

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自106年1月1日起至106年12月31日止,各項工作成果摘要說明如下: 一、協助營建空污費徵收、催繳相關工作 計畫執行期間本縣營建工地空氣污染防制費申報案件數,總計2,027件,總申報金額為32,546,434元,申報案件中以其他工程最多,申報案件為879件,申報空污費金額最多為其他工程,申報空污費金額為10,466,748元;而決標1289件工程中已有1257件完成首期空污費申報,申報比率為97.51%。另計畫期間1,831件完工工-程,有1,584件工程完成末期空污費之結算申報或已確認完工毋須辦理結算,完工工程末期空污費之申報比率約86.51%。 進行開工(先期)查核,計35處工地,其中有0處工地有先行動工情形,並要求業主於空污費申報時確實填寫,以追朔實際施工期程;於工地延展查核列管中,共查核76處工地,其中76處工地已如期完工,完工查核工地數之100%。 二、營建工程空氣污染之巡查管制 計畫執行期間共完成營建工地巡查作業達4,890處次,而各行政區列管之營建工地數以民雄鄉(363處)最高,其次為竹崎鄉(256處),多以房屋工程為主;而全縣第1、2級營建工地管理辦法符合率分別為87.80%、84.18%,全縣未能符合管理辦法規範之污染防制設施項目,以營建工地周界缺失比例最高,佔全縣缺失項目之21.6%,其次為工程告示牌設施缺失,佔全縣缺失項目之20.9%,再其次為洗車設備及車行路徑設施缺失,佔全縣缺失項目分別為16.5%及18.0%。本縣營建工地之逸散粉塵產生量為3,032.8公噸,而經各種防制措施削減後之逸散粉塵現況排放量為1,011.6公噸,逸散粉塵削減量為2,021.3公噸,平均削減率為66.65%。在營建工地污染TSP、PM10及PM2.5原始排放量分別為3,032.8公噸、1,684.9公噸及337.0公噸,而各工程類別中以區域開發工程-工業區排放量最高,在管制後TSP、PM10及PM2.5現況排放量為295.6公噸、164.2公噸及32.8公噸。 而在執行期間受理41件陳情案件,陳情案件以路面污染及揚塵居多,分別有22件次及19件次,其中房屋工程陳情案計20件次(含1件次房屋拆除工程)、其他工程8件次、管線工程1件次、道路工程6件次、疏濬工程1件次、回填土作業(未申報)4件次。位於民雄鄉「老爺老爺雲品住宅新建工程(C1~C20)」陳情5次為最多,該工程分成11案共79棟建築、3處私設道路,於轄內屬大型建案,緊鄰人口密集社區,第1次至現場時未見污染情形,第2次至現場時聯外道路見有印染情形、第3次至現場時雖見有人員洗掃中,但道路仍有泥沙印染,合併告發違反廢棄物清理法第27條規定(現場查驗,認定未完成改善),於106年6月7完成稽查改善。該工地亦於106年5月10日辦理污染防制改善協商會,透過會議建立溝通管道,使業主、承包商能依照改善建議進行各項污染防制措施設置,下半年度於6~7月分別再度第4次、第5次陳情,該兩次陳情時,因雨季連日大雨將工地泥水流至鄰近道路,後續巡查時工地已將原有防溢座再加高,阻隔工地與周界外道路,避免再度流出工區,截至10月底止已無再陳情。道路管線工程陳情原因為工地施作工程產生揚塵及出入口處有泥沙印染,其中「水上鄉內溪洲排水(內溪村段)改善應急工程」乙案,該工程為矩溝施作,位於村莊聯絡道旁,第1次至現場時聯外道路見有泥沙印染告發為違反空氣污染防制法,第2次至現場時聯外道路見有泥沙印染,合併告發違反廢棄物清理法第27條規定,後續巡查時該工地已屬近完工階段。 針對「營建工程噪音、污染防制技術及空污費徵收相關法規宣導說明會」,於106年4月25日假創新學院202教室,辦理1場次,預計106年10月23日假創新學院202教室,辦理第2場次。 三、大型營建工地輔導及空拍作業 計畫執行期間每月進行新增大型工地輔導作業計完成50家次,輔導前TSP削減量為6,615.66kg/月,輔導後TSP削減量為7,081.63kg/月,合計TSP削減量提升465.97kg/月,削減率則由53.41%提升至58.9%,顯見針對新申報大型工地進行輔導有一定之減量成效。 另於每半年辦理營建工程專家學者輔導作業,上半年度輔導作業期程為106年4月10日,下半年度為9月14日進行共計11家次,各工地TSP削減量及削減率皆有提升,整體粒狀物削減率較輔導前略為提升2.2%,污染物削減量提升333.99kg/月。 每2個月針對轄區內大型營建工地進行空拍作業,已完成5次空拍作業,隔月即能有效掌握各工地污染防制措施設置情形,如有缺失並請業主進行改善,彙整106年10月份7處大型工地,「嘉義大埔美精密機械園區二期委託開發、出售(租)及管理」案(一、二、三工區)」、「嘉義縣馬稠後產業園區第一期委託開發、出售及管理案」及疏濬工程TSP及PM10削減量分別為132.9公噸、73.9公噸及14.8公噸,削減率達82.3%。 四、施工機具油品使用調查、檢測及空氣中粒狀污染物(TSP)濃度監測 計畫執行期間計完成107件次施工機具油品使用調查作業,由調查結果可知施工單位油品仍以中國石油為主佔89.72%;另進行12件次施工機具油品含硫量抽測作業,其中含硫量測值介於4.1~15 ppmw,max,另3件次油品芳香烴檢測,其總芳香烴檢驗值為22.6 wt%、28.1 wt%及25.5wt%、多環芳香烴檢驗值為2.9%(m/m)、5.9%(m/m)及3.3%(m/m)。今年1件油品不合格可能之因素,可能曾經加入非法油品或是車輛常期未租任而油箱內之舊油為早期50 ppmw之油品所造成,其餘測值均符合法規規範限值,顯見近幾年宣導之下,施工單位均有使用合法油品觀念。 本計畫於106年3月3日提送大氣中總懸浮微粒濃度檢測執行計畫書,符合工作內容規範之計畫簽約後3個月內提送之規定,且經環保局核備後續將依據計畫書內容辦理檢測工作。106年9月22日進行「廣興建股份有限公司 嘉義廠房新建工程」及「蔡長奇雞舍新建工程」2處及10月19日進行「樺林離型紙股份有限公司廠房新建工程」1處等,檢測結果156μg/Nm3~183μg/Nm3之間均符合法規。 五、逸散性粒狀污染物質之堆置、輸送、運輸、製程操作或裝卸作業及裸露區域、道路色差之管制 針對「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」規範對象,預計於106年9月28日辦理1場次「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」宣導說明會,邀請國立成功大學吳義林教授講課,課程內容以固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法內容說明為主,輔以介紹法源依據、法條內容名詞解釋、空氣污染防制設施規範及適用範圍,使與會相關公私場所瞭解該法令之明確、詳細規範。說明會出席人數為67人。 依據各工程施工現況,建議營建業主採取舖設稻草蓆做為裸露地之防制措施,計輔導20處43.875公頃營建工程裸露地鋪設稻草蓆,依據內政部營建署公共工程施工規範每平方公尺鋪設稻草蓆至少重350公克,推估共使用153.4295公噸稻草;另依據台中農業改良場所統計數據,1公頃稻作種植面積可產生5公噸稻穀,稻穀與稻草生產比率約1:1,推估可減少30.686公頃燃燒面積。 本年度於裸露地調查作業,新增列管裸露地1處總面積為33,000平方公尺,106年度列管裸露地3處改善,持續對106年度未完成改善之1處裸露地進行追蹤,改善面積為43,500平方公尺,計算今年度完成改善之1處裸露地0.177公頃污染物減量情形,推估可TSP削減1.47公噸、PM10削減0.77公噸及PM2.5削減0.323公噸。 計畫期間執行共3季道路巡查作業,道路查核總長度達1658.4公里,查獲0處破損。於逸散性粒狀污染物質運輸作業車輛查核,共計跟拍查核93輛運輸車輛,其中防塵網未下拉15公分違規共38輛次,已函文予車主要求限期改善,均已於期限內改善完成,而違規車輛中有85%設籍於外縣市,各縣市應在持續宣導降低違規率。 六、街道揚塵洗掃管制 計畫期間掃街作業共計執行9,294.9公里,總集塵量為105,190公斤;洗街作業共執行6,356.60公里,總取用水量為6,822公噸;合計洗掃街累計執行15,651.5公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗掃街長度×減量係數)推估,TSP可削減215.99公噸,PM10為40.69公噸,PM2.5為9.5公噸。 七、宣導及行政配合作業 每月5日前維護及更新嘉義縣營建工地管制及收費系統專屬網頁、嘉義縣營建工地污染及街道揚塵洗掃管制計畫網頁、雲嘉南稻草再利用平台網頁與嘉義縣營建工地地理資訊系統,並配合行政作業提報前一月份加水紀錄、用水紀錄(量)、現地洗掃巡查與查核資料、實際工作進度及下月預定工作進度之比較表送環保局備查,計畫期間共計提報10次;已於每月25日前,共計10次提報下月預定洗掃作業行程與當月異動行程交環保局備查。
中文關鍵字 營建、嘉義縣、洗掃街


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 14000 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/01 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 何宗安
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 張瓊敏 執行單位 新紀工程顧問有限公司


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期末報告 106期末報告 全.pdf 32MB 106年度期末報告定稿本

2017 Chiayi County Construction Site Pollution and Road Dust Cleaning Control Project

英文摘要 Abstract The project was carried out between January 1st and December 31, 2017. Its results are summarized as follows: I. Providing assistance in collecting air pollution charges levied on construction projects and making collection calls During the implementation period, applications were made for air pollution charges applicable to 2,695 construction sites, for a total amount of NT$42,980,174. Other projects accounted for the greatest amount among these applications; the number of other projects was 1,165. The amount of air pollution charges levied on other projects was also the highest, i.e. NT$10,466,748. Among the 1,790 tenders that had been determined, winners of 1,694 tenders had completed their applications for the first payments of air pollution charges; the application rate was 94.6%. Moreover, among 2,242 projects that had been completed during the implementation period, applications for the final payments of air pollution charges were made or confirmation that there was no need to pay air pollution charges was issued by proprietors who completed 2,007 projects; the application rate was approximately 89.52%. An inspection of 84 construction sites was conducted at the commencement of construction (i.e. preliminary inspection). Events related to construction without a permit were not found. Proprietors were asked to accurately fill out such events when making applications for air pollution charges, in order to help track the actual construction progress. Inspections of 129 construction sites listed for extended inspection were also conducted. Construction of all these sites was completed; the completion rate was 100%. II. Inspection and control of air pollution caused by construction projects During the implementation period, inspections of 5,860 construction sites were conducted. Minxiong Township had the highest number of construction sites (426) among those listed for control in various administrative districts, followed by Zhuqi Township (311). The main type of construction project in these townships was residential construction. The rates of compliance with Classes 1 and 2 pollution control facilities specified in the Rules Governing the Management of Construction Sites were 90.41% and 89%, respectively. Among the pollution control facilities that failed to comply with the Rules, deficiencies in construction site perimeters accounted for the highest proportion (21.5%) of all items with deficiencies for the entire Chiayi County. Deficiencies in construction signs accounted for the second highest proportion (21.1%) of all items with deficiencies for the entire Chiayi County. Deficiencies in car wash equipment and facilities along driving routes accounted for the third and fourth highest proportions (18.5% and 16.3%, respectively) of all items with deficiencies for the entire Chiayi County. The amount of fugitive dust emitted from construction activities was 13,652.21 tons. After taking various prevention and control measures, the amount of fugitive dust emitted from construction activities is currently 3,808.97 tons, which is 8,899.53 tons less. The average reduction rate is 65.19%. The original amounts of TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 emitted from construction activities were 3,809 tons, 2,116 tons, and 147.34 tons, respectively. The regional development projects: industrial parks accounted for the highest amount of emissions among all projects. After emissions control, the amounts of TSP, PM10, and PM2.5 emitted from construction activities are 295.6 tons, 164.2 tons, and 32.8 tons, respectively. During the implementation period, 51 petitions were received, most of which concerned road surface pollution (25 petitions) and wind-borne dust (26 petitions). There were 22 petitions against residential construction projects (including 1 petition against house demolition), 12 petitions against other projects, 2 petitions against piping projects, 9 petitions against road construction projects, 1 petition against a dredging project, 4 petitions against backfill operations (failing to make applications), and 1 petition against a bridge construction project. There were 5 petitions against the LaoYeYunPin residential construction project (C1~C20) in Minxiong Township, which accounted for the most among all petitions. The project is divided into 11 sub-projects for the construction of 79 buildings and 3 private roads; it is a large construction project within the jurisdiction of Chiayi County, and adjacent to communities with a dense population. Pollution was not found during the first on-site inspection. Mud was found on access roads during the second on-site inspection. Although staff members were seen cleaning the construction site during the third on-site inspection, mud was still found on the roads. The project was reported to have violated Article 27 of the Waste Disposal Act (An on-site inspection suggested that improvement had not been made). An inspection was carried out and improvement made on June 7, 2017. A conference on pollution prevention and control was held at the construction site on May 10, 2017. By establishing a communication channel, the conference allowed proprietors and contractors to lay down pollution prevention and control measures in accordance with suggestions for improvements. The 4th and 5th petitions against said project were received in June and July 2017, respectively. These two petitions concerned water with mud that flowed from the construction site onto adjacent roads due to consecutive days of heavy rain. To solve the problem, the height of the existing overflow protection base was increased to separate the construction site from perimeter roads during a subsequent inspection. Water with mud was thus prevented from flowing out of the construction site. No further petition was received as of the end of October. The petitions against piping projects concerned wind-borne dust generated from construction activities and mud at the entrance/exit. The Project for Emergency Improvement of Water Discharge in Neixizhou (the section in Neixi Village), Shuishang Township, concerned the construction of a ditch near access roads in the Village. Mud was found on the access roads during the first on-site inspection, and the project was reported to have violated the Air Pollution Control Act. Mud was still found on the access roads during the second on-site inspection, and the project was further reported to have violated Article 27 of the Waste Disposal Act. The project was near completion during subsequent inspections. The first Advocacy Conference on Laws and Regulations Related to Noise and Pollution Control Technologies for Construction Projects and Collection of Air Pollution Charges was held in Classroom 202 of the Chiayi County Human Resources Development Center on April 25, 2017. The second one was held in Classroom 202 of the Chiayi County Human Resources Development Center on October 23, 2017. III. Guidance provided at large construction sites and aerial photo shoots During the implementation period, guidance was provided at large construction sites every month; a total of 60 proprietors received guidance. Before guidance was provided to these proprietors, the amount of reduced TSP emissions was 9,569.49 kg/month. Afterwards, it was 10,228.87 kg/month. As such, the amount of TSP emissions was further reduced by 659.38 kg/month, and the reduction rate increased from 50.87% to 55.93%. The statistics show that providing guidance at large construction sites has a certain effect on reducing emissions. Guidance was also provided semi-annually to experts and scholars in the construction field; 11 of them received guidance on April 10th and September 14, 2017, respectively. This activity contributed to an increase in the reduction of TSP emissions and the reduction rate. The overall reduction rate of particulate matter emissions was increased by 2.2%, and the amount of pollutants was further reduced by 333.99 kg/month when compared with the amounts before guidance was provided to said experts and scholars. Aerial photos of large construction sites within the jurisdiction of Chiayi County were taken every two months; 6 aerial photo shoots were done. Pollution prevention and control measures taken at various construction sites could be effectively managed in the month following an aerial photo shoot. If deficiencies were found, a proprietor would be asked to make improvements. A compilation of information on the 7 large construction sites found that the amounts of reduced TSP and PM10 emissions for the project on the second-phase commissioned development, sale (rental) and management of Chiayi Dapumei Precision Machinery Park (work areas 1, 2 and 3), the project on the first-phase commissioned development, sale and management of Chiayi Machouhou Industrial Park, and dredging projects were 132.9 tons, 73.9 tons, and 14.8 tons, respectively; the reduction rate reached 82.3%. IV. A survey and inspection of the use of oils for construction equipment and monitoring of TSP concentrations in ambient air During the implementation period, a survey on the use of oils for 131 pieces of construction equipment was done. The results show that construction companies mostly used oils from China; these oils accounted for 91.6% of all the oils used. Moreover, a random inspection of the sulfur content in oils for 14 pieces of construction equipment was conducted; values of the sulfur content in these oils were between 3.8 and 15 ppmw max. An inspection of aromatic hydrocarbon in oils for 3 pieces of construction equipment was performed; the total values of aromatic hydrocarbon in these oils were 22.6 wt%, 28.1wt%, and 25.5wt%, respectively, and the values of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were 2.9% (m/m), 5.9% (m/m), and 3.3% (m/m), respectively. This year, oils for 1 piece of construction equipment failed the inspection. A possible reason behind this failure was that the oils used were added illegally or old (50 ppmw for earlier use) as a result of not renting the construction vehicle out for a long period of time. Oils for the rest of the construction equipment all complied with the laws and regulations. Apparently, construction companies decided on using legal oils in recent years. A proposal for implementing the inspection of TSP concentrations in ambient air was submitted on March 3, 2017, which complied with the provision that the proposal should be submitted within 3 months after the signing of the contract. After being approved by the Environmental Protection Bureau, inspections specified in the proposal should be conducted accordingly. On September 22, 2017, inspections of the construction of Guangxing Construction Co., Ltd.’s Chiayi Plant and Chang-Chi Tsai’s Chicken Coop were conducted. On October 19, an inspection of the construction of Hwalin Release Paper Co., Ltd.’s Plant was performed. The inspection results suggested that TSP concentrations at these construction sites were between 156μg/Nm3 and 183μg/Nm3, which complied with those specified in laws and regulations. V. The storage, transfer, transport, process operation or handling of fugitive particulate pollutants and control of bare land and differences in road surface color Focusing on conditions governed by the Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”), an advocacy conference on the Regulations was held on September 28, 2017. Prof. Yee-Lin Wu from National Cheng Kung University was invited to deliver a lecture at the conference, where he explained the content of the Regulations, supplemented by an introduction to the sources of the Regulations, an exposition of the terminology of the Regulations, and provisions concerning facilities to control fugitive dust air pollution as well as the scope of application. The objective was to help public and private premises participating in the conference obtain an understanding of the details of the Regulations; 67 people attended the conference. Proprietors were suggested to lay rice straw over bare land in accordance with their construction progress as a prevention measure. Rice straw was laid on 23 construction sites with an area of 45.677 hectares, after guidance was provided to proprietors. According to the Specifications for Public Works Construction of the Construction and Planning Agency under the Ministry of the Interior, at least 350 grams of rice straw should be laid over 1 m2 of land. It was estimated that 159.87 tons of rice straw were used. Moreover, according to the statistics released by the Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, a paddy field with an area of 1 hectare can produce 5 tons of rice. The ratio of rice to rice straw is approximately 1:1. It is estimated that the burning of rice straw in a paddy field with an area of 31.97 hectares was avoided. One lot of bare land with a total area of 33,000 m2 was added to the control list in a survey on bare land conducted this year. In 2017, improvements in 3 lots of bare land on the control list were made. Improvement in 1 lot of bare land that had yet to be made was tracked, with an area of 43,500 m2 being improved. A calculation of pollutants reduced in one improved lot of bare land with an area of 0.177 hectares suggested that 1.47 tons of TSP emissions, 0.77 tons of PM10 emissions, and 0.323 tons of PM2.5 emissions were reduced. During the implementation period, road inspections were conducted during a total of 3 seasons. Roads with a total length of 2211.2 km were inspected, and no road breakage was found. An inspection of 107 vehicles transporting fugitive particulate pollutants was conducted, and 52 of them were found to have violated regulations because their dust screens were not dragged downward for 15 cm. Letters were sent to corresponding vehicle owners to ask them to make improvements within a deadline. All of them made improvements within the specified deadline. With 85% of these vehicle owners registering their addresses outside Chiayi County, reducing the violation rate should be continuously promoted in various cities and counties. VI. Controlling the sweeping and washing of streets with wind-borne dust During the implementation period, streets with a length of 11,152.08 km were swept; the total amount of dust collected was 121,320 kg. Streets with a length of 7,774.07 km were washed; the total volume of water used was 8,352 tons. Adding these operations together, streets with a length of 18926.15 km were swept and washed. According to the Environmental Protection Administration’s reduction formula (reduction amount = length of streets washed and swept x reduction coefficient), 261.2 tons of TSP emissions, 49.2 tons of PM10 emissions, and 11.5 tons of PM2.5 emissions could be reduced. VII. Promotion and administrative operations The websites for Chiayi County’s construction site control and charging system, its construction site pollution and control of the sweeping and washing of streets with wind-borne dust, the platform for the reuse of rice straw in Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan, and the geographic information system of Chiayi County’s construction sites were maintained and updated before the 5th of every month. The records on water added and used in the previous month, on-site inspection of street washing and sweeping, information check, and a comparison table of actual progress and scheduled progress for the next month were submitted in accordance with administrative operations to the Environmental Protection Bureau for future reference. During the implementation period, 10 records were submitted. Moreover, 12 records of the scheduled washing and sweeping operations for the next month and changes in the schedule for the current month were submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau before the 25th of every month for future reference.
英文關鍵字 Road Dust Cleanin