

中文摘要 本計畫旨在辦理溫室氣體階段管制目標諮詢委員會行政作業規劃及作業準則法制化作業,並透過蒐研國際公約最新發展趨勢、及主要國家部門排放目標設定等相關資訊與推動經驗,提出我國未來各階段管制目標之訂定程序、排放路徑及目標方案建議,並進一步評估目標設定對經濟及環境等面向之衝擊影響分析,以做為我國逐步落實溫管法西元2050年長期減量目標階段性目標。另為協助行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)辦理作準則及階段管制目標研定等事宜,於階段管制目標諮詢委員會召開期間,提供會議所需資料及行政支援作業,亦同步配合辦理相關部會研商、專家諮詢及公聽會等,以透過廣納各界意見方式,凝聚國家總體及部門別溫室氣體減量目標訂定之共識。最後,藉由與國際組織或智庫進行交流或會議參與等方式,擴大國際交流合作與掌握國際趨勢,據以啟動我國第一階段溫室氣體階段管制目標。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體階段管制目標、溫室氣體階段管制目標及管制方式作業準則、衝擊影響評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-F104-02-A199 經費年度 105 計畫經費 9550 千元
專案開始日期 2016/05/17 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 蘇漢邦
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 張原道 執行單位 財團法人台灣綜合研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「溫室氣體階段管制目標建構研析及行政支援」期末報告公開版.pdf 0MB

The Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Periodic Regulatory Goal Construction and Administrative Support

英文摘要 This project aims to conven and orgnize the administrative processes of Greenhouse Gas periodic regulatory goal advisory committee and to plan the legalization of operational standards. By researching the latest information of international conventions, sectoral periodic regulatory goal settings in major countries and its related information and experiences to provide advisory on setting the procedure of individual periodic regulatory goal, emission pathway and recommendations on target program. Furthermore, this project contiains assessment on the impact of economy and environment aspect affected by target setting to implement the long-term goal of periodic regulatory goal by 2050 under Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Management Act gradually. To assist the Environmental Protection Administration of R.O.C (EPA) to set the regulations for the goals and regulatory approaches, this project will provide related information and administrative support for the need when the advisory committee meetings are convened, and by conducting related meetings such as consultations of ministries, experts consulting conferences, and public hearing, collecting advices from private sectors to public sectors to reach a consensus on the setting of the national and sectoral Greenhous Gas emission reduction goal. Finally, via activities like exchanging information and attending meetings with international organizations or think tanks, and expanding international cooperation, as well as keep updated the international trend, in order to initiate the first phase of Greenhouse Gas periodic regulatory goal.
英文關鍵字 Regulatory goals of GHG, The regulations for the Regulatory goals of GHG and regulatory approaches, Assessment of impact