

中文摘要 近年來政府積極關心室內空氣品質議題,於100年11月23日通過室內空氣品質管理法後,室內空氣品質維護管理與改善已列為重要施政項目,本年度計畫係協助彰化縣環境保護局進行室內空氣品質相關法令與維護管理工作推動,年度工作成果包括: 一、輔導14處第一批列管公共場所於限期內設置室內空氣品質維護管理專責人員、建置維護管理計畫與執行定期檢測,14處場所皆已設置維護管理專責人員。 二、完成63家公共場所巡檢調查與18家公共場所之標準方法檢測工作,共有15家場所測定結果污染物濃度超標,針對測定結果不合格或不理想之場所,已給予改善建議並定期追蹤改善情形,並已協助12處場所完成改善並通過複查。 三、執行5場次專家學者現場輔導,輔導不合格場所或預定公告場所執行維護管理工作與污染改善。 四、舉辦5場次法令宣導說明會,每場次人數均超過40人,並於會後進行問卷調查以瞭解說明會成效。 五、擇定台灣楓康超市股份有限公司金馬店進行連續三天之長時間室內空氣品質量測工作,幫助場所瞭解室內二氧化碳濃度分布與變化,並利用量測結果推估理論換氣量,提供場所空調與通風相關改善措施,並將相關資料彙整編寫為空調與通風改善技術手冊。 六、召開一場次跨局處分工協調會議,邀請彰化縣政府建設處、工務處、教育處、城市暨觀光發展處、新聞處、農業處、彰化縣衛生局及彰化縣文化局等單位共同研商室內空氣品質推動與管理策略。 七、完成平面與網路文宣事項包含發布一則室內空氣品質相關新聞稿、製作1,000份宣導品及更新維護彰化縣室內空氣品質資訊網四次等工作。 八、推動室內空氣品質自主管理,完成輔導共43家非公告場所參加自主管理並執行相關工作。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質,室內空氣污染物,二氧化碳


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 3390 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/18 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 黃建平
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 巫素專 執行單位 社團法人中華民國工業安全衛生協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度彰化縣室內空氣品質查核暨輔導管制計畫期末報告(上傳網頁版).pdf 9MB

The Indoor Air Quality Audit & Control Program of Changhua County 2016

英文摘要 The Indoor Air Quality Management Act was officially passed on November 23, 2011. Since then, the government authorities have been significantly concerning about the issue of indoor air quality, where the management for indoor air quality has become a key issue for the government administration. To assist the Changhua Environmental Protection Bureau to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Management Act, and to advertise the importance of indoor air quality to different types of indoor facilities, the following tasks have been accomplished during the past year. I.The project team had completed the guidance and support of the special responsibility personnel in charge of maintenance and management of indoor air quality in 14 public places covered in the first batch. In all of the 14 sites, we have staffed specific responsibility personnel for maintenance and management of indoor air quality and completed the indoor air quality maintenance and management programs. II.The project team had measured indoor air quality in 63 various public and private premises by using portable devices. Among them 18 places were monitored with officially approved methods. There were 15 of the above places’ indoor pollutants exceeded the standards, mostly carbon dioxide and formaldehyde. And there were 12 of those exceeding places improved to be qualified after the following counsels. III.The project team had invited scholars and experts to render supporting guides on indoor air quality at 5 public and private premises. IV.The project team had held 5 public hearings to promote the indoor air quality management to various public and private premises, with each event including at least 40 participants. Questionnaires were distributed after each event to see the participants’ responses. V.The project team had selected Jinma Branch of Taiwan Fresh Supermarket for prolonged monitoring inspections of the indoor air quality for three consecutive days. Using the data obtained from monitoring inspection for this testing, we estimated the sufficient ventilation volume and come up with improvement measures for better ventilation. We further compiled the relevant information into ventilation improvement manuals. VI.The project team had held one conference to consult and discuss the maintenance and management policy of indoor air quality with other institutions. The participants included the Economic Affair Department, the Department of Public Works, the Department of Education, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of City and tourism, the Department of Information, the Public Health Bureau, and the Cultural Affair Bureau. VII.The project team had released one dispatch to publicize indoor air quality maintenance and management information, prepared 1,000 propagandist products to promote indoor air quality, updated and maintained the indoor air quality information website of Changhua County. VIII.The project team had promoted the self-management of indoor air quality to those unpublished places. 43 of them were starting the work on indoor air quality maintenance and management.
英文關鍵字 Indoor air quality, Indoor air pollutants, Carbon dioxide