

中文摘要 本團隊於106年度執行之行政院環保署專題委託研究計畫「檢討提昇我國室內空氣品質之管理制度」共分為三個部分,執行過程與成果分別敘述如下: 本案參考國內外現有之室內空氣品質採樣調查表單,完成室內空氣品質調查表單的編製,內容包含建築基本資料及特性、空調系統、人員行為及採樣點平面位置圖繪製等。第二批公告場所國內外文獻檢索結果顯示,室內空氣污染物主要受室內外環境、建築特性、通風類型及人為因素等貢獻。延續去年度工作項目,完成七個章節之「室內空氣品質施政白皮書」編撰、審查、定稿、美編。選定六處不同類型之第二批公共場所進行室內空氣污染物濃度調查,僅運動健身場所室內細菌濃度有超標 (2268 CFU/m3),經統計檢定推測與該案例之通風設計及人員使用密集有關。利用2012至2015年共39點次學校場所調查資料,以大氣細懸浮微粒 (Particulate Matter, PM2.5) 平均濃度Kriging推估值、採樣月份,納入土地利用變項3000公尺範圍內垃圾掩埋場數及5000公尺範圍內河流數後,求得64%解釋力之室內濃度PM2.5預測模式,後續仍有必要加入其他建築特性變項以利提升模式之精準度及應用性。 本研究於國內10處第二批公告場所進行鄰苯二甲酸酯類 (Phthalates esters, PAEs) 於氣態、空氣懸浮微粒 (PM2.5) 及地板灰塵之採樣及分析。結果顯示,室內空氣氣固相PAEs均以DEHP為主。地板灰塵中以DEHP、DNOP、DINP及DIDP之濃度所佔比例較高,相較於過去研究,DEHP所佔比例有下降趨勢。PAEs之暴露評估結果顯示,各類PAEs不同暴露途徑(食入、吸入與皮膚接觸)之總暴露量均低於歐盟與國內建立之耐受量。本研究分析之10處場所中,TVOC、甲醛與臭氧值均低於室內空氣品質標準。 國立成功大學及社團法人臺灣室內環境品質學會 (TSIEQ) 等專業團隊於今年9/2-9/5假國立成功大學聯合辦理2017年亞洲健康建築國際研討會 (Healthy Buildings 2017 Asia),為期四天之會議總計現場277人報到,國內總計124位,本研討會涵蓋子題包含室內環境與氣候變遷、空調系統效能、建築材料與設計結構(含管理指引與規範)、量測技術與評估模式、健康危害評估等相關領域,經公開審查機制及註冊程序,公開發表之論文共有192篇,包括115篇口頭發表及77篇海報展示,另也邀請八位有機械工程、生物學及建築學等背景之專家進行大會演講,文中亦彙整此研討會之重點與建議於供相關部會施政參考。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質、第二批公告場所、粒徑小於2.5微米之懸浮微粒、土地利用模式、鄰苯二甲酸酯類、2017健康建築國際研討會


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA01-03-A224 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3675 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/31 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 蘇慧貞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 李宜娟 執行單位 國立成功大學


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期末報告 EPA106FA0103A224公開版.pdf 2MB EPA106FA0103A224公開版

To improve the management system of indoor air quality in Taiwan

英文摘要 The executive processes and results of three major objectives in current project were as follow: The ‘Building Investigation Checklist’ was developed based on other worldwide versions and including building information & characteristics, ventilation system, behaviors of occupants and illustration of floor plan. The results of reference review for the 2nd Public Places List showed that indoor air pollutants are significantly affected by the building characteristics, human activities and outdoor sources. The ‘White Paper’, contained seven chapters and described about the development of IAQ Management Act and current IAQ situations in Taiwan, was finalized through the review process and art editing. According to the investigation of air quality in the selected 6 samples of the 2nd Public Places List, only the gym with the bacterial concentrations exceeding the standrad of 1500 CFU/m3 which might due to its ventilation system and number of people inside. This study adopted the neighboring PM2.5 level derived from GIS Kriging and then included in the land use regression model to predict the indoor profiles of PM2.5. The final predictive model (R2 = 64%) was included kriging daily-averaged PM2.5 from air monitiorng, month, numbers of landfill within 3000 meter of radius, and numberd of river within 3000 m of radius. In this study, indoor PAEs partitioning between the gas, particle (PM) and settled dust were investigated in ten public places. Results showed that the most detected gaseous and particle-bound PAE was DEHP. The indoor dust levels of DEHP, DNOP, DINP and DIDP were higher than that for other PAEs. The estimated daily intakes (ingestion, inhalation and skin contact) of the target phthalates for adults were lower than TDIs of the EU-CSTEE. The VOCs, formaldehyde and ozone levels in those public places were under Taiwan's indoor air quality standards. We were grateful to the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate for choosing the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and the Taiwan Society of Indoor Environmental Quality (TSIEQ) to co-organize this unique conference during 9/2-9/5 in 2017. The conference theme is “Breaking the Asia-Pacific Countries' barriers to Climate Adaptation, and Sustainable Development” with a heavy emphasis on the Climate Change Impacts Indoor Environment, HVAC System Performance and Efficiency, Building and Materials, Design, Construction, Performance, Politics, Policy & Law, Innovation Measurement and Modelling, Health Assessment and many more. The Congress had received 277 participants including 124 from Taiwan. Total number of accepted abstracts at HB2017 Asia Conference was 192 (115 oral and 77 poster presentation). Each extend abstract is also open to download on the official website. There are eight fantastic plenary speakers with diverse backgrounds ranging from mechanical engineering, biology to architecture. We also integrate some suggestion from the submission papers for the corresponding government department.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), the 2nd Public Places List of IAQ Management Act, PM2.5, land use regression model, phthalates esters (PAEs), Healthy Buildings 2017-Asia