulate filter(DPF), then installing DPF on these old garbage trucks and let these trucks executed their duty as usual. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the removal efficiency of the device to remove diesel particulate matter or soot from the exhaust gas of different diesel engines. And see if the system would benefit the trucks by reducing air pollutants emission as well as running well on the road. An annual emission reduction of 192.1 kg and 162 kg for PM10 and PM2.5 each were estimated for the two-year plan. The Diesel Particulate filter is made of cordierite (a ceramic material that is also used as catalytic converter supports (cores)). Filters require maintenance which means to go through a regeneration process which removes this soot and lowers the filter pressure. The devices designed a active regeneration system and burn out the soot and ashes, then let the trucks drive on the road as usual. This on-board active systems use gas fuel as an extra fuel and initiates when the rest time reaches 4 hours and driving time accumulates 2 hours. The default value of regeneration time is 120 or 240 seconds depending on the duty types. 30 trucks joined this pilot project. They were chosen based on the production year, horsepower and truck space. They were installed DPFs and performed periodical tests when the truck ran 2500 km or every three months during the project period. The periodical tests were performed to check the loss of horsepower and removal efficiency of DPFs. Three trucks encountered huge horsepower losses during this period. We picked one of them to do a series check of its engine function, but the horsepower was back to normal and the removal efficiency of PDFs was fine. The test results show that the installation of DPF isn’t the main reason of huge horsepower losses of the chosen trucks.
英文關鍵字 Diesel particulate filter, Garbage trucks, Diesel particulate filter regenaration