

中文摘要 由於臺北市人口及建築密度高,各種商業活動頻繁,致日常生活及工作環境經常受到噪音干擾,臺北市環境保護局為維護生活環境安寧,積極進行各項噪音管制工作。主要依據「噪音管制法」、「噪音管制標準」、臺北市公告禁 止從事妨礙安寧行為之區域範圍及時段、臺北市公告場所、工程及設施之噪音管制標準等規章執行噪音管制稽查。 本計畫針對本市陳情種類進行分析,提供環保局未來施政之參考,本計畫工作內容藉由陳情狀況了解、受陳情業者協談宣導、噪音專線諮詢,積極協助業者進行噪音改善,並持續推廣噪音防制技術,有效改善本市噪音問題,減少 噪音陳情案件並達到噪音減量之目標。 營建工程會議辦理主要針對高噪音污染工程階段(開挖、破碎、整地、佈樁、灌漿、擋土、吊掛等)之營建工地進行邀請,為提倡自主管理概念與落實噪音防制之重要性,針對屢遭受陳情或告發之營建工程、50 大營建工區、噪音陳情案件遭列管工地等召開營建噪音改善協談會,透過防制技術的講授及經驗傳承,提升業者對於自發性控制噪音之概念。經由多管齊下的管制方式,99 年平均每個營建工地被陳情4.58 次,100 年降至3.36 次,101 年再降至3.10 次,102 年降至2.98 次,103 年降至2.60 次,104 年為2.26 次,105 年1.63 次。相較99 年,105 年平均每個營建工地噪音陳情次數減少2.95 次。 本計畫組成噪音輔導團隊,針對一再被陳情或稽查告發之娛樂營業場所及營建工程進行現場輔導,提供噪音改善建議,協助業者噪音改善作業,以符合環保法規要求,經輔導後3 家業者已無再被陳情之情形,顯示透過現場噪音輔 導提供技術性專業建議由業者自行改善後,可有效改善業者之噪音污染問題,減少噪音陳情案件。
中文關鍵字 噪音


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 2250 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/16 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 楊豐榮
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳俊宏 執行單位 鋒騰科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度臺北市噪音管制計畫期末報告.pdf 5MB

2016 Taipei City Noise Control Project

英文摘要 In Taipei City, because the population and building density is very high, and various business activities are quite frequent, so that the daily life and working environment are often disturbed by the noise. In order to maintain good living environment, the Department of Environmental Protection (DOEP) carries on various noise control work actively. According to the “Noise Control Act”, “Noise Control Standard”, the DOEP announced the regional scope and time period for forbidding the work which might hinder the tranquil behavior. The DOEP also executes the noise control inspection in accordance with the noise control standard of announced places, works and facilities. This project analyzes the complaint of citizen, and provides the outcome to the DOEP as reference of future administrative task. The content of work includes: understanding the state of complaint, patrol of noisy working place, interview and promulgation for complained subject, specific noise line consulting and reinforcement of inspection. This project also helps the sector to conduct the noise improvement, continuously promote noise control technology actively, improve the noise issue in this city effectively, reduce the noise complaint cases and achieve the goal of noise minimization. As for the noise control patrol of construction site, the main work is to inspect and measure the field noise of construction site at the stage with high noise pollution (excavating, breaking, land improving, piling, grouting, wall retaining, hanging etc.),. In addition, in order to address the concept of self-volunteer management and the importance of noise control, hold the construction noise improvement meeting with often complained construction work, 50 big construction works, and controlled sites etc. Raise the concept of self-volunteer management of vendors through the lecture of control technology and experience continuation. After implementing a multiple control way, as for average 4.58 times of complaint at construction working site in 2010, which was reduced to 3.36 times in 2011, 3.10 times in 2012, 2.98 times in 2013, 2.60 times in 2014, and 2.26 times in 2015, and1.63 times in 2016. Compared to 2010, the complaint at construction working site was reduced by 2.95 times in 2016. This project sets up the noise coaching team, to conduct the field coaching for the amusement business places and construction working sites which are accused against the noise pollution constantly, provide the noise improvement recommendation, and help the vendor to do noise improvement operation, so as to comply with the requirements of environmental protection regulations, after coaching 3 of them were exempted from the complaint.
英文關鍵字 Noise