

中文摘要 桃園埤塘由1900年至1999年止,埤塘面積由11.8%減少至3.8%,考量埤塘為桃園重要地理特色之一, 其所具備的降溫、滯洪功能, 將藉由本計畫研擬在氣候變遷的影響下, 埤塘的調適策略, 做為未來相關計畫之參考。 埤塘脆弱度初步以「功能性指標」、「氣溫指標」、「雨量指標」、「環域開發指標」等四項指標進行評估, 因計算依據不同, 成果略有差異。 氣候影響衝擊分為雨量及氣溫兩部分, 以頻率分析的概念進行氣候風險評估, 暴雨雨量以大園區及龜山區較低, 以新屋區為最高, 氣溫部分則以大園、龜山、桃園、中壢等行政區較高, 觀音區及新屋區較低。 參考風險矩陣概念, 設計敏感區判釋矩陣, 判釋結果高度敏感區之埤塘分布以桃園、八德、龜山市區周邊為主,其他行政區則是零星散布。 埤塘降溫功能部份, 埤塘對於小範圍之微氣候具有氣溫調節的功能, 於最高溫及均溫時, 埤塘及周邊區域溫度約低於全區溫度, 於最低溫時, 埤塘及周邊區域溫度略高於全區溫度。在滯洪方面, 滯洪百分比以沿海行政區普遍較大, 丘陵區之行政區, 埤塘受地形影響, 數量較少且面積偏小, 導致滯洪量較低。
中文關鍵字 埤塘、氣候變遷、調適計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1780 千元
專案開始日期 2017/06/15 專案結束日期 2017/12/14 專案主持人 杜明臨
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉依玟 執行單位 光宇工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 埤塘調適期末報告(定稿)(全文)1061219.pdf 28MB

Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Taoyuan City Ponds in 2017

英文摘要 The Taoyuan ponds, from 1900~1999 have decreased in area from 11.8% to 3.8%, and considering their reputation as a special local geological feature and their abilities to lower temperature and prevent flood, this project will propose an adaptation plan in the face of climate change, as a reference for future relevant projects. The vulnerability of ponds are initially assessed by 4 indexes including “function”, “temperature”, “rainfall” and “environmental development”. The results vary due to different calculations. The climate change will impact on the rainfall and temperature. Assessing the climate through the concept of frequency analysis, the amount of rain from rainstorm is relatively lower in Dayuan and Guishan districts, and highest in Xinwu district; The temperature in Dayuan, Guishan, Taoyuan, and Zhongli are relatively higher, and in Guanyin and Xinwu districts are relatively lower. With reference to the risk matrix concept, a sensitive area interpreting matrix was designed, and the results showed that ponds with higher sensitivity are distributed in areas adjacent to the Taoyuan, Ba-de, and Guishan city centers, for other administrative districts the sensitive areas are scattered. Regarding the cooling function, the ponds play a role in adjusting the temperatures of small-scaled areas’ microclimates. During the hottest and average temperatures, the temperatures of ponds and surrounding areas are approximately lower than the entire area. In terms of flood-prevention, the percentage in flood-prevention is greatest in coastal administrative districts. The administrative areas located on the hillsides, influenced by its topography, are low in quantity and smaller in size, hence the flood retention ability is lower.
英文關鍵字 pond, climate change, adaptation plan