中文摘要 | 環保署於105年12月30日發布修正「土壤及地下水污染整治費收費辦法」,於106年7月1日施行;本計畫為因應新法上路,於施行前積極對外進行新政策的溝通,並協助推動作業,包括課費之法規釋疑、遭遇問題之研析等;以及分析正式施行後之課費結果,研析不同面向的重要議題,並透過辦理3場次相關議題專家諮詢會,完成退費制度調整方案、整治費費率調整時機及考量因子、建立基金收支總體評估工具架構等,以提高整治費徵收制度完備性。本計畫執行成果包括: 1.檢視分析新制整治費收費辦法施行實效,本計畫就修法前後各類別徵收比率進行比較,其變化趨勢符合原先整治費修法之規劃。 2.本計畫彙整各環境基金與非營業特種基金,評估其對土污基金造成之影響與競合。 3.本計畫協助答覆收費辦法疑義,設立整治費諮詢服務專線電話與提供電子郵件諮詢管道,受理相關諮詢服務,並將歷次諮詢內容進行文字紀錄後,配合業務報告進行說明,彙整相關問題並提出線上Q&A之更新建議,做為政策說明之參考。 4.完成協助土壤及地下水污染整治費收費辦法之相關作業,包括製作對外說明簡報、協助辦理16場次法規說明會,其辦理成效良好,彙集各界意見,並協助正式徵收後所遭遇之問題進行研析檢討,並研提因應措施納入後續階段修法之規劃中。 5.蒐集彙整國際間污染場址相關收費機制,包含美國超級基金、加拿大聯邦污染場址行動計畫、英國污染場址地方補助、紐西蘭污染場址復育基金與日本土壤污染對策基金等之基金制度,分別從法源依據、基金設計與運用條件等進行研析,研提我國基金徵收精進策略方向。 6.本計畫提出之退費轉型建議,初步估算約可降低每年50~70%的退費額,此轉型政策推動之益本比可達2.3~3.3,預期可大幅降低整治費之退費負擔。 7.本計畫參考水污基金、空污基金、資源回收管理基金,以及教育基金之費率調整啟動機制,研擬土污基金費率調整啟動機制之考量因子,將其分為每年檢討之常態性因子及中長期檢討之非常態性因子,以作為土污基金費率調整啟動機制之評估。 8.本計畫完成3場次專家諮詢會議以提升計畫品質,其針對以土污基金的永續經營為核心,研議(1)基金財源之多元化;(2)基金效益評估探討;(3)退費機制轉型與費率調整啟動機制,蒐集眾多專家建議,已納入後續修法之參考。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 土壤及地下水污染整治費收費辦法、土污基金、土壤及地下水整治費 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-106-GA11-03-A132 | 經費年度 | 106 | 計畫經費 | 6300 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2017/04/01 | 專案結束日期 | 2018/09/30 | 專案主持人 | 魏敏裕 |
主辦單位 | 土污基管會 | 承辦人 | 陳育廷 | 執行單位 | 晶淨科技股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 期末報告(公開版).pdf | 6MB | 期末報告(公開版) |
2017 Projectt of review and adjustment on the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fees system
英文摘要 | On December 30, 2016, the Environmental Protection Administration announced a revised "Regulations Governing Collection of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees ", which was implemented on July 1, 2017. In response to the introduction of the new policy, this project actively communicates with the outside parties before its implementation, and facilitates promotion activities such as the explanation of levies and analysis of issues, as well as the analysis of levies after full implementation and important issues in different aspects. Three sessions of expert forum were held to complete the adjustment of refund policies, discussion on the timing and consideration of adjusting the maintenance fees and establishment of the overall assessment framework for the Fund's revenue and expenditure to improve the comprehensiveness of the collection system of maintenance fees. The results of the project include: 1.Examine and analyze the actual effects of the collection policy of maintenance fees. The project compares the various collection rates before and after the policy revision, and the trends show that it achieves the objectives for revising the original maintenance fees. 2.This project organizes the information of various environmental funds and non-business specialty funds to assess their effects on and competition for the soil pollution fund. 3.This project assists in resolving doubts about the fees. A consultation hotline and an email box are established to handle the consultation tasks. All inquiries are recorded in texts and reported in meetings. Questions are compiled and updated in the Q&A section to serve as a reference for the clarification of policies. 4.Completes tasks related to the collection policies of maintenance fees for soil and groundwater remediation, including producing presentation slides to be used in briefing sessions, and holding 16 briefing sessions on policies and requirements. The results were good as the opinions from various sources were compiled, allowing for analysis and review of issues happened after the formal collection and providing response measures that can be included in the planning for future policy revisions. 5.Collect and compile information on the collection measures of various pollution sites in the world, including Superfund of the US, "Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan" of Canada, local subsidies for pollution sites in the UK, "Contaminated Sites Remediation Fund" of New Zealand and "Soil Contamination Countermeasures Fund" in Japan. Analysis are conducted in the aspects of regulatory background, fund design and application criteria to improve the strategic direction of our fund's collection. 6.This project proposes recommendations for refund and transformation in which 50-70% of refund can be reduced annually. This benefit-cost ratio of this transformative policy can reach 2.3 to 3.3, which is expected to greatly reduce the burden on the refund of remediation fee. 7.This project refers to initiation of fee adjustment to the water pollution fund, air pollution fund, resource recovery and management fund, as well as education fund to analyze the considerations for the initiation of fee adjustment for soil pollution fund. The normal factors discussed annually and the non-normal factors discussed in intermediate and long-term planning are used as part of the assessment for the adjustment of soil pollution fund charges. 8.This project completes three sessions of expert forum to improve its quality. For the sustaining operation of the soil pollution fund, the project discussed (1) the diversification of the fund's financial resources, (2) the evaluation of the fund's performance, and (3) the transformation of refund policy and fee adjustments. Recommendations from many experts are collected to be included in the references for future policy revisions. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Regulations Governing Collection of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees, the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund, Soil and Groundwater Remediation Fees |