
屏東縣垃圾車加裝置濾煙器示範運行 - 後續維護計畫

中文摘要 本計畫於2017年12月21日開始執行,工作內容包括:租賃維護既有30套濾煙器、定期依柴油車檢測方法進行至少一次完整之濾煙器功能確認測試及每年4場次教育訓練宣導說明會等項目,本報告書提出時,已完成各項工作進度,執行成果說明如下: 一、濾煙器換裝後作業 原佳冬鄉車輛(車牌005-SJ)因107年4月3日辦理報廢,於107年4月11日換裝佳冬鄉4002-MH車輛。 原萬巒鄉車輛(車牌486-TG)因107年7月31日辦理停駛,於107年7月31日換裝潮州鎮033-SJ車輛。 二、濾煙器維護作業 於107年1月至12月期間,共進行12月次再生燃燒系統維護保養。其中在每月次車輛再生燃燒系統維修保養過程中,總共有30輛(含清潔隊故障通報)車輛主動進行零耗材組件維修更換情形,合計有133輛次進行修復情事。 三、車輛定期檢測 加裝濾煙器之車輛,每行駛3,500公里或4個月(兩者以先達到者為準)需進行至少一次完整之濾煙器功能確認測試,馬力比差異不得高於10%,不透光率不得高於0.6m-1或黑煙削減率達80%以上,以瞭解再生燃燒系統運作效率。截至期末報告107年12月20日止,於107年04月11日完成第1次定檢複檢、107年8月14日完成第2次定檢複檢及107年11月28日完成第3次定檢複檢。 四、車輛自行檢測維修 107年01月11日至107年01月17日進行第一次自行檢測維修完成。 107年04月13日至107年04月30日進行第二次自行檢測維修完成。 107年06月21日至107年06月29日進行第三次自行檢測維修完成。 107年10月03日至107年10月23日進行第四次自行檢測維修完成。 五、教育訓練 分別於107年3月21日、107年5月23日、107年10月17日及107年12月03日共辦理4場次教育訓練宣導說明會。 六、效益評估 歷次黑煙檢測結果顯示,目前整體黑煙平均不透光率去除率約達94%,且不透光率值均在0.4m-1(含)以下,推估年PM2.5削減量為0.152噸,黑煙改善仍有正面效益。
中文關鍵字 屏東縣垃圾車加裝置濾煙器示範運行-後續維護計畫


專案計畫編號 1061108 經費年度 106 計畫經費 2410 千元
專案開始日期 2017/12/21 專案結束日期 2018/12/20 專案主持人 郭致緯
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 許瓊丹 執行單位 新系環境技術有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 21MB 屏東縣垃圾車加裝置濾煙器示範運行-後續維護計畫期末報告

Pilot Project on Installing Particulate Filters on Garbage Trucks in Pingtung -Follow-up maintenance plan

英文摘要 Abstract This project was implemented on December 21, 2017. The content of this project includes leasing and maintaining 30 sets of smoke filter, regularly conducting complete smoke filter function tests based on diesel car inspection methods, and holding four training advocacy seminars each year. At the time this report was issued, all the work items had already been completed. The implementation results are as follows: 1. Follow-up smoke filter installation work The original Jiadong Township vehicle (license 005-SJ) was scrapped on April 3, 2018, so the smoke filter was reinstalled on another Jiadong Township vehicle on April 11, 2018 (license 4002-MH). The original Wanluan Township vehicle (license 486-TG) was removed from operation on July 31, 2018, so the smoke filter was reinstalled on a Chaozhou Township vehicle on July 31, 2018 (license 033-SJ). 2. Smoke filter maintenance work Between January and December 2018, maintenance of the regeneration combustion system was conducted 12 times (monthly maintenance). During the monthly vehicle regeneration combustion system repair/maintenance process, a total of 30 vehicles underwent voluntary parts maintenance/replacement (including those malfunctioning ones reported by cleaning teams). In total, 133 repairs were conducted. 3. Vehicle regular inspection When a vehicle with a smoke filter installed has been driven 3,500 km or for four months (whichever comes first), it must undergo at least one complete smoke filter function test. To understand the operating efficiency of the regenerative combustion system, the horsepower difference shall not be higher than 10%, the opacity shall not be higher than 0.6m-1, or the black smoke reduction rate should be higher than 80% or more. As of the issuing of the final report on December 20, 2018, the first, second and third re-tests were conducted on April 11th, August 14th, and November 28, 2018, respectively. 4. Vehicle self-inspection and maintenance The first self-testing and repair was conducted from January 11th to January 17, 2018. The second self-testing and repair was conducted from April 13th to April 30, 2018. The third self-testing and repair was conducted from June 21st to June 29, 2018. The fourth self-testing and repair was conducted from October 3rd to October 23, 2018. 5. Training The four training advocacy seminars were held on March 21st, May 23rd, October 17th, and December 3, 2018. 6. Benefit evaluation The black smoke test results showed that the current overall average black smoke opacity removal rate reached 94% and that the opacity values are all under 0.4m-1(including). We estimate that the annual PM2.5 reduction quantity is 0.152 tons and posit that there are positive benefits to black smoke reduction.  
英文關鍵字 Pilot Project on Installing Particulate Filters on Garbage Trucks in Pingtung