

中文摘要  本計畫主要為了建置彰化縣電鍍及金屬表面處理業之高潛勢事業水污染預警系統,藉此提供稽查人員更便利的資料調閱及預警功能,相關工作簡述如下: (一)建構GIS重金屬高污染潛勢事業水污染預警機制   本計畫於該工作項目之重點即為建置重金屬高污染潛勢事業資料庫,以提供未來稽查相關資訊,但建置相關資料前,需先鎖定高污染潛勢事業對象,再透過精確之資料以提供後續污染比對。故於建置前,本計畫規劃介接事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統、水污染源管制資料管理系統、環保稽查處分管制系統等外部資料。另亦規劃彰化地區應介接之水質監測資料為環保署測站資料及環保局自設測站,依據其監測物質與資料更新頻率不同,本計畫設計不同之欄位與更新機制,提供水質監測資料介接服務。並透過GIS與MIS結合,建立重金屬高污染潛勢事業水污染預警系統。另在潛勢預警功能上,將介接的水污染源申報及許可資料中的各類參數,進行資料庫化,並提供合理值功能設定,及勾稽比對功能。讓高潛勢事業機構,能透過系統被篩選出來。 (二)建立金屬表面處理業製程與廢水水質水量關聯性   目前完成之查核工作,已建立用水量、廢水量、用電量、用藥量、污泥量之參數,並透過合理性分析,提供未來關聯性參數之建立。執行期間已完成10家查核金屬表面處理業者(電鍍業)之稽查。 (三)建立金屬表面處理業繞流廢水不法利得計算原則   本計畫依據所建立之廢水質量關聯性參數及相關研究文獻,建立金屬表面處理業(電鍍業)合理之不法利得計算原則,針對廢水產生量、廢水處理之合理藥劑使用量及污泥產生量、單價及費用,蒐集、建構不法利得試算表等工作,期能協助主辦單位在未來不法利得計算尚可更為方便,直至期末前,已協助環保署完成3家不法利得計算。 (四)辦理系統功能及使用教育訓練   本計畫已於系統建置完成後辦理1場次之資料庫系統及GIS系統功能教育訓練。
中文關鍵字 重金屬水污染、電鍍與金屬表面處理業、預警系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-WA02-03-A244 經費年度 105 計畫經費 5600 千元
專案開始日期 2016/10/27 專案結束日期 2017/10/26 專案主持人 林明弘
主辦單位 中區環境督察大隊 承辦人 范文彬 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 結案報告全文.pdf 31MB 期末報告(定稿本)

Establishment of water pollution warning system for factories with potential high risk of heavy mental pollution - targeting Changhua as the priority area for establishment

英文摘要 In order to improve to access water pollution information and provide early warning function for inspectors, the purpose of this project is to build the Water Pollution Warning System for factories with potential high risk of heavy mental pollution. The program team has completed the milestones and details as follows: 1. Build the water pollution warning system for factories with potential high risk of heavy mental pollution. The focus of this work project is to build a heavy metal high potential for pollution hazard. Therefore, the project team connect the WMS, EEMS, IWR & S, EAMS and other systems through the Webserver way. In addition, the project team also carried out data analysis. The project team also covers the environmental monitoring data of the EPA and the Changhua EPB. Depending on the frequency of monitoring the material and the information, the project team designed different fields and update mechanisms. The project team to build heavy water pollution potential water pollution early warning system through the combination of GIS and MIS. The project team analyzed the various parameters and to build potential early warning function by through different water pollution source declaration and licensing information and the establishment of a database. It let this system function can provides a reasonable value of the function set and ticking comparison function. So that high potential business organizations can be screened out through the system. 2. Establish the correlation between process and wastewater water quality for electroplating and metal surface treatment industries. 10 inspections work for electroplating and metal surface treatment industries had been completed. The project team to establish the parameter value rationality and relevance about use of water, waste water, electricity, dosage, sludge production by through the inspection work. 3.Principles of Illegal Profits for Illegal Wastewater Treatment The project team not only establishment of metal surface treatment industry (electroplating industry) illegal profit calculation of rationality based on the wastewater quality correlation parameters and related research literature sources but also had calculated 3 electroplating and metal surface treatment industries illegal income. We look forward it can be to assist the inspectors calculate the illegal profit are more convenient through the amount profitability of waste water treatment cost and sludge production and build the illegal profit of spreadsheet metal surface treatment industry (electroplating industry). 4. System function description and operation education training The program team will handle the system function introduction and operation education training when the system is completed.
英文關鍵字 Heavy metal water pollution, Electroplating and metal surface treatment industries, Early warning system