

中文摘要 現今由於國人對生活環境品質高度重視,一般民眾對於工廠排放或逸散廢氣中所含物質,對於人體健康危害影響極為關注,尤其近年來民眾呼吸道疾病,特別是兒童氣喘、上呼吸道過敏比例增加,更是造成民眾對生活周遭環境之空氣污染提出抗議或陳情的主因,甚至不惜採取激烈的圍廠抗爭手段。揮發性有機物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)的排放不僅是造成大氣中臭氧濃度增加的元兇,更是許多呼吸道、循環系統疾病、腫瘤的成因。因此,環保署大力推動相關揮發性有機物排放之管制,期望減少各類污染源之VOCs排放量,藉以提升民眾生活周遭環境空氣品質。 本計畫執行成果,在支援屢遭陳情事件調查,本年度協助完成宜蘭縣冬山B01校及馬賽社區屢遭陳情異味污染調查,以及台中大甲媽祖遶境進香期間之空氣污染物調查。在減量協談及污染改善,針對宜蘭縣冬山B01校及馬賽社區的異味來源(龍德工業區內A01廠),以及C01校之空氣污染物來源(C工業區內乙二醇一廠和二廠),完成兩場次的減量協談作業。在不明空氣污染來源追蹤調查技術移轉訓練會議,本年度共完成3場次辦理,三場次的學員合計達168人次。分析歷年協助處理屢遭陳情的異味污染事件,發現表面塗裝業之有機溶劑的逸散問題佔有顯著貢獻比例。在特殊性工業區周界FTIR測站數據合理性查核,完成蒐集特殊工業區周界FTIR測站數據,並比較分析歷年FTIR相關計畫和前述FTIR測站監測結果之異同處,以及二處測站之平行比測作業。 在C01校大氣環境空氣和飲用水之氯乙烯流布調查,OP-FTIR於C01校環境大氣中測得24種化學物質種(包含氯乙烯、1,2-二氯乙烷、環氧乙烷),比對相關管制標準,除了環氧乙烷於105/8/21下午曾出現連續36分鐘超過周界標準(20ppb)7-23倍的測值以外,其他各種空氣污染物的濃度均未超過固定污染源排放標準之周界標準;氯乙烯方面,在非歲修期間C01校測得VCM的最大濃度為30ppbv,平均濃度為10.3ppbv,遠低於周界標準(200ppb),整體而言,各污染物出現的頻率大多偏低,在為期98天的量測期間,氯乙烯高於偵測極限的測值僅佔所有98天(24,887筆數據)的0.1%,相當於累計120分鐘的量測時間,但共分為11個不同時段量測到氯乙烯,每次量測到氯乙烯的持續時間由10分鐘到25分鐘不等;1,2-二氯乙烷和環氧乙烷的出現頻率更低,僅0.01%~0.04%的出現頻率,也就是僅累積最多36分鐘的測值;顯示就OP-FTIR的監測結果而言,這些可能造成TdGA濃度上升的污染物,自污染源排放到C01校時,其測值大多屬於非連續性的變化趨勢。綜合環保署監資處6號監測車、地方環保局空氣品質監測車、創控生技及工研院OP-FTIR的監測結果,4種監測方法測得VCM濃度隨時間的變化都有類似的趨勢,但濃度高低略有不同;常態VCM測值大多在2 ppb以下,大於2 ppb測值出現頻率低(僅10/16~10/23較為頻繁);出現時機只有正對的風向(西北-北北東風)加上較高風速(5m/sec.),才會將工廠逸散/排放的氯乙烯隨高風速傳輸到C01校。分析氯乙烯的來源,以工廠製程常態排放及難檢元件的洩漏為主,其次是歲修期間的洩漏,C工業區方面已承諾將強化歲修期間同步洩漏偵測、利用延伸桿輔助高管線檢測(2~5米)及增設走道設施以利檢測維修。 C01校大氣環境空氣中VOCs採樣分析結果(不鏽鋼採樣筒),三處採樣位置(操場、辦公室和屋頂)各次採樣分析結果中,氯乙烯和丙烯腈皆未檢測出,而1,2-二氯乙烷僅於教室屋頂和操場在第一次採樣時有檢測到,但所檢測到濃度(<4.0×10-3 mg/m3)非常低,接近於偵測極限無法準確定量,且遠低於周界標準(0.800 mg/m3)。C01校飲用水水中VOCs採樣分析結果,三處採樣位置(廚房用水、飲水機和洗手台用水)各次採樣分析結果中,氯乙烯和1,2-二氯乙烷皆未檢測出。 在C工業區氯乙烯相關製程調查,4家工廠、7個製程之排放管道檢測結果,其中僅A04廠氯乙烯和聚氯乙烯的3個製程檢測出氯乙烯,但測得濃度皆低於排放管道排放標準10 ppm。製程逸散源(設備元件、儲槽、裝載設施和廢水設施)之VOCs洩漏篩檢作業,篩檢結果均未發現VOCs洩漏。 在石化工廠法規符合度查核結果,無發現重大不符合規範事項,僅各有1~3小事項未完全符合,主要為設備元件、儲槽和廢水處理場仍有少部分未符合的地方,追蹤改善成果,對於不符合之處於年底前大致皆可完成改善,另在操作許可證上共發現四大類問題,並針對發現相關問題提出改善措施。在石化製程冷卻水塔和加熱設備/設施排放調查工作,本年度7家工廠調查結果,僅1家工廠之苯乙烯製程原物料或反應物或產品與冷卻水塔冷卻水有所接觸,但僅為該廠該製程之操作生產方式,其他廠相同製程並未有此情況,另各廠冷卻水塔之冷卻水中添加藥劑,皆未使用到含六價鉻(Cr6+)藥劑。在研擬石化製程加熱設備/設施之空氣污染物管制策略,透過蒐集彙整國外相關管制法規和策略資料,以及國內背景資料蒐集調查、實廠檢測,提出國內石化製程加熱設備/設施之NOx管制架構研擬及推動方向,以及相關管制策略及配套措施之執行重點。在編撰石化業操作許可證之現場查核要點指引,參考90年環保署研擬之「固定污染源許可查核參考手冊」架構及項目,進而完成石化業製程污染源之查核要點指引編撰。 建立本土化行業別製程之有害空氣污染物排放係數,依據2年度現勘調查及3家工廠檢測結果,國內乙二醇製程之HAPs排放係數建置結果為介於0.00000033 ~ 0.01460978公斤/公噸產品產量之間。推動石化工業區HAPs之減量工作,於A石化工業區鄰近敏感受體大氣環境中,具有健康風險之HAPs物種為1,2-二氯乙烷,但於本(105)年度A石化工業區之敏感受體大氣環境VOCs採樣分析結果,發現1,2-二氯乙烷採集到濃度和次數已較104年度降低,顯示Q廠近年針對廠內1,2-二氯乙烷相關製程推動之VOCs改善措施和方案具有良好成效。建立重大污染源工業區敏感受體區域之環境濃度基線,本年度A石化工業區一處敏感受體點之二大類有害空氣污染物採樣分析結果顯示,其中揮發性有機物有8種物種較常存在於此區域大氣環境中,而醛酮類化合物有2種物種。
中文關鍵字 重大污染源、揮發性有機物、光學量測技術、有害空氣污染物、排放係數


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-FA12-03-A144 經費年度 105 計畫經費 15650 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/18 專案結束日期 2017/01/31 專案主持人 張寶額
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 戴忠良 執行單位 工業技術研究院 綠能與環境研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度重大污染源空氣污染物排放管制暨光學量測技術查核計畫期末報告定稿本.pdf 45MB

The plan for audit of air pollutant emissions from major sources and investigate of optical measurement technology

英文摘要 In recent years, environmental pollution issues related to the (fugitive) emissions from factories have gained a great deal of attentions from the general public, as people are aware of the potential adverse health effect that might affect their quality of life. With the increasing susceptibility of respiratory illnesses, such as children’s asthma or upper respiratory trait diseases, the figures of environmental nuisance complaints have been increasing at an unprecedented rate in recent years. The emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) not only contributes to the formation of ground level ozone and various air contaminants, but also triggers a variety of health problems, including respiratory illness, circulation diseases, or even malignant tumors. For these reasons, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) has applied several air pollution control strategies, such as permit system, emission standards, fugitive emission control, and economic incentives, on reducing VOC emissions from stationary sources and improving air quality. two places were as target, In relation to the task of investigation for repetitive air pollution nuisance complaints, B01 School and B02 Community, located in Yilan County, were targeted for odor investigation, in which a total three odor emission sources were identified. In addition, the potential harmful air pollutant, including particular matters and chemical species were also measured by both particle counters and OP-FTIR before and during the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage Procession. Two emission reduction enforcements have been done, one was the odor emission sources of Yilan County, i.e., A01 Corporation in Lonung Te Industrial Park, and the other was the potential emission sources which may cause air toxics exposure on the students at C01 elementary school in Yun-Lin County, i.e, Ethylene Glycol (EG) No. 1 and No. 2 Plants. Three workshops (with at least 168 attendees) were conducted to introduce the knowledge and method of investigating air pollution sources by using optical remote sensing technology or other related analytical methods. Among various causes of odor nuisance complaints, it is suggested that surface coating may contribute the significant levels of VOCs to the surrounded environment mainly due to the fugitive emission of organic solvent. In regard to the auditing of the performance of OP-FTIR stationary monitoring station, two OP-FTIR paths were set up in parallel configuration at the same site to compare the differences in both spectra quality and qualitative/quantitative analytical results of the two systems. The task of investigation of vinyl chloride level in ambient air and drinking water for C01 school has been done. The results showed that a total 24 chemicals were measured in ambient air by OP-FTIR and most of air pollutant concentrations were below the ambient limit of stationary sources. The ambient levels of vinyl chloride were 30 ppbv (maximum) and 10.3 ppbv (mean), both value were below to the ambient limit (200 ppbv). In terms of frequency, the high concentration (>200 ppbv) of vinyl chloride were counted for 0.1% among total 24,887 data, it was equivalent to a total of 120 minutes of measurement time with the duration time of 10 to 25 minutes at each occuurance. The frequency of 1,2-dichloroethane and ethylene oxide were less than 0.05% among total 24,887 data, it was equivalent to a total of 36 minutes of measurement time. According to the results of OP-FTIR, the emissions of those compounds which may cause the high level of TdGA revealed either sudden or intermittent pattern of emission during the entire measurement period. The results of ambient 24 hours samples, which sampled and analyzed by using canister and GC/MS showed a level below method detection limit (MDL) at all three sampling locations, including playground, office and classroom roof for vinyl chloride, acrylonitrile and 1,2-dichloroethane. The results of drinking water samples also were under method detection limit for both vinyl chloride and 1,2-dichloroethane at all samples located at kitchen water, drinking fountains and washing water. The inspection and auditing of associated processes of vinyl chloride in C petrochemical Complex were also conducted in this project. A total of seven processes at four plants were audited and none of them were found non-compliance. As for the results of stack inspections, three processes at C Petrochemical Corporation have been detected, of which the concentration level of vinyl chloride were under 10 ppm (the emission limit of stack). Moreover, no leakage emissions have been found in the fugitive sources, including components, storage tanks, loading/unloading equipment, and wastewater treatment plants. Compliance status of three targeted factories has been reviewed, in which the case of “incompliance to the law” were mainly identified at the equipment components, storage tanks, and wastewater treatment plants. Commends have provided to the responsible personnel of those plants for conducting the improvement plan. Seven cooling towers were sampled, of which the compositions were analyzed. Hexavalent chromium was no longer used as a rust inhibitor in all cooling towers. For heating equipment, the NOx regulation and control strategy of United States, European Commission, Japan, China and Singapore have been collected and reviewed. These information were used to develop NOx control strategy of heating equipment in petrochemical industry in Taiwan. An on-site inspection guideline of operating permit for petrochemical industry has been developed with six chapters included in the document. The emission factors (EF) of potential hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) from ethylene glycol processes have been developed, the EF of ethylene glycol were ranged from 0.00000033 ~ 0.01460978 kg/tonne-product. The results of ambient HAP profile from the B elementary school nearby the A petrochemical industrial park showed eight VOC compounds (such as acetone, toluene, and Chloromethane) and two carbonyls (formaldehyde and acetaldehyde) that were appeared in most of ambient samples. The levels of 1,2-dichloroethane in this year has been reduced compared to that of the levels of 2015. It implied that the VOCs emission control of Q petrochemical plant was effective.
英文關鍵字 Major Stationary Source, Volatile Organic Compounds, Optical Monitoring Technique, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Emission Factor