

中文摘要 本計畫工作項目包含:空品分析及空品不良之應變檢討,環境背景資料及污 染排放量更新,管制策略檢討與修訂、空污執行計畫追蹤管考,排放源、空品測 站及道路揚塵檢測與監測,空品淨化區管理及查核,中元普渡紙錢減量宣導及提 供行政技術協助等。 統計103~105 年間,新北市AQI≦50 比例平均值為40%,以105 年48%為最 佳;而近三年AQI>100 比例平均值為12%,也持續下降中,趨勢顯示空品呈現逐 步改善;發現空品不良事件日立即負責通報各計畫及相關單位執行應變作業,並 將應變結果回報環保局及撰寫檢討報告;依據環保署TEDS9.0(102 年基準年)進行 排放資料庫更新發現,各污染源排放結構中,營建/道路揚塵是粒狀物主要來源, 分別占PM10 及PM2.5 排放量之59%及34%;SOx、NMHC 主要排放源為工業排放, 分別占排放量67%及34%;CO 部分移動污染源排放量占全市90%以上。 另移動污染源是PM2.5、NOx及NMHC 主要排放源,分別占33%、68%及29%, 在新北市六類污染排放量中以機動車輛最高,分析不同車種之排放量,柴油車排 放PM2.5 及NOx 分別占全市15%及41%,其中以大客車及大貨車比例最大,為應 優先管制對象。在機車排放量部分,二行程機車PM2.5、NOx 及NMHC 排放占比 分別為2%、0%及3%,四行程機車則為5%、6%及16%顯示二行程機車管制部分 已經有相當良好成效,且將持續推動,對於改善空品有極大助益。 檢測及監測部分;本計畫除完成5 根次煙道PM2.5 實際檢測外,也彙整出歷 年各行業別檢測濃度現況及FPM 主要成分分析,在檢測濃度FPM 部分,同一行 業別、相同污染防治設備下差異不大;但CPM 部分則有很大差異,顯見影響PM2.5 排放因子相當多元化且複雜,而成分特性也確實可以反出行業別操作特性。空品 測站PM2.5 監測,對土城及新店二處進行六次環境空氣監測,並與當時自動監測數 值進行比對,計算合理迴歸公式。對於特定測站評估工作部分,延續過去林口、 新莊測站專案稽查管制工作,從監測數據檢討發現,過去PM2.5 夜間異常高值現象 已不復存在,管制成效相當良好。同時也發現林口電廠新機組運轉後對鄰近測站 空品影響不顯著;而發現土城光化測站甲苯濃度有異常偏高趨勢,除移動源影響 外,依據目前數據分析,應是有受到固定源使用甲苯排放影響,建議應結合固定 源計畫及稽查科,針對測站附近主要排放源加強排放清查工作。 管制策略研訂部分,協助辦理府內各局處空氣污染減量行動研商會議,彙整 空污減量策略,納入空氣污染防制計畫書中,並以CAMx 模式模擬策略對空品改 善成效;空品淨化區管制部分,則邀請專家學者逐季辦理查核作業及考評說明會; 針對中元普渡期間空污減量宣導,則協助辦理網站更新、宣導品印製及邀集相關 單位辦理減香、減爐、減噪、減紙簽署活動,更利用空氣盒子選定新莊地藏庵等 三座廟宇進行連續1 個月PM2.5 監測,以作為推動減香之空污改善參考。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、管制策略、空品淨化區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 9500 千元
專案開始日期 2016/08/12 專案結束日期 2017/08/11 專案主持人
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張瓊文 執行單位 環興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度新北市空氣品質維護改善規劃整合暨街道揚塵管制計畫.pdf 29MB

The Integration Plan of Air Quality to Manintain, Improve, scheme and street dust

英文摘要 The scope of this project includes: 1) analysis of air quality monitoring data; 2) review of emergency response mechanism for poor air quality incidents; 3) update of environmental background information and emission inventory; 4) review and amendment of air pollution control strategy; 5) tracking and evaluating of all air quality implementation plans; 6) monitoring of major emission sources and fugitive emissions; 7) management of the Clean Air Zone; 8) promotion of Ghost Festival emission reduction policies; and 9) provide the administrative support to the New Taipei City Environmental Protection Bureau. Analysis of air quality data between 2014 and 2016 showed that the average occurrence of AQI≦50 is 40%, with 2016 having the highest 48%. In the same period, the average occurrence of AQI>100 was 12%. The descending trend in the AQI analysis indicated the improvement of air quality over the years. Our team is responsible for alerting all relevant agencies for emergency response when the AQI〉100 in New Taipei City. Emergency response results and investigation reports shall be reported to the EPB. According to the EPA emission inventory (TEDS 9.0), construction and roadway fugitive dust are the main sources of PM emission, which encompass 59% and 34% of PM10 and PM2.5, respectively. Industrial emission accounts for 67% SOx emission and 34% of NMHC emission. Meanwhile, mobile emission accounts for more than 90% of CO emission. Mobile emission also accounts for 33%, 68%, and 29% of PM2.5, NOx, and NMHC, respectively. Mobile sources is the highest among the six categories of emission sources. Within mobile sources, diesel vehicles accounts for 15% and 41% of PM2.5 and NOx emission, which mainly comes from buses and large trucks; they should be the first to be further regulated. As for scooters, 2-stroke scooters accounts for 2%, <1%, and 3% of PM2.5, NOx, and NMHC emissions. In contrast 4-stroke scooters accounts for 5%, 6%, and 16% of PM2.5, NOx, and NMHC emissions; indicating positive results in the regulation of 2-stroke scooters, further promotion should be encouraged. There are totally 5 stationary sources of PM2.5 emission investigation was conducted in this project. Comparing with historical data, not much difference in FPM was discovered. However, significant difference was observed in CPM, demonstrating the complex nature of PM formation and differences among different industries. There are totally 6 ambient air quality monitoring stations was completed near Tucheng and Xindian monitoring station to calculate the regression equation for the automatic monitoring stations. Following up to the unusual high PM2.5 concentration near Linkou and Xinzhuang monitoring stations, after inspections and specific control project, the PM2.5 concentration is back to normal. Meanwhile, the additional generation unit in Linkou Power Plant does not display significant effect to the nearby monitoring stations. The high toluene concentration near the Tucheng photochemical monitoring station indicated a major emission source in the vicinity. It is advised to strengthen the control of nearby major emission sources. The project has assisted the EPB to coordinate air pollution reduction initiatives among various local offices incorporate them into the Air Pollution Control Program. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the reduction initiatives was modeled with the CAMx program. As for the management of Clean Air Zone, experts were invited to review the progress of various reduction initiatives quarterly. Reduction of incense and joss paper/ghost money during ghost festival is promoted. Continuous monitoring was conducted near three temple, and shall serve as a reference for further promotion of incense reduction.
英文關鍵字 air quality, regulatory strategy, air quality cleanzones