

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包括:執行戴奧辛及重金屬排放特性調查與環境監測、戴奧辛及重金屬排放清冊更新及建置、協助辦理法規制度檢討與污染事件緊急應變支援事宜等三大部分。 排放特性調查與環境監測部分,本年度共執行2根次戴奧辛及7根次重金屬排放檢測,其目的在於累積本土化排放係數資料以利提昇排放量推估之可信度;在觸媒再生製程針對輕油轉化時進行戴奧辛排放檢測,其結果顯著低於過去相同製程之結果;另選定台中豐興鋼鐵電弧爐煉鋼進行戴奧辛及重金屬排放檢測,該廠過去以百葉窗排放、替代煙囪方式檢測,本年度正式改為煙囪排放,結果發現無論戴奧辛或重金屬,其排放濃度、排放係數均較過去為低,除表示該廠經多年前改善工程獲得良好成效外,亦顯示替代煙囪檢測代表性不足。燃材及燃油鍋爐部分,過去推估重金屬排放量均以國外排放係數,本次檢測發現,其排放係數大都低於或等於國外數值;銅及鉛二次冶煉排放係數與過去檢測結果有較大差異且顯著高於過去數值,顯示其二次冶煉之重金屬排放受進料影響大,建議應加強其操作查核工作。 在重金屬與粒狀物相關性檢測部分,本年度針對一貫作業煉鋼燒結爐及燃煤發電鍋爐,其主要目的係鑑於美國對燃煤電廠HAPs排放標準(MATS)中規定,業者可在粒狀物、總重金屬及個別重金屬濃度擇一符合排放標準即可,其主要目的突顯粒狀物與重金屬有極高相關性,管制粒狀物等同管制重金屬排放。依美國目前現況看來,多數業者選擇以粒狀物為符合標準之標的,並裝設PM連續監測設備。本計畫檢測結果顯示,同類排放源主要重金屬排放類別相同,且重金屬占粒狀物比例相近。 另依據104年度排放量推估結果顯示,露天燃燒稻草及農廢的戴奧辛與重金屬排放量占總排放量比例相當高,為提昇排放量推估可信度,本年度也進行2種農業廢棄物稻草進行排放係數試驗(西部地區1個、東部地區2個)。為使燃燒條件與現況吻合,本測試以平盤裝盛以進行稻草及農業廢棄物露天燃燒排放係數測定,檢測結果顯示,戴奧辛排放係數試驗結果普遍低於與過去測值,推測其原因係平盤裝盛方式之空氣流通情形較佳,減少悶燒情形所致;比較不同區域的稻草燃燒排放係數發現,東部稻草燃燒與西部地區並無顯著差異;稻草重金屬排放係數大致為鉛>砷>鎘>汞,四次檢測不同地區的稻草樣品,其排放重金屬係數變化各有不同,大致以地區區分,東部區域之砷濃度較低,應與西部土質砷含量略高有關;其他重金屬較無區域特性差異;而農廢排放係數部分,大致為鉛>鎘>汞>砷,與稻草略有不同,不同農廢排放重金屬係數變化各有不同,大致以荔枝較低,蕃荔枝較高。 環境空氣戴奧辛監測部分,本年度持續以22個國內一般空品站為監測對象(一縣市、一測站),分別於3、5、8及10月共執行4季監測,每次採樣72小時,其平均值為0.033pgI-TEQ/m3,本年度一般空氣品質測站監測濃度平均值除5月份以外,均低於過去歷年同期監測結果。 重金屬空品監測部份,本計畫於5及10月在17個一般空品測站及3個排放源集中區測點進行監測,總計40站次。由監測結果看出,重金屬砷、鎘、錳、鎳、鉛、釩及汞濃度均未偏高,單一測值均未超過美國、歐盟、世界衛生組織及日本之標準/目標/指針值規定。砷、鎘、錳、鎳、鉛、釩及汞之重金屬監測結果大致上低於或接近歷年監測結果。彙整過去至今之一般空品站重金屬在粒狀物分布剖面發現,各站地殼及揚塵相關的元素比例明顯較高,且與交通有關的排放元素有明顯的變動,顯示交通與揚塵為主要的重金屬來源。 VOCs連續監測部分,本計畫選定高雄林園工業區附近之林園高中站及中芸國小站設置臨時固定式連續監測站,從監測結果及風向發現苯,1,3-丁二烯及VCM等HAPs之可能排放源,再以範圍逼近與上、下風的方式找尋可能來源,並搭配移動監測車逐段量測方式,成功的以溯源方式找到以往管制時不易找到的儲槽及製程區逸散洩漏問題,係分別隸屬台灣中油石化事業部、台苯、台氯等三家公司,並以即時進行現場查訪找出確切洩漏地點,三家廠商均提出改善計畫與期程,其中二家承諾於年底前完成改善,建議未來在廠商完成改善後,再進行監測,以確認改善成效。 更新及建置排放清冊及排放資料庫部分,本計畫推估105年台灣地區戴奧辛排放量為52.1gI-TEQ/年;重金屬鉛排放量約為33.3公噸/年、鎘排放量約為0.974公噸/年、汞排放量約為1.989公噸/年及砷排放量約為4.87公噸/年,主要都以固定污染源排放為主,其中又以燃煤鍋爐、水泥窯、煉鋼業、水泥窯、焚化爐、露天燃燒為主要排放源,僅有重金屬鉛係以移動污染源為主。 在法規制度檢討、污染事件緊急應變部分,本計畫協助處理彰化縣雞蛋戴奧辛事件,釐清附近可能排放源、空品現況及行業別戴奧辛指紋比對等工作,並合理估算其可能貢獻來源,最終發現飼料是主要原因;在戴奧辛排放管制標準研修部分,本計畫於去年度即已研擬中小型廢棄物焚化爐戴奧辛管制及排放標準及固定污染源戴奧辛排放標準二項修訂草案,已完成縣市環保局及目的事業主管機關研商、業界公聽會議,將儘速協助辦理法規發布實施,另本計畫就空品現況、國外管制趨勢並搭配風險估算,協助研擬戴奧辛空氣品質標準,未來亦將持續協助辦理法制化等相關事宜。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛、重金屬、環境監測


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA12-03-A162 經費年度 106 計畫經費 18450 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/06 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 羅鈞
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝知行 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-FA12-03A162.pdf 20MB

The Control Strategy and Emission Investigation for Dioxins and Heavy Metals from Stationary Sources

英文摘要 The scope of this project includes: 1) Monitoring of dioxins and heavy metal from stationary emissions and in the ambient environment.; 2) Establishing and updating of the emission inventory; 3)Assisting the control, reduction and emergency response of dioxins and heavy metal emission. Each will be further discussed below. 1) Monitoring of dioxins and heavy metal from stationary emissions and in the ambient environment. Complete dioxin emission monitoring on EAF and Catalyst regeneration process. Complete heavy metal and particulate matter emission monitoring on EAF, oil-burned boiler, wood-burning boiler, secondary copper smelting process, secondary lead smelting process. These results can be used as emission factors for estimating dioxin and heavy metals emission inventory. The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) of provides that the industry can choose either particulate matter, total heavy metals or individual heavy metal concentrations to be in line with an emission standard. In order to understand the correlation between heavy metals and particulate matters, the sintering furnace and coal-fired power generation boiler were tested in this project. The results will be used as a reference for future regulation purposes. The dioxin and heavy metal emission from open burning of straws and agricultural wastes accounted for a significant proportion of total emissions. In order to enhance the reliability of the emission factor of open burring, three burning tests, one in the western region and two in the eastern region, on two kinds of agricultural wastes were conducted for emission factor this year. This year the ambient dioxin monitoring is targeted on the general monitoring stations. The monitored average concentration of dioxin in 2017 is 0.033 pg I-TEQ/m3. The average air quality concentration of dioxin in this year are lower the previous year except for May. The monitoring of ambient heavy metal showed that the average concentrations of lead, cadmium, nickel and selenium are all under the ambient air quality standards published by the EU. After compiling the air quality stations’ historical data of heavy metal distribution in particulate matters. It can be seen that the elements related to crust and dust are significantly higher at each station. There are also obvious changes in traffic-related emission elements, indicating that traffic and dust are the major heavy metal sources. Regarding to the control of VOCs, we selected Linyuan High School Station and Zhongyun Elementary School near Linyuan Industrial Park in Kaohsiung to set up a temporary fixed continuous monitoring station. We found the possible sources of HAPs such as benzene, 1,3-butadiene and VCM from the monitoring results and wind direction. Using this project’s tracing method, we successfully identified the leak of storage tank and process area, and prompted the manufacturers to improve. 2) Establishing and updating of the emission inventory The total dioxin emission in Taiwan is estimated to be 52.1 g I-TEQ/year in 2016. As for the heavy metal emissions in 2016, the total lead emission is 33.3 metric tons/year, cadmium emission is 0.974 metric tons/year, mercury emission is 1.989 metric tons/year, and arsenic emission is 4.87 metric tons/year. Major emission sources include coal-burning furnaces, cement kilns, steel-making industries, incinerators, and open furnings. 3) Control and reduction of dioxins and heavy metal emission In this project assisted EPA in handling the dioxin egg incident in Changhua County. Eventually found that high dioxin feed is the main reason for dioxin egg. This project also assisted the EPA to coordinate with local EPBs and competent authorities in regard with 2 dioxins standards on small incinerators and stationary emissions. This project further assists EPA with the preparation of the dioxin air quality standards using risk estimation.
英文關鍵字 Dioxin, Heavy Metal, Environmental Monitoring