

中文摘要 為強化與落實我國固定污染源管理制度,並務實檢討各項管理制度與規範,並配合空氣污染防制行動方案,本計畫執行項目分為5大工作重點,包括:一、研擬固定污染源空氣污染減量與能源效率管制策略;二、持續檢討固定污染源許可管理制度;三、督導許可制度落實,提升審核機關審查品質;四、檢討與修正固定污染源檢測管理制度;五、更新擴充固定污染源管理資訊系統與提升管制資料品質等5大類別。 本計畫今(2017)年度配合空氣污染防制行動方案,優先以2015年空污費繳費資料統計分析固定污染源燃料使用量及污染源數量,全國總計有20,323座,其中燃油污染源設施占比最高(53%),氣體次之(39%),燃煤僅占3%,而以廢棄物為燃料之固定污染源則有390座,廢氣及廢液合計712座;同時考量鍋爐占整體燃燒污染源約76.2%,且現行有14,988座並無專法管制,爰投入推動鍋爐行政管制及經濟誘因管制措施作業,擬訂鍋爐硫氧化物、氮氧化物、粒狀污染物及一氧化碳排放標準,並藉由訂定發布「汰換旅宿業、醫院及大學燃油鍋爐補助辦法」,推動163座燃油鍋爐改善汰換,預估排放減量為硫氧化物85.29公噸/年、氮氧化物減少53.22公噸/年、粒狀污染物減少11.3公噸/年;此外,本計畫收集國外針對高耗能產業設備優化之管制方式,同時統計分析國內鍋爐排放情形發現,鍋爐使用時間越久,有排放量越大、越耗能的趨勢,因此藉由擬訂固定污染源許可證展延規範,強化老舊鍋爐汰換。 在許可管理制度方面,本計畫以許可量與認可量單一化管理為最終目標,研修固定污染源設置與操作許可證管理辦法,整併管理排放量並完備相關行政程序;另配合總量管制管制範疇,研議增列第九批許可公告條件,使管制範疇一致,期藉「量的同步管理」及「實質操作條件的把關」,確保達成減量目標與總量管制相關規範,同時透過執行地方主管機關績效考評制度,於今(2017)年度針對高污染特性燃料鍋爐、使用有害空氣污染物之固定污染源、高屏總量管制認可申請完成對象、特定行業別管制對象及查核缺失應改善對象執行共230場次操作許可證現場查核作業與20場次受委託機關評鑑作業,結果發現主要缺失問題發生權責,審查機關(51%)與工廠管理(49%)佔比差距不大,大多為排放標準與排放量核定問題、核定流程與現場不一致及紀錄項目有誤等3項,進一步彙整各縣市許可業務執行人力發現,審查人員流動率高,審查經驗不足,未能有效落實各項法規的執行;因此,本計畫依據許可證現場查核結果,彙整蒐集各項審查核定案例,作為許可證審查參考原則之修正依據;另外,為提供各縣市主管機關對於未列管工廠之查處機制,藉由固定污染源資料庫的列管對象比對公私場所營業與相關登記資訊,要求各縣市主管機關共清查1,090家公私場所,新增納管約192家公私場所,其中133家應申報空污費,24家應申請固定污染源許可證。 有關於有害空氣污染物管制作為,今年度優先採階段性將13項空污費徵收之有害空氣污染物納入許可證核定管理,並配合跨資料庫比對作業要求各縣市主管機關針對692家公私場所進行清查作業,已要求22家公私場所申請固定污染源許可證,納管21家公私場所於固定污染源管制系統;本計畫同時以美國及加州南岸之管理方式,提出未來建立整體性有害空氣污染物許可管理預防體系並針對氯乙烯擬訂定期檢測規範,整體而言對於有害空氣污染物納入許可管制,應優先強化健康風險評估與管理、最大可行控制技術及相關管制規範。另外在半導體製造業排放標準與乾洗業排放標準方面,主要彙整蒐集歷年解釋函疑義與縣市常見問題做為修正參考;在半導體方面重新定義排放標準納管原則,並且針對全廠排放量管制方式加增單一排放管道標準,並將連續自動監測設施管理回歸固定污染源連續自動監測管理辦法;另外在乾洗業方面則檢討執行現況與法規規範之差異性,發現近4年全國採用四氯乙烯溶劑之乾洗業空污費僅徵收86萬元,四氯乙烯單價未明顯增加(約147元/公斤),但廢溶劑處理成本卻大幅提高(800元/公斤),業者已有自行汰換之意願,不需另行設備汰換之補助,且汰換四氯乙烯後可節省約16倍溶劑成本。 因應立法委員及各界對於現行定期檢測制度存在之各項疑慮,今年度共完成146份公私場所、檢測機構、審查機關及主管機關有關第三方檢測制度之問卷調查,並優先強化監督檢測執行量能,將現行定期檢測規範條文第10條公私場所執行檢測前5日,應向地方主管機關通知之規定改為申報,同時新增第四級定期檢測頻率;此外,為強化檢測資料庫應用,今年度更要求以空污基金補助執行檢測作業之結果,回收申報於固定污染源管理資訊系統,並比對全國鍋爐595根管道之定期檢測與稽查檢測結果差異,以粒狀污染物差異最為顯著,平均值差異達到54%,而差異達到1倍以上的對象有60%集中在固定床式之燃煤鍋爐,由此可知固定床鍋爐應列為必要監督檢測對象。 固定污染源許可管理制度有賴於許可證管制、排放量申報、定期檢測及清查列管資訊等許可管制大數據資料庫的更新與運轉,在各項管制策略的研擬與規劃均能提供完整管制資訊,而為強化固定污染源資訊管理,今(106)年度已完成環境影響評估核配系統行向聯繫管理工具、易致空氣污染物審查工具及報表、地理資訊系統擴增圖資與介接環保署、環保局及特殊性工業區空氣品質監測之濃度、風向及風速資料,呈現即時資訊、趨勢圖及風花圖之圖台架構及功能等作業;另在資料品質提升工作項目,共計列管20,914家工廠,超過18萬個污染源,為維護系統及資料品質,本年度持續執行資料檢核作業,至12月1日已執行11次檢核,資料平均符合比率為89%。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、鍋爐、許可證、審查


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA12-03-A127 經費年度 106 計畫經費 18840 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/02 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 張進順
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 何佳祥 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-FA12-03-A127.pdf 17MB

Project for the Review of Permit from Stationary Source of Pollution, Inspection of Management System and Improvement Program of Quality Performance Implementation from Audit Authority

英文摘要 The goals of this project are to strengthen and put the management of stationary sources into practice through pragmatic review of related management systems and rules as well as be in concert with Clean Air Action Plan. Thus, this project divided into 5 major parts in accordance with the emission control strategies planned by Taiwan Clean Air Act. The 5 parts are 1) researched the strategy management of decreasing air pollution and increasing energy efficiency of stationary source, 2) continuous reviewed the permitting management system of stationary source of pollution, 3) supervised local organization to effectively implement permit management of stationary sources and improve review quality of review authorities, 4) reviewed and revised periodic testing management of stationary source, 5) added and expand information system management of stationary source and enhance controlled data quality. To be in concert with Clean Air Action Plan, this project analyzed the fuel use and numbers of stationary source based on the data of air pollution fee at 2015. There were 20,323 stationary sources in Taiwan. The fuel types that stationary source used was oil in 53%, gas in 39%, coal only in 3%, solid waste in 1.9%, liquid and gas waste in 3.5%. Boilers were the most stationary sources and represented 76.2% of total stationary source; however, the 14,988 boilers did not be regulated by any specific emission standards. Therefore, this project promoted the administrative regulation and economic incentives management of commercial and institutional boilers. This project made air pollutants emission standards for boiler including particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. As well as, this project released boiler governing subsidies regulation to promote 163 old oil boilers to be modified or replaced to cleaner heating equipment. The emission reduction by the boiler governing subsidies regulation was estimated 85.29 tons/year in sulfur dioxide, 53.22 tons/year in nitrogen oxides and 11.3 tons/year in particulate matter. Otherwise, this project researches the management strategy for optimizing high energy consumption industries in other countries and analyzed the emission condition of boilers in Taiwan. The result of boiler emission condition showed positive trend between the pollutants emission heat-input-based and the years of use of boiler. Thus, this project made extension rule of stationary source permit to strengthen elimination of old boiler. In respect of permit management system, this project review stationary source permits management regulation to integrate emission management systems and complete relative administrative processes for achieving the goal that unify the amount of emission between permit management system and approved emission in total quantity control system. Besides, to unify the affected sources between permit management system and total quantity control system, this project researched in adding the condition of the ninth announcement. Thus, by “unify the amount of emission” and “check the operating condition”, this project made sure to achieve the goal of emission reduction and complete the relative regulation of total quantity control. This project also executed permit performance evaluation to local authorities. The performance evaluation targeted boiler which used high pollutant-exhausted fuel, stationary sources which used hazard air pollutants as raw material, stationary sources which get total quantity control approval at in Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung Areas, specific control industries and as well as stationary sources which were not compliant and should be corrected. Then, this project executed 230 times performance evaluation to local authorities and 20 times to authorized offices. The results of performance evaluation showed that the responsibility of compliant problems was almost the same between local authorities (51%) and public or private place (49%). The compliant problem most are emission standard and amount check, inconsistency between permit operating processes and practice processes as well as mistakes of recorded items. Therefore, this project researched permit executive staff then discovered the high turnover rate of permit executive staff; it resulted in lack of experience of permit executive staff and cause regulation implemented ineffectively. Thus, according to the results of permit performance evaluation, this project researched each permit review cases for revising permit review principles. Otherwise, to offer each local administrative authority the list of unlisted factories, this project compared the listed between stationary pollution sources management information system and other relative business registration information system then required each local administrative authority to investigate totally 1,090 public or private places. The investigation resulted in 192 public or private places added in stationary pollution sources management information system. Among the 192 public or private places, 133 places should pay air pollution fee and 24 places should apply stationary pollution sources permit. For controlling hazard air pollutant, this project step by step brought 13 hazard air pollutants which were levied air pollution fee into permit review management and made a comparison with different database to require each local authorities to inventory 692 public or private places in this year (2017). There were 22 public or private places which were required to apply stationary pollution source permit and 21 public or private places which were listed into stationary pollution source permit management system. This project also referred the management mode of the United States and South Coast to propose overall permit management and prevention of hazard air pollutants as well as draft periodic testing management for vinyl chloride monomer (VCM). In conclusion, for bringing hazard air pollutants into permit management system, there should primarily strengthen health risk assessment and management, best available technology and relative control regulation. In aspect of semiconductor industry and dry cleaning industry emission standards, this project collect explanatory letter over the years and common problems from local authorities for references of revising relative regulation. In aspect of semiconductor industry air pollutants control and emission standards, this project redefined the conditions about control principles , added emission standard for single exhaust pipe in whole factory emission amount management and also returned the rules about continuous emission monitoring systems in this regulation to stationary pollution source continuous emission monitoring systems management regulation. Otherwise, this project reviewed the difference between practice and regulation about dry cleaning industry then discovered that only 86,000 NTD of air pollution fee was levied from dry cleaning industry over the past four years. There were not significantly increasing unit price of VCM (about 147 NTD/kg), however the processing cost of waste solvent were significant increasing (about 800 NTD/kg). Therefore, the operators were with a will to replace the equipment which used VCM and did not need the subsidy of replacement of VCM equipment. Otherwise, the operators could save 16 times solvent cost if they replace VCM solvent. To response the doubt about periodic testing management from congressman and various quarters, this project surveyed public or private places, competent authorities, analysis institutions, professionals and scholars by questionnaire and finally returned 146 questionnaires. This project primarily strengthened the practice of supervision of detection by revising the way of notification from operators to local authorities to become internet notification at the tenth rule of periodic testing management regulation as well as adding the fourth frequency of periodic testing. Otherwise, to strengthen the application of testing database, this project required local authorities to offer testing data that was implemented by subsidy of EPA air pollution foundation to stationary pollution sources management information system. This project compared 595 boiler testing results between periodic testing and inspecting testing. The analysis results showed that particulate matter had the most significant difference, and there were 54% average difference between periodic testing and inspecting testing. Moreover, 60% boilers that had over one times average difference between periodic testing and inspecting testing were fixed-bed coal boilers, it was necessary to supervise emission condition of fixed-bed boilers. The sustainability of stationary pollution sources system depended on the renewal and running of big database from permit management, emission amount report, periodic testing and stationary pollution sources inventory. The database could offer complete information for researching and planning in every control strategies. To enforce stationary pollution source information management, this project completed management tools of environmental impact assessment ration system and lateral linkage, enforce reviewing tool of online reporting system of fuel that easy to product air pollutants, added new application functions of geographic information systems, contacted data of pollutant concentration, wind direction and wind speed from air quality detection system of EPA, EPB and specific industrial area ,as well as added function that could indicate immediate information, trend and wind rose. From the aspect of information quality improvement work, a total of 20,914 factories have more than 180,000 pollution sources; Therefore, the data inspection operation this year has already been executed for eleven times with 89% average compliance rate until December first in order to maintain the system and data quality.
英文關鍵字 stationary sources, permit, control strategy