

中文摘要 本計畫分為「精進總量管理制度」、「協助高屏地區總量管制計畫推動」及「建構高屏以外地區總量管制執行能力」等三大類別,主要執行成果如下: (一) 研修總量管制相關子法 高屏總量管制計畫公告實施後,部分規定產生疑義,目前已完成固定污染源空氣污染物削減量差額認可保留抵換及交易辦法(草案)之修訂,避免因法規解讀不同造成申請及審查上的爭議。 (二) 規劃空氣污染物拍賣管理制度 空氣污染物拍賣管理制度係參酌國際間相關拍賣制度及經驗,透過專家諮詢及研商會完備可行性後,已委託系統公司建立拍賣平台,另完成拍賣作業指引及系統操作手冊。 (三) 擬訂高屏地區空氣污染物總量管制計畫之相關配套作業 目前已完備高屏總量管制計畫各項配套作業,建立不同污染物抵換比例作業方式、擬定減量承諾作業指引、確立減量方法可行性、統一排放量查核原則。 (四) 推動高屏地區總量管制監督與追蹤小組(以下簡稱總量小組) 為促進順利推動總量管制,環保署成立總量小組,透過共議方式督促總量管制落實,本計畫協助總量小組運作,彙整資料予總量小組決議以達成滾動式檢討。 (五) 中部及雲嘉南地區排放量認可試行作業 本年度以提升中部地區及雲嘉南地區之總粒狀污染物及揮發性有機物掌握度為優先,並透過訪查作業輔導公私場所熟稔排放量認可作業相關事宜。
中文關鍵字 總量管制計畫;排放量認可;高屏地區;細懸浮微粒;拍賣;增量抵換


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-FA18-03-A066 經費年度 105 計畫經費 9650 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/29 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 余志達
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 李宜娟 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年定稿.pdf 33MB

Integration project of air quality improvement and total quantity control for Kao-Pin air quality control district.

英文摘要 This project included three parts, reinforcing of total quantity control plan, assisting to advance the Kao-Pin total quantity control plan, and building the capacity to execute total quantity control plan in other areas. Main results states as follows: 1. Modifying associated total quantity control rules To make supporting rules of total quantity control plan more adapted to the exact condition nowadays, we modified banking, offsetting and trading rules of emission reduction credits(ERCs) for stationary pollution sources. This could minimize controversial administrative executions. 2. Developing the system of air pollutant auction platform Besides learning from international experiences of emission allowance auction system for air pollutant and greenhouse gas, this project also consulted experts from the field of law and finance to develop a reliable air pollutant ERCs auction system with the help of system engineering company, and we also finished the guidebook of auction and system operation. 3. Setting supporting regulatory measures for total quantity control plan We have finished the regulation of offsetting for different kinds air pollutants, reduction commitment guidance, reduction measure methodologies for offsets, and tracking and inspection for emission quantity. 4. Assisting to hold taskforce meetings for total quantity control supervising and tracking committee Total quantity control supervising and tracking committee aimed to inspect the policy through negotiation and discussion. We helped collecting information and questions regarding execute total quantity plan and helped the committee to review the work progress of total quantity control plan. 5. Central area and Yun-Chia-Nan area pollutant emissions quantity authorization We chose stationary sources with higher TSP and VOCs emission quantities as main targets this year. Through this process, stationary sources will be more familiar with total quantity control plan and the application processes of pollutant emissions quantity authorization.
英文關鍵字 Total quantity control plan, Pollutant emissions quantity authorization, Kao-Pin area, Fine particulate matter(PM2.5), auction, offset pollutant emissions increases