

中文摘要 本計畫透過蒐研國際碳行動夥伴組織(International Carbon Action Partnership, ICAP)出版的「碳排放交易實踐手冊」(Emission Trading in Practice)解析各國市場機制的建置要件,以及規劃討論我國已建置與尚欠缺的要件,並提出完備方向之建議。 本計畫也配合未來總量管制與排放交易機制下的額度配售與拍賣所需,先行蒐研國際運算碳價所採用的模型與參數,作為研析國內碳價模擬工具建置之基礎;此外,本計畫更以六個步驟進行推論未來我國模擬碳價可採用的模型與參數組合,步驟分別為:一、收集歸納國際碳價模型及案例;二、分析各模型相對應之碳價模擬設計要素重點;三、各模型之參數選用及其選用原因;四、分析國內溫管法下之碳價模擬設計要素;五、根據國內排放交易機制設計要件選定碳價模型參數;六、建議適合國內碳價之模型建置。 國際上透過市場機制作為減量誘因的工具不僅碳市場與碳稅,也包含再生能源憑證與節能憑證,本計畫彙整國際上執行再生能源憑證與節能憑證之案例,藉由國際案例比較碳市場與其他誘因機制之間的合作與競爭方式,並且就我國現行政策可採用之機制提出可推動或引入之相關政策工具。 本計畫規劃推動臺德的雙邊合作,邀請德國排放交易管理局(Deutsche Emissionshandelsstelle, DEHSt)來台,就歐盟排放交易機制架構、德國執行市場機制之經驗逕行分享,並依據2017年5月拜會德方以及10月辦理「2017年碳市場能力建構工作會議」累積之經驗,規劃未來臺德三年合作計畫的想法與內容。此外,本計畫也透過參與「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第23屆締約方大會」與「2017年亞太碳論壇」和重要國際組織保持聯繫進行交流,做為未來邀請作為協助我國能力建構的專家名單,也作為後續規劃推動國際連結的基礎。
中文關鍵字 碳市場、巴黎協定、碳定價、能力建構


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FB12-03-A223 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3796.330 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/12 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 石信智
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 周怡君 執行單位 永智顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-FB12-03-A223_Final-公開版.pdf 0MB

The Promotion of International Cooperation and Capacity Building of Market Mechanism

英文摘要 This project therefore analyzes the fundamental elements needed for proper market construction based on multiple case studies captured in the Emission Trading in Practice, published by the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP). This project then addresses the progress and improvement that Taiwan would need to acknowledge and further provides recommendations on the essential actions and direction for the construction of a well-functioning market mechanism. This project addresses the expertise needed for the future emission control policy and the credit allocation and auction in emission trading mechanism. Therefore, information on the models and parameters of the carbon pricing calculation in foreign countries are collected as a reference to the construction of a carbon pricing stimulation tool under the local framework. This part of the project is divided into six parts: 1. Compilation of foreign carbon pricing models and case studies 2. Analysis on the crucial elements for each carbon pricing stimulation design. 3. The choices of parameters in each model and the reasons of such choices. 4. Analysis on the important elements in the carbon pricing stimulation design under the Management Act. 5. Set the parameters for carbon pricing model according to the local design of emission trading mechanism. 6. Provision of recommendation on the appropriate carbon pricing model. Apart from carbon market and the carbon tax, other methods such as Renewable Energy Certificate and Energy Saving Certificate are all considered as a part of the market mechanism to promote emission reduction. This project thus compiles the foreign case studies on the implementation of Renewable Energy Certificate and Energy Saving Certificate. Through the existing experience of foreign countries, the project discusses the competitive and corporative possibilities between carbon market and other induce mechanisms available. Furthermore, related policies on viable implementation methods are offered to be compatible with the current policy framework. This project actively arranges the bilateral corporation between Taiwan and Germany by inviting the representatives from the Deutsche Emissionshandelsstelle (DEHSt) to Taiwan. This meeting welcomes the German delegates to share its experiences on the construction of European Union Emission Trading Mechanism and the implementation of such mechanism in Germany. The meeting also builds upon the past communication made in the team’s visit to Germany in May 2017 and the 2017 Carbon Market Capacity Building Meeting conducted in October 2017, and arranges the scope of cooperation in the next three years of time between Taiwan and Germany. In addition, this project successfully assists Taiwan in maintaining a close communication with crucial international organizations through the attendance of COP23 and the 2017 Asia-Pacific Carbon Forum. This not only provides our country with a list of experienced experts for future capacity building purposes, but also sets an important foundation for the country’s future planning in establishing international connectivity.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Market, Paris Agreement, Carbon pricing, Capacity Building