

中文摘要 106年本計畫工作大項包括蒐集環境背景資料;更新維護河川揚塵預警及通報系統;河川揚塵採樣分析及預報;環境清理作業;會議、宣導及民眾滿意度;計畫管理等。整體總進度達成率為100%。計畫簽約金額為820萬元,契約規定之專任人力要求含計畫主持人、專案經理、專案工程師及駐局行政人員共5人。 年度工作成果為購置4季衛星空拍圖資。更新維護河川揚塵自動預警通報系統及應變機制,共配合應變40日。完成1場次河川揚塵應變防護演練及1場次河川揚塵改善示範觀摩會議。完成河川揚塵3日預報機制修正及河川揚塵監測分析。辦理環境清理作業8047.9公里。辦理2場區域聯繫會議及5場教育宣導說明會,宣導人數1422人。
中文關鍵字 河川揚塵、監測分析、預警系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 8200 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/13 專案結束日期 2018/05/12 專案主持人 龍玉琳
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃淑娟 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年台中市河川計畫期末定稿.pdf 39MB

2017 Project of Prevention and control the riverbed fugitive dust in Taichung City

英文摘要 This project for 2017 includes the following main works: gathering environmental background data, updating early warning system of the riverbed fugitive dust; monitoring and analysis the fugitive dust; environmental clean-up operations; implementation of the cooperation platform; meetings, propaganda and public satisfaction; and project management. As of May 12, the percentage of achievement in contract execution of project was 100%, amounting to NT$8.20 million. Dedicated human power specified by the contracts include a project leader a project manager, two project engineers and a resident Engineer. Annual outcomes included purchase the data of satellite empty shot map for four quarters. Update and maintain the early warning system of the fugitive dust from riverbed. Conduct emergency drill of river dust event. Implement sampling and analysis of river dust 14 times. Implementation of environmental clean-up work 8,047.9 km. Handle two contact meeting and five advocacy meetings, a total of 1422 people the number of participants.
英文關鍵字 riverbed fugitive dust, monitoring and analysis, early warning system