

中文摘要 本計畫蒐集分析國外石化業相關有害空氣污染物管制策略及內容,以做為雲林縣推動固定源有害污染物管制參考;透過紅外線連續監測作業長時間監測,以利了解探討不同季節風向對工業區周界的影響;調查離島工業區廠區中及廠區周界PM2.5及氣態樣品之PAHs、金屬元素及戴奧辛之濃度變化趨勢及分布特性並比較離工業區不同距離之採樣點位指紋特徵;執行揮發性有機氣體採樣分析,確認離島工業區影響程度,進而達到促使污染源改善。本計畫成果摘要如下所示: (一)蒐集石化業相關有害空氣污染物管制策略 台灣之有害空氣污染物管制已行之有年,目前以「固定污染源最佳可行控制技術」、「揮發性有機物空氣污染管制及排放標準」等控制技術基準策略為主要管制辦法,各國之發展沿革多以控制技術基準為初步策略,其後再依污染物對人體造成的健康效應進行管控;參考六輕相關製程、美國聯邦發規40 CFR Part 63及SPECIATE圖譜,彙整出六輕石化業可能排放之HAPs並進行危害性資料,包含:氯乙烯、1,3-丁二烯及苯等109種污染物;空氣污染物之排放量,依據可取得的資料以及應用範疇之不同,有不同之計算方法,針對常見之估算方式分為實際檢測法、質量平衡法、工程計算法、排放係數法做說明。 (二)紅外線連續監測及圖譜即時分析 紅外線連續監測架設於工業區周界,依季節盛行風向分別於上下風處架設監測點(南門福利大樓、許厝分校),共完成324天次監測。監測期間,主要皆測得烷烯類,測得物種皆低於周界標準。測得物種於春、秋及冬三季,下風處南門福利大樓測線,測得濃度皆高於許厝分校測線,而夏季則反之,故推論測得物種多來自工業區內;然氨四季皆於許厝測線濃度較高,其污染來源來自工業區外,主要受測線周邊畜牧業影響。 紅外線連續監測採用工研院所開發之IR-SOFT軟體,透過電腦擷取紅外線吸收圖譜,經程式進行物種定行與定量,數據傳輸至環保局電腦。另設有警戒值,當標的污染物即時濃度逾警戒值,主動發訊通知環保局。 (三)有害空氣污染物檢測分析(重金屬、PAHs、陰陽離子及戴奧辛) 為確切掌握離島工業區及雲林地區PM2.5細懸浮微粒及其成份、PM2.5細懸浮微粒中PAHs及戴奧辛以及氣態PAHs及戴奧辛之環境分佈,於工業區、鄰近工業區(距離工業區10公里範圍)及遠離工業區(距離工業區20公里範圍)三個區域共5處採樣點位進行為期三天之採樣。總重金屬、工業重金屬與固態PAHs,隨著距離離島工業區越遠的地方,其相似度越低,也就是該成份分析物種組成,可以作為離島工業區的指紋圖譜。歷年結果,於PM2.5中的工業重金屬及工業PAHs,也以離島工業區相對濃度較高。由於本次採樣期間,盛行風向都以北風、東北風為主,因此,在相似度分析上,可以看到較高的一致性。由歷年之資料彙整比較,發現粒徑較粗之微粒,其對六輕工業區附近環境之影響較細微粒更為明顯,主要是因為粗粒徑微粒較易在排放源附近沈降下來。PM2.5懸浮微粒因其粒徑極細,能被傳送至較遠處,且其在傳送過程易累積或生成衍生性鹽類,甚至吸附其他之污染物。 (四)完成揮發性有機氣體採樣分析56點次 於工業區周界敏感點依據NIEA A715.15B執行揮發性有機氣體採樣分析,檢測結果顯示測得物種數與六輕的距離之間大致上有一定趨勢,以距離六輕<10 km所測得VOCs物種較多,出現頻率以丙酮為最多檢測出之物種,而其他較常見的VOCs物種依序為甲醇、丙烷等。檢測數據結果統計廠區外檢測出最大濃度之物種為豐安國小所檢測出的甲醇49.9 ppb,廠區內為K8400變電室所檢測出的異戊烷189.0 ppb,測得物種皆低於周界標準。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物、多環芳香族化合物、開徑式霍式紅外光譜儀、懸浮微粒、戴奧辛、細懸浮微粒


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-105-048 經費年度 105 計畫經費 16550 千元
專案開始日期 2016/11/17 專案結束日期 2017/11/16 專案主持人 曹志成
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 廖俊傑 執行單位 祥威環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPB-105048 期末報告公開方式.pdf 6MB

The Infrared continuous monitoring and the survey of harmful air pollutants in Yunlin County on 2016

英文摘要 (1) Through the FTIR continuous monitoring, exploring the offshore island industrial area on its surrounding of environmental impact concerned with different seasons. As of Oct 16, 2017, Nanmen Welfare Building was completed 147 days of monitoring, Hsutso Campus of Qiaotou elementary school was completed 121 monitoring days; the total was 324 monitoring days. Two lines of measured compounds: methanol, ethylene, acetylene, propane, propylene, n-butane, isobutylene, vinyl acetate, ammonia, o-xylene, methyl acetate. During the monitoring period, 1,3-butadiene, and vinyl acetate in Nanmen line exceeded the ambient standard but did not trigger the alarm standard. These lines have continuously tracked source of pollution. Exceeding the olfactory threshold of the compounds: Nanmen line has ammonia, 1,3-butadiene, butanone and toluene; Hsutso has ammonia and ethanol. Two lines measured methyl acetate for the first time this year and the maximum concentration in Nammen was 619.21 ppb and Hsutso was 359.98 ppb. (2) To investigate the trend and distribution characteristics of hazardous air pollutants, water-soluble cationic, and carbonaceous substances in industrial areas in near-industry area and far-industry area of Yunlin area; compare PAHs, metal elements, water-soluble anions and cationic, and their fingerprints in offshore island industrial area, near-industry area and far-industry area. The first sampling was performed from January 9 to 12, 2017, including PM2.5 mass concentration and its composition analysis (carbon composition, cationic, heavy metal, PAHs) and gaseous PAHs, as two major spindles. The sampling was performed in the industrial area, near-industry area to select two sampling points and select the station in the Hukou Townships for far-industry area. PM2.5 concentration was affect by the cold air group moved from the south until Jan. 10th, 2017 before sampling began to decrease weakened the impact which the concentration reached the highest peak on Jan. 10th, 2017. To use distance for distinguish industrial areas, PM2.5, carbon composition, ion concentration polar gas, solid PAHs are the higher concentration from the far to the near industrial area. Heavy metal crustal elements accounted for the highest proportion of the total metal elements, and followed by industrial sources and the ratio of traffic source was relatively lowest. The gas and solid dioxins as toxic concentration in the offshore island industrial area is higher than near-industry area and far-industry area; also, the far-industry area is slightly higher than the near-industry area. (3) To perform VOCs monitoring in the offshore island industrial area and its neighbor area, in order to understand the concentration of VOCs trends in Yunlin region. As of Nov 16, 2017, the implementation of seven sampling which each sampling in the industrial area selected three sampling points, the outside of factory with high exposure area for 3 points and the outside of the factory with exposure area for 2 points; a total of VOCs Analysis was 56 points/times. The maximum concentration in the outside of the factory was detected 49.9 ppb of Methanol; the K8400 substation of the inside of the factory was detected 189.0 ppb of methanol. With regard to the number of compounds was detected, acetone and methanol were measured for more times; the inside of the factory was detected propane, methanol, acetone, isobutane, n-butane, isopentane, n-pentane, toluene for more times. Comparing with the fixed source of air pollutants for ambient emissions standards, results are lower than the ambient air standard.
英文關鍵字 VOCs, PAHs, OP-FTIR, PM10, PM2.5, Dioxin