

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包含:稽查未定檢車、定檢率提升作業、低污染車輛推廣、 定檢站管理、新設及既有充電站維護作業及辦理宣導活動等,工作內容摘要如所表 一示。報告統計期程為自106 年3 月9 日起至107 年3 月8 日止,各項工作之分 月執行成果如表二所示。 本計畫需稽查未定檢車6 萬輛,統計至107 年3 月8 日止共完成未定檢車稽 查60,610 輛,分別為使用車牌辨識系統稽查52,679 及人力路邊巡查7,931 輛。 計畫期程內需寄發定檢通知明信片75 萬2,706 張,統計至107 年3 月8 日止 共完成寄發75 萬2,706 張,完成工作目標。催檢通知須寄發22 萬2,663 件,業已 完成寄發22 萬2,663 張催檢通知。 移動式定檢車空區服務,計畫目標數為550 輛次,統計至107 年3 月份共檢 測502 輛次,達到預定工作目標。二行程機車不定期路邊攔檢作業本年度須完成 4,000 輛,共攔檢5,561 輛次,完成預定工作目標。 民眾陳情案件辦理成效:案件通知檢驗辦理率97.63%、應處分案件處分率 95.65%、有查詢戶籍結案率99.78%、獎勵金發放時效5.5 日、獎金及獎品發放率 100.00%、案件辦理時效18.73 日。 協助環保局辦理二行程汰舊及新購低污染車輛補助作業,自106 年3 月9 日 統計至107 年2 月28 日為止,總計受理申請淘汰二行程機車補助38,618 件、淘汰 二行程機車並新購電動二輪車1,501 件及新購電動二輪車2,906 件 臺南市環保局設置之電動機車充電站總計202 站,本計畫需完成每半年維護 作業一次,包含民眾陳情之修復充電站,統計至107 年2 月份共計完成401 站次 定期維護及18 站次民眾陳情之不定期通報維護,合計419 站次 為維護定檢站檢驗品質,本年度需完成定檢站定期查核878 站次及不定期查 核100 站次,並執行實車查核249 站次及氣體查核80 站次,統計至107 年2 月份, 總計完成定期查核定檢站888 站次、不定期查核116 站次、實車查核296 站次及 氣體查核80 站次,完成預定工作目標。 計畫期程內於臺南市轄內易怠速地點、主要路段、高鐵站及銀行,執行怠速熄 火勸導作業,共計完成1,215 輛次怠速勸導,並於空品不良期間協助執行勸導怠速 車輛2,344 輛次,車輛皆現場立即熄火或是駛離庭等地點。此外,亦針對轄內易怠 速之5 處地點設置停車熄火告示牌,並與教育局合作推動2 間零怠速示範學校, 分別為東區大同國小及仁德區仁德國小。 空氣污染物削減量成果,計畫期程內協助推動淘汰二行程機車計5 萬1,240 輛, 其中受理申請淘汰二行程機車補助3 萬8,618 件、淘汰二行程機車並新購電動二輪 車1,501 件(汰舊二行程換購電動機車1,215 件、汰舊二行程換購電動(輔助)自行車 286 件)及新購電動二輪車2,906 件(新購電動機車2,489 件、新購電動(輔助)自行車 417 件),此外亦完成二行程機車不定期路邊攔檢5,561 輛次,共計削減PM􀬵􀬴33.66 公噸、PM􀬶.􀬹27.30 公噸、SO􀭜0.1 公噸、NO􀭜57.72 公噸、NMHC466.34 公噸。
中文關鍵字 106 年度臺南市移動污染源稽查管制計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 19115 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/09 專案結束日期 2018/03/08 專案主持人 陳靖民
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳佳宜 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度臺南市移動污染源稽查管制計畫_期末報告定稿.pdf 20MB

Mobile Sources of Pollution Control and Inspection Project of Tainan City, 2017

英文摘要 The main contents of the project include: non-periodic inspection of motorbike, raise the rate of periodic inspection of motorbike, promotion of using low-pollution vehicle, management of station of motorbike emission inspection, new and existing charging station maintenance operations and training activities, etc., the work summary One show. The statistical period for the reporting period is from March 9, 2017 to March 8, 2018. The project is required to find out 60,000 motorbikes without periodic inspection, and we found 60,610 motorbikes, which are certified by the license plate identification system 52,679 and 7,931 of the roadside inspections by March 8, 2018. During the period of the project, we sent 752,706 postcards to the owner of motorbike, for the information of periodic inspection of motorbike. We had sent 222,663 reminders for inspection notice. The service of motorbike emission inspection in the area without the station of motorbike emission inspection, the targets are 500 motorbikes, we had inspected 502 motorbikes. The number of nonperiodic inspection of two-stroke motorbike were 5,561. The results of the case: the case notice notice rate of 97.63%, the case should be punished 96%, the case for the time limit of 18.73, bonus and prizes issued rate of 100.0% and bonus payment time of 5.5 days. To assist the TNEPB to handle the phase-out of two-stroke motorcycles, we accepted 38,618 subsidy cases. TNEPB set up 202 electric bike charging stations, the program must be completed once every six months maintenance operations, including the people of the repair of the charging station, a total of 419 times to complete the maintenance of electric locomotive charging stations. There are 249 station of motorbike emission inspection Tainan. To ensure the inspection quality of these stations, we had periodic audited them for 878 times, and non periodic audited for 100 times. During the planning period, we audited 1,215 vehicles for nonidling. The vehicles will be stalled or departed from the court. And set the parking lot on the easy location of the jurisdiction of the parking lot, but also with the Education Bureau to promote two zero-speed demonstration schools, respectively, tainan municipal Rende district Ren-De elementary school and tainan municipal East district Da-Tong elementary school. We had reduced 51,240 two-stroke motorbikes, the pollutants emissions, PM10 33.66 ton, PM2.5 27.30 ton, SOx 0.1 ton, NOx 57.72 ton, and NMHC 466.34 ton.
英文關鍵字 Mobile Sources of Pollution Control and Inspection Project of Tainan City, 2017