

中文摘要   「臺北市綠能環境教育策略及行動計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),招標機關為臺北市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱招標機關)。為配合本市推動再生能源發展,今(106)年招標機關開始於福德坑環保復育公園委託辦理環境教育推廣,該園區因原為垃圾掩埋場,經復育及增建太陽能板後,成為全國第一個在掩埋場完工發電的地面型太陽光電系統,是推廣綠能環境教育的合適場域。期望藉由規劃綠能環境教育策略及行動方案、推展綠能環境教育活動與課程,以深化綠能教育,進而使低碳生活理念融入市民日常生活。   本計畫執行包含策略擬定、教案研發、課程推行,主要以多元形式,進行場域宣傳並在福德坑環保復育園區推行綠能環境教育。除最基礎的講座形式外,另辦理培訓解說志工之課程,並帶領參與者實地參訪福德坑環保復育園區。為增加學生對於綠能及再生能源的關心,本計畫也與國中師生合作試辦太陽能源營隊。綜上述,截至目前已辦理6場次環境教育課程活動,服務超過200人次。截至12月止共辦理2場宣傳展覽,服務超過900人次。   於辦理上述推廣內容過程中也收集參與者之回饋作分析,並回顧及蒐集文獻,整理目前國內外綠能環境教育現況與問題,同時諮詢專家意見,藉此研擬針對臺北市之綠能環境教育策略與行動方案一套,以期作為未來推行綠能環境教育之基礎。
中文關鍵字 綠能環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 1865 千元
專案開始日期 2017/07/15 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 吳思儒
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 顏嘉真 執行單位 景澤創意有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 1070102報告書定稿(模糊簽到單及更新).pdf 16MB

Project of strategy and activity design for renewable energy and environmental education of Taipei city, 2017.

英文摘要   To put efforts in promoting renewable energy, Department of Environmental Protection of Taipei City Government start a project of strategy and activity design for renewable energy and environmental education of Taipei city, 2017.   The project of strategy and activity design for renewable energy and environmental education of Taipei city , which will be mentioned as“The Project”in the following description, was put out to tender by Department of Environmental Protection of Taipei City Government (DEP). To cooperate with Taipei City Government on the development of renewable energy, DEP initiated the promotion of environmental education at Fudekeng Environmental Restoration Park. The park used to be a landfill, yet was transformed into the first functional ground–mounted solar photovoltaic system in Taiwan that has ever been constructed in a disposal area. Fudekeng Environmental Restoration Park was thus the most suitable place for the promotion of environmental education. By means of arrangements for renewable energy and environmental education and composition of activities as well as lectures, DEP expects to strengthen the renewable energy education and, in turn, enables low carbon living of the citizens in Taipei City.   The project includes strategy formulation, lesson plan development, and lecture promotion. Multiple methods were applied in the project for the activities and advertisement of renewable energy environmental education at Fudekeng Environmental Restoration Park. Aside from lectures, training course for volunteer narrators and touring of the park were also applied. To arouse the student's concern of green and renewable energy. The project also involved holding a solar power camp for junior high school students. In sum, 6 environmental education activities were held in the project, consisting at least 200 participants. Over 900 citizens took part in the 2 exhibitions for the promotion of environmental education by December, 2017.   The opinions of participants were collected for further analysis, and interpreted after reviewing articles and journals. Current issues as well as obstacles of environmental education were also acquired, and taken into discussion with experts in order to formulate strategies in designing environmental education plans of Taipei City. Great improvements were expected by applying the results of investigation on lessons and activities in the future.
英文關鍵字 green energy and environmental education