

中文摘要 北區環境教育區域中心(以下簡稱本中心)以104年度之工作成果為基礎,於今(105)年度持續推動北區的環境教育發展,以推動環境教育學習社群為重點,串聯「環境教育增能計畫(EE Capacity)」的五大領域,著重各組織單位之間的資源統合及參與人員學習量能的提升,以建立北區環境教育資源共享與運用推廣模式。 北區環境教育區域中心今年度持續推動四大策略行動方案(學習社群)自主營運,多方進行環境教育推廣與學習,促進夥伴間合作聯結、學習、分享與改變,並辦理夥伴交流會議或增能工作坊;核心整合推動工作則是由北區主導,透過促進國際合作與學習:以專業領導引進國際新知,已辦理5場國際增能學習講座、工作坊及研討會;協助專業培訓機構開課;辦理企業聯結與合作工作坊及論壇;進一步研析區域中心評估模式及管理工具等工作;完成美洲國家環境教育科技化之教案研析;舉辦教案試教及審查;協助大學通識課程的開設;辦理暑期營隊;並以電子報建立整合區域內豐富及深入的知識與學習訊息,以多元的方式持續為提升區域內,產、官、學、民之環境教育量能而運轉,積極與社區、地方、民間團體之聯結,致力於建立一個多元化具包容性、尊重且公平的環境教育資源共享平臺,以邁向全民環境素養提升的願景。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、增能學習、夥伴關係


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-EA13-03-D008 經費年度 105 計畫經費 5720 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/06 專案結束日期 2016/12/15 專案主持人 張國恩
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 謝佰芳 執行單位 國立臺灣師範大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105 年期末報告正式報告.pdf 25MB

The work plan of establishing Northern Taiwan Environmental Education Regional Center (3rd Year)

英文摘要 This is the third year we have contributed to enforce the project: Establishing Northern Taiwan Environmental Education Regional Center Work Plan. The Northern Environmental Education Regional Center (hereafter referred to as NEERC) aspires to be a collaborative leader in the region, and strengthening the field of environmental education throughout Northern Taiwan. With the support of technology, research and evaluation, the capacity building and partnership dissemination we are continuously in the process of development and in this process, four environmental themes were promoted during this year which were- Ocean Protection, Eco-City, River Basin Learning, and Environmental Learning Center. While integrating various resources among organizations, the model of resource inventory in Northern Taiwan have been built. This report introduces the completed works, including the activities which were held with Learning Community partnership, various curriculums developed and translated, International Workshops & Conference held , building up the regional center management tool and revising evaluation systems, maintaining and organizing the website of NEERC, supporting the EE general education in northern part of Taiwan, and building relationship as well as sharing EE resources with organization ,corporation, government and other stakeholders.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Capacity Building, Partnership