

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包含空氣品質淨化區維護管理、環境綠化推廣、裸露地調查作業及餐飲業調查輔導等4項,在空氣品質淨化區的相關維護管理作為上,包含輔導新設置空氣品質淨化區申請單位相關工作、執行碳匯調查及建置作業、辦理維護管理及申請設置說明會議、提出麥寮鄉北側公有地申請為空氣品質淨化區之評估報告、喬木健診調查、空氣品質淨化區的自評作業、提交新聞稿、辦理年終評鑑作業、配合行政院環境保護署考核等項目。為有效管理本縣各鄉鎮之空氣品質淨化區,已於105年8月5日邀請國立嘉義大學蔡智賢教授,針對斗南鎮公所提送之工程預算書進行審查,另安排至基地現場實地勘查,會後將建議事項函轉申請單位參酌辦理;碳匯調查作業,共調查20處基地,總計調查2,621株喬木,其二氧化碳吸存量總計為252.726公噸 CO2並將相關調查成果上傳環保署相關網站;已於105年7月27日辦理完成一場次「105年雲林縣空氣品質淨化區維護管理及申請設置說明會」;於105年8月20日邀請國立嘉義大學園藝系蔡智賢教授參與麥寮鄉北側裸露地現勘並彙整相關意見,於105年9月13日提出評估報告;另於105年11月17日及106年3月3日共完成10處次喬木健診調查作業,並將其中一處淨化區做為植物病蟲害改善措施示範區,執行過程與成果製成教學影帶;依據空氣品質淨化區分級查核作業原則完成254處次空品淨化區無紙化自評(查核)作業;且於105年12月9日依據每年補助各維護管理單位執行成果進行評鑑作業,再依據評鑑結果進行獎勵與審核補助款項,且規劃於106年3月17日假雲林縣政府辦理優良空品區頒獎典禮。 在環境綠化推廣及裸露地調查作業項目中,包含社區植栽推廣宣導活動、社區苗圃後續運作及維護現況調查、一般裸露地清查、測站周邊五公里裸露地清查及一般裸露地改善等作業。本年度共辦理4場次社區植栽推廣宣導活動;二崙社區苗圃則進行後續運作及維護現況追蹤每半年一次,並依調查結果協助向雲林縣政府農業處申請喬木補足需求;執行一般裸露地清查,共調查376處次,裸露地面積約14.4公頃;執行測站周邊五公里範圍裸露地清查,共69處次,裸露地面積約36.9公頃;完成13處次裸露地改善作業,改善面積為22,858平方公尺(約2.28公頃)。 在餐飲業調查輔導方面,其中包含執行一般餐飲業清查、夜市清查現況、製作餐飲業油煙防制宣導手冊、辦理宣導說明會及輔導等作業。截至106年6月16日止,已完成一般餐飲業清查651家次;完成5處夜市清查;製作完成700份餐飲業油煙防制宣導手冊;餐飲業輔導完成10家次。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質淨化區、裸露地、餐飲業


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-105-031 經費年度 105 計畫經費 6400 千元
專案開始日期 2016/06/17 專案結束日期 2017/06/16 專案主持人 吳貞冠(計畫經理)
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 吳美惠 執行單位 景新環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 YLEPB-105-031.pdf 31MB

The project catering trade investigate and maintenance management of clean airzones in 2016.

英文摘要 The implemented work content of this project included jobs related to "Maintenance and management of the air quality purification area", "Promotion of community greening and beautification", "Investigation and improvement of denuded zones", "Review of the catering industry", etc. All tasks were completed on schedule during the implementation period of the project. In the administrative operations of the air quality purification area, 73 bases were registered and monitored with a total area of up to 57.2 hectares and road greening of up to 18.9 km. The planning and design of one new set base was recommended. Through external audit, the inspection of that construction scored an A. Up to 20 spots had carbon sink investigation tasks carried out, with 2,621 trees being investigated to determine a carbon sequestration capacity of 252.7 tons. According to the preceding investigation, the related resume system has been completed. An open meeting was held to explain the maintenance and management of the air purification area and application for setup. Assessment was carried out to establish the air quality purification area, focusing on the northern community of Mailiao Township of this county. After assessment, this area is temporarily not eligible for setup. Three spots were recommended to be adopted as air purification areas. Experts and scholars were invited to oversee the investigation on tree health in 10 air quality purification spots in this county, and one of those spots was selected as a demonstration area for film shooting to be made into a teaching video. In the examination job of the air purification area, the classifying system was followed to proceed with verification operations. From June 2016 to May 2017, 254 places were verified. According to the preceding examination score, the year-end appraisal operation will proceed for one session, and a public recognition activity was held on March 17, 2017. The promotion results of environmental greening included four sessions of community promotion activities with 193 participants. A total of 376 places (times) were investigated, with a focus on denuded zones of this county, whose denuded zone area amounted to 14.4 hectares. Furthermore, 69 place-time investigations were conducted, focusing on the periphery of 5 km around the observation station, with an area of about 36.9 hectares. Straw mats were used to pave denuded zones for improvement, with an area of up to 2.28 hectares. In the investigation and counseling tasks related to the catering industry, 651 shops (times) were checked, with a focus on the catering businesses in this county. Furthermore, five major night markets were the focus of investigation, with 700 catering industry propaganda booklets issued, as well as five propaganda explanation sessions held. Ten shops (times) of catering businesses were counseled and coached, focusing on those with complaints and that wanted to voluntarily improve.
英文關鍵字 Air quality purification area, Exposed area, catering trade