

中文摘要 環保署於105年12月1日起實施新制空氣品質指標(AQI),依據各空氣污染物濃度對健康影響程度區分為6等級,藉由單一指標及顏色,提供民眾簡單、清楚的空氣品質資訊,使其能更有效採取防護措施。全國AQI>100比率自103年26.2%降低至105年19.3%,其中細懸浮微粒年平均濃度自103年23.5 μg/m3降低至105年20.0 μg/m3改善率達15%。綜合105年空氣污染防制成果,在各級環保機關持續努力下,AQI>100比率及各污染物濃度皆為近年最佳。 掌握過去十年環保署空氣品質測站濃度變化趨勢,各污染物年平均濃度以SO2改善率達35%最明顯,我國SO2最大排放來源為含硫燃料燃燒過程所排放,推估各類燃料SOx排放量逐年減少,全國一般測站SO2年平均濃度隨之下降,顯示環保署燃料硫含量加嚴政策已發揮成效。 透過解析全國前十大濃度高值測站找出重點改善區域,104年污染物超過限值前三大測站:PM2.5為竹山站、斗六站、小港站;PM10為楠梓站、仁武站、前金站;O3為林園站、潮州站、左營站,可作為優先管制執行區域參考。104年SO2小時濃度異常主要發生在大寮站夜間至清晨時段,北風至東風來的污染源機率偏高。104年NO2小時濃度異常主要發生在新店站,土城站,板橋站,三重站,永和站,主要來自交通污染源,並與大氣擴散不良相關。 配合實施新制AQI指標,協助修正空品不良通報程序,建立查處回報制式表單,量化應變措施成果,累計執行通報超過500次,以高屏及雲嘉南空品區最多,完成每季應變通訊錄更新確保通報管道暢通。 協助研修緊急應變防制辦法,完成美國、歐盟、日本、韓國、法國巴黎等國際空氣品質應變管制啟動門檻與應變措施蒐集,近年國際緊急應變之管制策略多以移動源管制為重點,已納入我國緊急應變防制辦法中,並協助召開三場次交流研商會議、兩場次北部公聽會與四場次中南部公聽會。 參考美國、日本及加拿大之研究,針對AQI_PM2.5(24小時值)各等級分界點濃度,分析對應之小時值濃度,AQI_PM2.5=100及150對應之小時值分別為54μg/m3與80μg/m3,現行預警以24小時移動平均值判定,參考小時值可提前預測24小時值濃度是否有機會達發布警告等級,作為提前準備相關應變措施之參考。 依據「空氣污染防制計畫」審查修正重點,提供環保署22個縣市初審意見,包括納入清淨空氣計畫、最新排放清冊基準年排放量版本、管制策略減量計算檢視、各策略至108年所需經費統計、因應PM2.5防制區公告須配合事項等。減量計算檢視部分,常見不合理減量來源包括巡查、油品抽測、不合格調修、提升納管率、道路洗掃長度等減量,每年減量百分比超過10%者,優先確認其管制策略實質減量之合理性。 本計畫已於105年9月完成召開氣膠研討會;完成編製104年及105年空氣污染防制總檢討;定期蒐集國外空氣品質管理策略與最新消息,提供各國家與城市最新管制策略供環保署採納,提供OECD「美好生活指數」空氣污染指標資料與分析最新環境績效指標(EPI)資訊,持續與國際有關單位保持連繫;完成空氣品質管理法規書編製與宣導文宣品設計,並定期更新維護空保處網頁,提供相關工作、會議等行政及技術支援。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、空氣品質指標、緊急應變措施


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-FA18-03-A179 經費年度 105 計畫經費 7850 千元
專案開始日期 2016/05/19 專案結束日期 2017/05/18 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 簡大詠 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-105-FA18-03-A179.pdf 29MB

Analysis scenario of air quality trends.

英文摘要 The new Air Quality Index (AQI) was implemented on December 1 2016, with pollution levels falling into 6 categories, with each level representing a different concentration of polluting particles. Individual indicators and a colouring system are used to provide simple information to the public which in turns helps them take preventative measures to remain healthy. In fact, the national overall AQI > 100 ratio has dropped from 26.2% in 2014 to 19.3% in 2016 and is continually improving. This is owing to environmental protection authorities at all levels making continued efforts to reduce air pollution each year. Accordingly, the average concentration of PM2.5 also decreased, as it was 20.0 μg/m3 in 2016 in comparison to 23.5 μg/m3 in 2014, illustrating a marked improvement. In conclusion, both the AQI >100 ratio and pollutant concentration in 2016 are at a lower level when compared to recent years. The air quality data for past 10 years show SO2 has highest 35% improvement among all pollutants, and it’s possible the major SOx emission source (sulfur fuel combustion) which decrease year by year to cause the annual concentration dropped. We analyze top 10 polluted areas, including top 3 are Zhushan, Douliu and Xiaogang for PM2.5; Nanzih, Renwu and Cianjin for PM10; Linyuan, Chaozhou and Zuoying for O3 to be considered as priority control areas. The SO2 abnormal high concentration in 2015 often occurred in Daliao between night and early morning within the wind between north and east. The NO2 abnormal high concentration in 2015 often occurred in Hsintien, Tucheng, Banqiao, Sanchong and Yonghe due to traffic emission and poor air diffusion. After AQI was implemented, we assisted to amend emergency notification procedures, design report form. Over 500 notifications are sent to local governments via our online inform system (contact lists update every 3 months), including Kao-Ping and Yun-Chia-Nan with the most times. To collect the information of international control regulations to amend the regulation of Emergency Management for the Prevention of Air Quality Deterioration, such as the United States, Japan, South Korea, Paris. For recent years, most countries focused their control measures on mobile emission sources; moreover, three expert exchange workshops, two public hearings in Taipei and four public hearings in central and south Taiwan were held under our assistances. We also take the United States, Japan and Canada’s researches as references to estimate AQI_PM2.5-hr (current AQI_PM2.5 calculation is based on 24-hr concentration). The result shows AQI_PM2.5-hr=100 and 150 correspond to 54 μg/m3 and 80 μg/m3, and it helps us estimate the possibilities of AQI_PM2.5-24hr to reach emergency response level. Preliminary reviews of SIPs for 22 local governments were finished according to EPA guidelines for SIP revisions, including Clean Air Action Plan, latest TEDS version, control measures reduction calculation method and so on. As for reduction calculation review, unreasonable calculation includes inspection, oil sampling, the lengths of washing and sweeping streets and so on. It’s the priority to review the reduction over 10% within a single year. The project also accomplished as follows: 1. “International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology (ICAST)” was held in September 2016. 2. “The Annual Assessment Report of the Air Pollution Control in Taiwan for 2015” and “The Annual Assessment Report of the Air Pollution Control in Taiwan for 2016” were compiled. 3. Collect and provide latest international air quality management and strategies to EPA. 4. Make analysis for data from OECD’s Your Better Life Index, Yale University’s Environmental Performance Index and keep contact with related personnel. 5. Complete the manual of the air quality management regulations and design propaganda materials. 6. EPA’s websites for air quality protection is maintained in regular and other relevant major tasks such as conferences administrative and technical support are completed.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5、Air Quality Index (AQI)、Emergency Response Measures