

中文摘要 「105年度臺南市地下水高污染潛勢區污染查證及監測計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)各工作項目,包括新市工業區地下水含氯與含氟污染物調查、保安工業區地下水含氯污染物調查、保安工業區地下水砷來源判定工作、農地控制場址地下水監測管理工作、及非法棄置場址地下水監測管理工作。 一、新市工業區地下水含氯與含氟污染物調查 本計畫在進行土壤採樣與新設監測井前,使用NGST與地電阻調查新市工業區高污染潛勢區,鎖定統懋公司並接續使用MIP調查技術,探測土壤與地下水內相關殘留物之訊號反應,發現統懋公司內地表下6.5~8.0公尺範圍有明顯訊號峰值,遂進一步執行土壤採樣與設置監測井。 本計畫調查方式為土水共點,統懋公司內新設井D00494於設井前為S02土壤採樣點位,該點位土壤發現有順-1,2-二氯乙烯超過管制標準,另兩點位S01與S03雖無超過管制標準者,但亦有同樣化合物明顯殘留。設井後在106年枯水期與107年豐水期調查發現,統懋公司內新設井D00493~D00495地下水皆有含氯有機污染物超過管制標準,包含三氯乙烯、順-1,2-二氯乙烯、1,1-二氯乙烯及氯乙烯,但推測含氯有機污染團大部應尚未擴散至場外;另外,在豐枯水期採樣中發現統懋公司內新設井D00493與D00495地下水氟鹽超過管制標準,以及位在廠外邊界處之D00190同樣有氟鹽超過管制標準。因位於區域地下水上游之統懋公司本身正使用氫氟酸於製程中且最後收集於廢水處理系統,又D00190周邊無其他工廠使用氫氟酸,因此判定統懋公司為氟鹽污染來源。建議後續補充調查與污染改善範圍至少包含從廠內廢水處理系統區塊至D00190監測井位置。 在新市工業區中,確認統懋公司地下水含氯有機物及氟鹽超過地下水污染管制標準,以及統懋公司土壤含氯有機物超過土壤管制標準,臺南環保局已於107年3月28日公告統懋為土壤及地下水污染控制場址(府環土字第1070345317D號函),「場址污染影響潛勢評估總分(TOL)」達2,346.25 (> 1,200),臺南環保局已提報環保署公告整治場址。 統懋公司內污染團風險與暴露途徑評估則使用環保署「健康風險評估系統」進行第一層次(Tier 1)及第二層次(Tier 2)之風險評估,搭配情境一與情境二之設定。情境一設定僅地下水蒸發至空氣中為暴露途徑,情境二則設定因為開挖接觸受污染土壤,或抽取受污染地下水使用,故土壤、地下水與空氣傳輸途徑全開。在情境一之下,第一層次與第二層次各別之總致癌及總非致癌風險值皆落在法規可接受範圍內,建議宜保持假定情境條件,方可維持低風險。在情境二之下,第一層次之總致癌及總非致癌風險值皆同於第二層次之總致癌及總非致癌風險值,且均超出法規限制;於此情境下,因地下水接觸途徑為造成風險偏高原因,故建議地下水應限制抽水並封井,方能有效降低風險。 二、保安工業區地下水含氯污染物調查 本計畫於保安工業區之含氯有機污染物調查包含奇美實業股份有限公司部分廠區,並利用其廠內環保署設置之監測井協助調查。以產業別篩選與使用NGST與地電阻調查,進一步決定使用MIP調查之點位。MIP調查結果顯示,芳美、奇美、福甲及海屏企業(現為豐名企業)等4處MIP-FID訊號有相對明顯之峰值,遂進一步執行土壤採樣與設置監測井。 本計畫調查方式為土水共點,在上述4處採取共4點土壤樣品經分析後,含氯有機物濃度皆無異常。另外,保安工業區地下水背景調查中,D00188井測得氯乙烯濃度約0.0146 mg/L,高於監測標準,但與105年6月監測濃度(0.0529 mg/L)相比,氯乙烯有下降之情形。 本計畫106年枯水期與107年豐水期採樣結果顯示,D00188並未在此兩次採樣分析中發現氯乙烯殘留超過監測標準,其他含氯有機化合物如順-1,2-二氯乙烯及反-1,2-二氯乙烯亦無超過監測標準。芳美、奇美、福甲倉庫與豐名廠內之新設監測井分別為D00498、D00499、D00500與D00501,在豐枯水期採樣分析中,無含氯有機物超過監測標準,僅D00500之微量殘留相對較為明顯,且D00500殘留狀況類似於D00188監測井,而106年7~10月份顯示地下水流向為由東向西,推測兩口井之間地下水流動可能使兩者之污染物殘留互有關聯性。 本計畫合約範疇之外承諾執行之分子生物菌相分析包含土壤與地下水,係為了藉此瞭解保安工業區內地下微生物菌種、菌落數與活性大小,用以評估含氯污染團於自然環境下是否有利於厭氧降解反應進行。結果顯示皆無檢出Dehalococcoides、tceA基因或vcrA基因,可解釋為因區域環境中並無足量之含氯有機物存在,該種微生物便無有利生存條件,同時作為一反證說明地下水環境中無含氯有機物存在。此結果與地下水採樣分析所得相同,亦符合MIP調查結果。 三、保安工業區地下水砷來源判定工作 因仁德區無公告地下水砷濃度潛勢範圍,本計畫利用保安工業區既設地下水監測井分析砷濃度、XRF掃描分析地調所岩心,以及在富砷井D00354旁岩心鑽探取樣。 富砷井(D00186、D00188、及D00354監測井)107年豐水期監測結果顯示,均落在歷年測值0.0417~0.499 mg/L、ND~0.417 mg/L、及0.216~0.69 mg/L間,與歷年趨勢相同,濃度最大者為D00354,顯示地下水仍為高砷濃度狀態;地調所XRF掃描分析檢測以離保安工業區最近之文賢測站為例,該鑽探點位之XRF砷測值最低為3.5 ppm(4.0~4.5 m處),最高為2,792 ppm(18.0~18.5 m處),平均為49.3 ppm,且其XRF砷篩測值有隨深度逐漸增高趨勢;岩心鑽探取樣作業,發現疑似鐵氫氧化物沉積現象,以及海進海退時期沉積層夾雜貝殼情形,一般物性分析及繪製地質柱狀剖面顯示主要阻水層位於8~13 m處。岩心鑽探XRF篩測結果,砷最高值出現在地表下9.5 m處,篩測值為21.5 ppm,平均值為8.1 ppm,篩測值較高區間落在8.5~12 m。 12組XRF砷篩測值較高之岩心土樣砷全量分析結果,其中砷最高濃度為12 m處之25.7 mg/kg,而砷、鐵、錳全量分析濃度隨取樣深度出現一致變化趨勢,符合環保署地下水砷來源判定原則,而較高濃度區間落在地表下8~13 m間,此區段亦與阻水層深度一致。 分段連續萃取法分析顯示砷於矽酸鹽類及殘留相佔有最多,為61.9 %,其次為結晶性良好鐵氧化物相,佔19.6 %,兩者加總超過80 %,顯示地下水砷濃度可能由地質條件自然釋出所貢獻。 相關結果顯示多符合環保署「地下水背景砷濃度潛勢範圍及來源判定流程」之自然沈積地質條件下砷釋出之判定依據,故判定保安工業區之地下水砷來源乃屬自然條件下,海進海退時沈積層經地下氧化還原環境後釋出至地下水中所造成。 四、農地控制場址地下水監測管理工作 本計畫在農地控制場址興農段465地號、興農段756地號、興農段654地號、同安段75-1地號及興農段665地號分別設置一口簡易監測井(GW-465、GW-756、GW-654、GW-75-1、GW-665),而該區域已知既設標準井則有D00155、D00156及D00157。 在106年枯水期監測結果中,既設標準井與新設簡易井水樣皆無列管重金屬、揮發性有機物或半揮發性有機物項目超過監測標準或管制標準,各井僅有不同程度之一般項目超過監測標準,GW-756、GW-654、GW-75-1與D00155則有錳超過監測標準。107年豐水期監測結果如同枯水期監測結果,既設標準井與新設簡易井水樣皆無列管重金屬、揮發性有機物或半揮發性有機物項目超過監測標準或管制標準,而各井則依然有不同程度之一般項目超過監測標準。 長期地下水監測部分,經過所研擬之地下水監測規劃標準作業流程判定,本計畫新設簡易井部分,由於未達4次監測數據,故應持續採樣分析至足夠次數,以利判斷污染物趨勢;而既設井部分,一般項目因超標項目尚多且濃度高,故亦建議持續採樣至4次,以利判斷污染物趨勢,惟重金屬、VOCs、SVOCs由於已連續2次低於監測標準之1/2,故建議可暫停監測。 危害性評估方面,經過整理計算,南區興農段424地號之 「建議納入優先清理名單」為96分、「採取緊急應變必要措施」為32分,為所有農地污染控制場址中分數最高者,故建議未來首要分配地下水監測資源;其次為臺南市南區同安段75-1、臺南市南區興農段665、臺南市南區興農段756,分數分別為72分及18分。 五、非法棄置場址地下水監測管理工作 本計畫之地下水監測管理針對砂崙段331地號、中社段19地號與將軍區南26縣道,使用其既設井採樣分析地下水,另在非法棄置場址新設置簡易監測井,共計設置9口,分別為安南區神榕段328、349地號2口、歸仁區沙崙段331地號2口、仁德區公園段270地號1口、西港區八分段1555~1559地號2口、及山上區山上段1134-20~22地號2口。 長期地下水監測部分,經過所研擬之地下水監測規劃標準作業流程判定,本計畫新設簡易井部分,由於未達4次監測,故應持續採樣分析,以利判斷污染物趨勢;而既設井部分,歸仁區沙崙段331地號之MW1(R00574)監測井,經Mann-Kendall趨勢分析,鉻呈現下降趨勢(Decreasing)故調降監測頻率為1年1次,待低於監測標準之1/2時可停止監測,同口井之總酚項目則因呈現上升趨勢(Increasing),故維持1年2次監測,且應檢測BTEX及TPH是否為總酚之主要內含物。將軍區南26縣道南26-1及南26-2監測井,一般項目呈現穩定趨勢(Stable),而其餘重金屬項目無超標現象,故調降頻率為1年1次監測,而VOCs、SVOCs則因連續2次監測均低於監測標準之1/2故建議停止監測;南26-A、南26-B、南26-C則尚未達4次監測,建議持續採樣至4次。 危害性評估方面,經過計算,仁德區車路墘段807地號、台61線全線爐渣棄置案、台塑副產石灰於台南市麻豆區海埤段444、445地號,以及營西里3-19號(西港區下宅子段1131地號) 等場址,各別之「建議納入優先清理名單」與「採取緊急應變必要措施」兩分數皆較高,雖然部分場址可能因代入之土地面積較大導致分數偏高,仍建議應考量集中土壤與地下水監測資源,以獲得更多場址相關資訊。
中文關鍵字 含氯有機物,氟鹽,砷,危害性評估


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 13055 千元
專案開始日期 2016/12/26 專案結束日期 2018/06/25 專案主持人 勇興台
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李得安 執行單位 艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末成果報告(定稿版).pdf 78MB 期末成果報告

2016 Project of Contamination Confirmation and Monitoring Plan for Areas of Likely-contaminated Groundwater in Tainan

英文摘要 Abstract 2016 Project of Contamination Confirmation and Monitoring Plan for Areas of Likely-contaminated Groundwater in Tainan (hereinafter “the project”) had tasks including the investigation into the groundwater contamination of organochlorides and fluoride in Xinshi Industrial Park, the investigation into the groundwater contamination of organochlorides in Baoan Industrial Park, Arsenic groundwater contamination in Baoan Industrial Park, groundwater management at restricted farmlands, and groundwater management at illegal dump-sites. 1. The investigation into the groundwater contamination of organochlorides and fluoride in Xinshi Industrial Park In the project, before soil sampling and well installation, NGST (NAPL Ground Scanning Technique) and Ground Electrical Resistivity Survey (GERS) were applied to locate the likely-contaminated areas. In this case, MOSPEC Semiconductor (hereinafter MOSPEC) was recognised as one of those areas and subject to Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) following. MIP detected the signal response of residues in soil and groundwater. It was revealed that the MOSPEC subsurface 6.5~8.0 m below ground level (bgl) gave indicative peak signals which led to further soil sampling and well installation. The investigation adopted the soil sampling at three spots (S01, S02, S03), S02 of which had a sample set containing Cis-1,2-dichloroethylene exceeding the control standard. S01 and S03 sample sets were all below the control standard, but the residual compound was identical. Following the well installation at the same three spots (becoming monitoring wells D00493, D00494, D00495) were groundwater sampling in 2017 dry period and 2018 high flow period. Three monitoring wells were identified that their groundwater was contaminated by organochlorides exceeding the control standards, which were trichloroethylene, Cis-1,2-dichloroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethylene, and chloroethylene. The subsurface plume was believed still not spreading outbound yet, however. In addition, the groundwater samples extracted from D00493 and D00495 in the dry period and high flow period were all contaminated by fluoride exceeding the control standards. The monitoring well D00190 outside MOSPEC was also found fluoride over the control standard. Due to the sole usage and aftermath collection of hydrofluoric acid in MOSPEC which was sitting at the upstream of the regional groundwater, MOSPEC was responsible for the excessive concentration of fluoride at monitoring well D00190. It was recommended that MOSPEC should cover the range from the wastewater treatment facility to the monitoring well D00190 for the complementary investigation and remediation. It was confirmative that in Xinshi Industrial Park MOSPEC was the source of excessive organochlorides in soil and groundwater and the source of fluoride. Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) had announced MOSPEC as the site under restriction on March 28th 2018 (Env-Doc no. 1070345317D). The environmental evaluation score of a contaminated site (usually called TOL) for MOSPEC was 2,346.25 (> 1,200) and thus, Tainan EPB submitted it to Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). To appraise the risks caused by the plume and the exposure pathway, the project adopted EPA’s “Health Assessment System” to evaluate the condition under Tier 1 and Tier 2 with two scenarios set. The first scenario only considered the exposure to the vapour of the contaminated groundwater, whilst the second scenario considered the exposure due to the excavation or the usage of the contaminated groundwater in which the soil, groundwater and aerial pathway were involved. Under the first scenario, the respective risk values of carcinogen and non-carcinogen of Tier 1 and Tier 2 were all below the tolerance limits and thus, it was recommended to maintain the first scenario for the safer condition. Under the second scenario, the respective risk values of carcinogen and non-carcinogen of Tier 1 and Tier 2 were all higher than the tolerance limits which were results of the exposure to the contaminated groundwater and thus, it was recommended to apply restrictions on the groundwater usage to reduce the risks. 2. The investigation into the groundwater contamination of organochlorides in Baoan Industrial Park The investigation on Baoan Industrial Park in the project covered part of CHIMEI plant and used one of its present monitoring wells installed by EPA to support the investigation. Screened by the industrial features, NGST, and GERS, spots for MIP were pinned. The results of MIP indicated that factories such as Fangmei, CHIMEI, Fuchia and Haiping (now called Fengming) were detected giving peak signal from subsurface which led to further soil sampling and well installation. There were four spots for soil sampling (one in each factory mentioned) and the concentrations of relevant organochlorides in all soil samples were far below the control and monitoring standards. In the background survey on the groundwater before the new well installations, monitoring well D00188 was found chloroethylene concentration at 0.0146 mg/L, higher than the monitoring standard but lower than 0.0529 mg/L known in 2016 June. The groundwater in the industrial park was sampled in 2017 dry period and 2018 high flow period after the new well installations. The results showed that the two concentrations of chloroethylene were below the monitoring standard and the concentrations of other organochlorides such as Cis-1,2-dichloroethylene and Trans-1,2-dichloroethylene also complied with the monitoring standard. The new monitoring wells in Fangmei, CHIMEI, Fuchia and Fengming were named D00498, D00499, D00500, and D00501. The groundwater samples from these four monitoring wells had no organochlorides exceeding the monitoring standard. However, the groundwater samples from D00500 and D00188 had common residual organochlorides. Based on the observation on the regional groundwater, the stream was flowing from the east to west which might cause a correlation between two wells. Beyond the scope of work of the project was the microbial analysis for soil and groundwater samples to understand the microbial species, amount and activity in Baoan Industrial Park. It was a measure to see if the organochloride plume was subject to anaerobic degradation in the natural environment. Our results showed no existence of Dehalococcoides, tceA gene and vcrA gene in soil and groundwater samples from Baoan Industrial Park. It was an explanation that no significant amount of organochlorides were present in the environment for the microbe to survive, which was in accordance with the results of groundwater sample analysis and MIP. 3. The investigation into Arsenic groundwater contamination in Baoan Industrial Park As the pending official extent of Arsenic groundwater in Rende District, the project used monitoring wells in Baoan Industrial Park, XRF scanner on rock core of Central Geological Survey (CGS), and rock core sampling beside the monitoring well D00354 which was rich in Arsenic to define the extent. The groundwater samples from those wells rich in Arsenic (monitoring wells D00186, D00188, and D00354) were analysed in 2018 high flow period and revealed the arsenic concentrations were matching the historical average, i.e. 0.0417~0.499 mg/L, ND~0.417 mg/L, and 0.216~0.69 mg/L. D00354 gave the highest concentration of Arsenic as proof of high arsenic groundwater. The rock core excavated at Wenhsien from CGS was under XRF scanning in the investigation, and the results showed that the minimum Arsenic concentration was 3.5 ppm (at 4.0~4.5 m bgl) and the maximum one was 2,792 ppm (at 18.0~18.5 m bgl), giving the average 49.3 ppm. The Arsenic concentration was tending to increase along the depth. During the rock core sampling, ferric hydroxide sediment and sea shell residues were found among layers as solid proof for historical coastal movement. The confining bed was believed at 8~13 m bgl by physical analysis and geological cross-section graph. The sampled rock core also went through the XRF scanning, and the highest value was 21.5 ppm at 9.5 m bgl. The average was 8.1 ppm and the high Arsenic interval was at 8.5~12 m bgl. Through XRF twelve relatively high Arsenic samples of the sampled rock core were further analysed for the quantity. The maximum concentration was 25.7 mg/kg at 12 m bgl, and the tendencies along the depth of Arsenic, Iron and Manganese were consistent with each other, indicating a match to EPA’s definition of natural Arsenic source. Additionally, the confining bed and the high Arsenic interval were both at 8~13 m bgl. The sequential extraction showed Arsenic was mostly from silicate minerals (61.9%) and then crystal ferric hydroxide (19.6%), accounting totally for 80%. It was substantial evidence to support the theory that Arsenic groundwater contamination was nature-caused. The results of the investigation matched EPA’s definition “Procedure to determine the extent and sources of Arsenic in groundwater”. Thus, it was concluded that the Arsenic groundwater contamination in Baoan Industrial Park was nature-caused through the historical coastal movement and chemical release. 4. Groundwater management at restricted farmlands Through the project, there were new simple wells installed at restricted farmlands, i.e. XN-465, XN-756, XN-654, XN-665, and TA-75-1 (monitoring wells GW-465, GW-756, GW-654, GW-665, GW-75-1 respectively). The known monitoring wells were D00155, D00156 and D00157. The first groundwater sampling was in 2017 dry period. The results showed no concentrations of critical heavy metals and volatile organic compounds higher than the monitoring or control standards in the new simple wells and known monitoring wells, whilst each well had different general substances over the monitoring standards. For example GW-756, GW-654, GW-75-1 and D00155 were found Manganese exceeding the monitoring standard. The second groundwater sampling was in 2018 high flow period in which the results were similar to those of the dry period. No critical heavy metals and volatile organic compounds were identified exceeding the monitoring or control standards in the new simple wells and known monitoring wells, whilst each well still had different general substances over the monitoring standards. Considering the long-term groundwater monitoring and management procedure, those new wells installed by the project should be included for the further groundwater sampling because they were sampled less than 4 times which was inadequate for statistical analysis and trend judgement. The common issue among the known wells was the high concentrations of general substances, and it was recommended to continue collecting samples till 4 times for statistical analysis on general substances, except for heavy metals and volatile organic compounds whose concentrations had been lower than the half of monitoring standards twice in consecutive. For hazard evaluation on restricted farmlands, farmland XN-424 was rated 96 and 32 in “Remediation Priority” and “Urgent Response”, respectively, and was recommended Tainan EPB offer this farmland the most generous portion of resources. Following in the rank were TA-75-1, XN-665, and XN-756 all rated 72 and 18 in two subjects respectively. 5. Groundwater management at illegal dump-sites The project used the known monitoring wells at illegal dump-sites SL-331, JS-19 and JJS-26 to collect groundwater samples for analysis. Also, there were new simple wells installed at new illegal dump-sites, i.e. two at SR-328’349, two at SL-331, one at GY-270, two at BF-1555~1559, and two at SS-1134-20~22. Considering the long-term groundwater monitoring and management procedure, the new wells installed by the project should be included for the further groundwater sampling because they were sampled less than 4 times which was inadequate for statistical analysis and trend judgement. The data collected from the known well R00574 in SL-331 was analysed by a statistical method (Mann-Kendall) indicating the trend of Chromium as Decreasing. It needed groundwater sampling only once a year and could be terminated when the concentration was lower than the half of the monitoring standard. On the other hand, the total phenol at the same well was determined as Increasing, and it was recommended to carry out the groundwater sampling twice a year, typically targeting BTEX and TPH to see if they were the majority of total phenol. The general substances of two wells, S-26-1 and S-26-2, in JJS-26 were determined as Stable without critical heavy metals exceeding the monitoring standards. Thus, the groundwater sampling for S-26-1 and S-26-2 could be carried out once a year without monitoring critical heavy metals and volatile organic compounds. Monitoring wells S-26-A, S-26-B, and S-26-C were sampled less than 4 times and should be included for further analysis. For hazard evaluation on illegal dump-sites, CLC-807, Expressway 61, HP-444’445, and SJT-1131 were all rated high in “Remediation Priority” and “Urgent Response” although the bias caused by the land area. Tainan EPB was recommended to offer these sites the most generous portion of resources to retrieve more information.
英文關鍵字 organochlorides,fluoride,arsenic,hazard evaluation