

中文摘要 移動污染源是造成都會區空氣品質劣化的駐要原因之一,也 是環保及交通單位加強管制的重點,其車二行程機車、老舊機車 所排放之廢氣,及柴油車所排放之黑煙最令民眾所詬病。新北市 政府環保局為使移動污染源管制業務更臻完善,本年度致力於移 動污染源稽查管制上,運用交通大數據分析高污染路段,來有效 攔檢稽查高污染車輛,亦透過巡查作業、車牌辨識稽查提機車定 檢率,及目測判煙有污染之虞柴油車通知到檢,落實車輛正常維 修保養習慣。 為有效淘汰高污染車輛並深植民眾環保意識,因此推動空氣 品質淨區管制政策,由新北市政府第一批公告雙溪區、平溪區、 貢寮區及瑞芳區為低碳空品淨區,第二批公告則針對本市設籍二 行程前四大行政區劃設車流熱區,於106 年8 月公告板橋區、三 重區、中和區、新莊區,機車於淨區內未完成排氣定檢的二行程 機車直接處以新臺幣2,000 元罰鍰,而柴油車未取得環保署標章 的柴油車亦將加強目測及攔檢作業,若經檢測未符合排放標準最 高處新臺幣3~5 萬元罰鍰。 企業簽署管理及台北港管制,本計畫透過固定污染源減量協 商會議,要求南亞企業針對契約合作廠商自106 年1 月1 日起, 車齡5 年以上須取得環保局核發低污染標章才可放行,透過車牌 辨識分析,不符合比例自管制起由11.8%以降至0.5%;另台北港 管制運用各項稽查管制措施後,透車牌辨識分析通行車輛低污染 比例92.1%,另分析污染排放結構,顯示現階段一、二期老車比 例較105 年低4.8%,較設籍還低5.9%,推論實際污染排放較設 籍車輛數來的低。 綜上所述,執行各項稽查管制作業共削減CO:290.12 公噸、 HC:39.45 公噸,PM10:60.67 公噸、PM2.5:48.53 公噸。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 19632 千元
專案開始日期 2016/09/24 專案結束日期 2017/10/23 專案主持人 曾德民
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳宗閔 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度新北市移動污染源稽查管制計畫(上傳).pdf 10MB
英文摘要 Project Implementation Results - Abstract Mobile air pollution sources are one of the main factors responsible for the degradation of air quality in urban areas, and as such are the focus of increasingly rigorous controls by the environmental and transportation authorities. In particular, the exhaust emissions of two-stroke engine motorcycles and old motorcycles, and the black smoke emitted by diesel vehicles, are a major source of concern to the general public. To ensure that management of mobile pollution sources is as comprehensive as possible, in the current fiscal year the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government has been focusing on mobile pollution source inspection operations. The Department has been making use of Big Data analysis to identify stretches of road that suffer from particularly high levels of air pollution, in order to make roadside inspections more effective in identifying highly-polluting vehicles. In addition, patrols and license plate recognition technology have been utilized to increase the percentage of motorcycles brought in for periodic inspection, and visual inspection of exhaust fumes has been used as a basis for notifying suspected highly-polluting diesel vehicles to report for inspection. Through these measures, the Department is working to encourage citizens to get into the habit of performing regular maintenance work on their motor vehicles. In order to ensure that highly-polluting vehicles are scrapped, and foster environmental awareness among the general public, the Department has been implementing the Clean Air Zone strategy. In the first wave of Clean Air Zone implementation, New Taipei City Government gave formal notification of the establishment of Clean Air Zones in New Taipei City’s ShuangXi District, PingXi District, GongLiao District and RuiFang District. In the second wave of implementation, the four districts within New Taipei City that have the largest number of registered two-stroke motorcycles were designated as traffic hotspots. In August 2017, an official notification was issued stipulating that drivers of two-stroke motorcycles within Clean Air Zones in BanQiao District, SanChong District, ZhongHe District and XinZhuang District who failed to bring their motorcycles in for periodic inspection would be subject to fines of NT$2,000, and that the City Government would be stepping up visual inspection and roadside inspection operations targeting diesel vehicles that do not display the appropriate Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) issued badge; diesel vehicles that were inspected and found not to meet exhaust emissions standards would be subject to a fine of NT$30,000 – 50,000. With regard to pollution self-management agreements signed with business enterprises, and the special controls implemented at the Port of Taipei, this year’s plan made use of fixed pollution source pollution reduction consultations. For example, the Nan Ya Group was asked to begin imposing restrictions on contractors’ vehicles so that, starting from January 1, 2017, contractors’ vehicles that are more than five years’ old would be required to display a low-polluting vehicle badge issued by the EPA in order to be allowed to enter Nan Ya Group facilities. License plate recognition analysis showed that, following the implementation of these new controls, the percentage of non-conforming vehicles fell from 11.8% to 0.5%. In addition, license plate recognition analysis has shown that, following the adoption of various types of inspection and control measures at the Port of Taipei, low-polluting vehicles’ share of all vehicles entering and leaving the Port rose to 92.1%. Further analysis of vehicle types (in terms of exhaust emissions) showed that the share of all vehicles entering or leaving the Port held by period I and period II (superannuated) vehicles had fallen by 4.8% compared to FY2016, and was 5.9% lower than the share of all registered vehicles falling into that category, indicating that the number of highly-polluting vehicles actually on the roads may be lower than the number of such vehicles that are registered as being in use. To summarize, implementation of the various inspection and control measures outlined above led to a reduction in carbon monoxide emissions of 290.12 tons, a reduction in hydrocarbons of 39.45 tons, a reduction in PM10 particulate matter of 60.67 tons, and a reduction in PM2.5 fine particulate matter of 48.53 tons.