

中文摘要 近年中央及地方政府在積極推動空氣污染防制策略下,臺灣空氣品質已逐年改善,但空氣污染等環境議題仍持續是國民關注的焦點,然而大氣環境條件及臺灣特殊地形,導致空氣污染成因相當複雜,因此環保署為強化污染成因解析的力道,本計畫欲綜整歷年PM2.5空氣品質不良日之天氣型態,找出空氣污染程度分布與天氣之關聯性,並提出污染物擴散指數試行計畫,以提升預報能力。 因此,本計畫主要工作項目分為三大部分,第一部分為研析天氣型態與空氣污染分布相關性,其結果可規劃出一套天氣型態與空氣品質預報流程。第二部分為整理歷年空氣品質監測資料及邊界層高度觀測資料,研究擴散指數與空氣品質的關聯性,進而提出擴散指數試行計畫,結果顯示擴散指數與空氣品質分級有不錯的趨勢。第三部分協助環保署空氣品質各級預警與嚴重惡化期間等污染物成因評析,包含地面和邊界層流場評析,共37次任務報告,此外協助製作三則短篇文宣和三場教育訓練,有助於民眾對於空氣污染成因有正確的科普知識。上述研究結果可提供監資處空品預報之相關天氣資訊,以協助預報人員判斷空氣品質狀態。
中文關鍵字 擴散指數、天氣型態、空氣品質


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA11-03-A277 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3660 千元
專案開始日期 2017/11/03 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 賴信志
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 邱慶睿 執行單位 長榮大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 監資處期末定稿(含附錄)_壓縮版.pdf 77MB

Analysis of the causes of air pollution in Taiwan

英文摘要 Air quality in Taiwan is improved because of Taiwan EPA pushed air control strategies positively in recent years. However, public attention on air quality are increasing even its air quality has been constantly being improved in the last decade. The interaction between terrain and atmosphere would affect the efficient control of smog and air pollution. This study discusses the correction between ventilation index (VI) and air quality. Before proceeding to estimate VI, it will be necessary to discuss the relevance between the weather type and the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution in Western Taiwan (heavy population areas) by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The second part moves on to ventilation index (VI) that was analyzed by the height of boundary layer data and wind speed, it could help to understand the trend between VI and air quality index (AQI). We also analysis the causes of air pollution episodes include the flow flied of surface and boundary layer. A total of 37 reports were provided. On the other hand, we made 3 handouts and implemented training programs to the staff of the department of Environmental monitoring and information Management. As mentioned above, the result of this study proposed the ventilation index and improved the process of air quality forecasts.
英文關鍵字 ventilation index, weather type, air quality, air pollution