

中文摘要 一、推動低碳永續家園: 為順應當前國際推動趨勢,並確保低碳建構過程兼顧永續的發展,環保署將99年推動之「低碳家園」政策合併「永續」概念與指標,於101年提出低碳永續家園10大運作機能元素,做為建構低碳永續家園之核心主軸,104年正式啟動低碳永續家園認證評等作業,南區生活圈由臺南市主政綠色運輸、綠能節電;嘉義縣主政生態綠化;嘉義市主政低碳生活;高雄市主政永續經營;屏東縣則主政資源循環。 本計畫自103年推動低碳永續家園認證評等至今(106年12月31日)已成功輔導362個行政里參與低碳永續家園認證評等,其中312個行政里取得入圍認證、43個行政里取得銅級認證、7個行政里取得銀級認證;37個行政區已參與低碳永續家園認證評等,其中31個行政區取得入圍認證、6個行政區取得銀級認證;臺南市也已於106年5月5日取得銀級認證。 本計畫於106年5月24日及11月6日召開2場次南區生活圈會議,於6月26日及11月22日召開2場次綠能節電技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,於6月27日及11月21日召開2場次綠色運輸技術與資訊諮詢小組會議。 本計畫輔導4處核心社區推動低碳永續家園行動項目,分別為柳營區八翁里、官田區大崎里、大內區石城里及仁德區二行里,執行「推動社區農園」、「推動魚菜共生」、「推廣室內使用節能燈具」、「設置太陽能光電系統、「設置雨水貯留再利用系統」等低碳永續行動項目,共計每年約可固碳1,384公斤、減碳4,735.84公斤、節電3,192度、節水5,895度。 本計畫輔導5處低碳示範社區動低碳永續家園行動項目,分別為南區明德里、南區喜南里、安南區南興里、南化區南化里、新營區太北里,執行「設置太陽能光電系統」、「推廣室內使用節能燈具」、「推廣寺廟使用節能燈具」等低碳永續行動項目,共計每年約可減少5,755.39公斤二氧化碳排放。 本計畫輔導4處行政區推動具因果關聯或有相乘效果之組合式行動項目,分別為1處示範型行政區(官田區)、3處推廣型行政區(玉井區、南區、南化區),執行「推動社區或屋頂農園」、「公有建築節能改善」等低碳永續組合式行動項目,共計每年約可固碳2,377.88公斤、減碳5,776.64公斤、節水58,475公升。 本計畫今(106)年度共計輔導行政里62處取得入圍、9處取得銅級認證;行政區5處取得入圍、3處取得銀級認證;臺南市取得銀級認證。 二、推動縣市層級運作機能行動項目 本計畫協助臺南市低碳永續專案辦公室執行相關縣市層級節能改善計畫,102~106年改善對象包含集合式住宅、村里(社區)、商圈(市場)、寺廟、學校、政府機關及社福機構等,共計每年約可減碳1,756.2公噸、節電3,155,651度,成果相當豐碩並將其推動經驗及執行成果撰寫成行動項目認證專案,提供予其他單位參考學習。 於106年3月31日至4月10日辦理「106年臺南市推動低碳區里補助辦法說明會」共8場次,邀請本市轄內37區區公所、社區發展協會、里幹事、里辦公室、局處單位、社區大樓管理委員會及社福機構等相關人員與會,會議內容主要針對建構在地資源循環體系補助計畫、低碳永續家園及輔導改造計畫及綠色消費流程進行說明,本說明會議共計599人參與。 由37區轄內欲申請改造之社福機構與集合式住宅管理委員會,於106年4月28日前將相關報名資料提送至環保局低碳永續專案辦公室並依報名順序取各類別補助上限名額(社福機構20處及集合式住宅50處),截至4月28日計有20處社福機構5處集合式住宅提出申請低碳節能改造計畫,經書審後確定皆符合資格並列為現勘名單。依據發包合約規定,106年社福機構與集合式住宅改善對象各需完成20處與50處,至報名截止日止集合式住宅報名單位僅有5處,透過工務局提供之臺南市1,279處集合式住宅清單,藉由電訪方式徵詢意願並拜訪,此外,同步評估131處(扣除已參與的社福機構20處)社福機構,於6月中旬與環保局低碳永續專案辦公室協商後決議,補助條件及金額在不變的情況下,將合約變更為執行34處社福機構及15處集合式住宅。 透過申請單位資料表,了解其單位能源使用結構、現況、空間,由本計畫團隊至各申請單位根據單位環境現況及節能手段可行性評估,提供單位改善方向後,安排專業廠商進場估價,於施工時派員至單位現場查核施工情況,預計34處社福機構及15處集合式住宅合計49處,進行環境綠美化增加綠化面積約835m2,汰換照明設備、隔熱塗層、變頻吊扇等項目可省電326,434.5度,減(固)碳196,500.8 kgCO2/年。 三、推動低碳城市計畫與永續家園相關作業 (一)溫室氣體管制執行方案 依據溫管法第15條及溫管法施行細則第14條,直轄市、縣(市)主管機關應依行政院核定之推動方案及中央目的事業主管機關訂定之行動方案,訂修溫室氣體管制執行方案,因此本市於105年進行低碳城市計畫的轉型,修改為臺南市溫室氣體管制執行方案,106年共計推動14項推動事項、33項推動分項及115項推動做法,並區分六大部門及一共通事項,106年共有64項推動作法已完成、47項推動作法符合進度,另有4項推動作法屬於工作進度落後,整體完成以及符合之進度為95.65%;在執行成效上,實際的減碳量為143.1萬公噸CO2e、固碳量為3,798公噸CO2e,與預期成效相比,減碳量達成率為126%、固碳量達成率為109%。 (二)參與ISO 37120指標體系認證 本計畫今年度協助臺南市加入世界城市數據委員會組織(World Council on City Data,WCCD),並依據國際標準城市指標體系參與ISO 37120指標體系認證,本計畫於2月21日提出註冊申請,於3月2日收到WCCD回覆之登錄同意書,並由環保局上呈由賴清德市長來簽署,於4月26日回傳同意書後,於8月完成100項指標項目填報及佐證資料上傳,經過與第三方單位來回修正及補充說明,於11月獲得WCCD最高等級白金級認證,成為繼臺北市之後,台灣第二個入會並獲得白金級認證的城市。目前全球僅有35個城市取得白金級認證。 (三)溫室氣體盤查檢核作業 本市104年行政轄區之溫室氣體經盤查,總排放量為2,165.57萬公噸CO2e,其中以工業部門為主要排放源,佔67%(其中工業能源達1,314.05萬公噸CO2e佔61%、工業製程127.36萬公噸CO2e佔6%),其次則為運輸能源排放326.58萬公噸CO2e佔15%、住商及農林漁牧能源排放335.03萬公噸CO2e佔15%,其餘廢棄物部門排放45.8萬公噸CO2e及農業部門排放16.76萬公噸CO2e,分別佔2%及1%。 本市105年行政轄區之溫室氣體經盤查,總排放量為2,089.53萬公噸CO2e,其中以工業部門為主要排放源,佔65%(其中工業能源達1,206.04萬公噸CO2e佔58%、工業製程142.78萬公噸CO2e佔7%),其次則為運輸能源排放338.73萬公噸CO2e佔16%、住商及農林漁牧能源排放344.41萬公噸CO2e佔16%,其餘廢棄物部門排放40.81萬公噸CO2e及農業部門排放16.75萬公噸CO2e,分別佔2%及1%。 四、整合式宣導作業 (一)臺南市 咱ㄟ低碳城市網 為推動「低碳永續家園」之建構,本工作團隊於計畫執行期間持續維護、更新「臺南市 咱ㄟ低碳城市網」訊息,並且透過每季發行的電子季刊介紹臺南市推動低碳相關的新聞及成果,每季也會更新一次臺南市低碳永續家園成果網頁。 為使後台的使用能更貼近使用者,今年度調整了前、後台的版面,將使用率低的Banner移除。另也新增國際都市ISO認證頁籤及2017臺歐低碳城市及循環經濟國際論壇網站。 (二)製作低碳永續行動項目執行成果易拉展 今年度製作4個低碳永續行動項目執行成果易拉展,分別為「閒置空地綠美化」、「節能路燈」、「寺廟節能燈具使用推廣」、「學校低碳永續認證評比」等四項,已於10月30日前提送易拉展檔案至環保署,確認無誤後輸出並於11月2日交至環保局保存。 (三)新聞稿彙整 本年度發佈11篇新聞稿,截至12月31日止,配合環保局政策宣導提交低碳相關環保新聞稿,共計11篇。 五、其他配合事項 (一)協助參與2017年ICLEI韌性城市大會及參訪Green Group集團 今年2017年韌性城市大會於5月4-6日於德國波昂市舉行,本次會議共有超過440位來自55個不同國家的與會者參與本次的ICLEI韌性城市大會。在會議進行期間,有超過150位講者於40個以上的小組會議或工作坊分享他們的經驗及成果。本次與會由臺南市政府李孟諺秘書長率領同仁前往德國波昂市參與本次大會。本次會議除參與各小組會議學習各個城市的經驗外,本市由李孟諺秘書長代表臺南市政府於小組會議上,分享臺南市因應登革熱的經驗及成果以及談到臺南市推動低碳健康照護的策略;最後在綜合討論上,許多與會城市的代表對於台南市的空污監測與預警的制度與登革熱問題如何應用在其他城市及未來預防等提出請益,李孟諺秘書長也一一答覆現場問題。 The Green Group為洪慶齡執行長一手成立的羅馬尼亞環保產業集團,旗下包含PET寶特瓶回收廠、廢電子設備回收處理廠、廢燈泡燈管回收處理廠、廢玻璃容器回收處理廠等,因此,李秘書長率領市府同仁前往羅馬尼亞參訪The Green Group集團及廢玻璃回收處理廠,藉此了解當地回收機制及技術;另外,李秘書長也代表本市接受羅馬尼亞當地環保雜誌ecologic的專訪,針對臺南市的現況及成果進行介紹及說明。 (二)其他協助辦理或出席會議 本團隊因應業務需求配合環保局及低碳辦公室出席活動及召開會議,統計至12月31日止,共計參與106場次會議。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、節能輔導、ISO 37120指標體系認證、溫室氣體盤查


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-106-AN-30110 經費年度 106 計畫經費 8308 千元
專案開始日期 2017/02/21 專案結束日期 2017/11/30 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 邱佩璿 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年低碳計畫(上傳署版).pdf 23MB

2017 Tainan Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Operations and Achievement Evaluation Project

英文摘要 1.Promoting Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Ranking Evaluation In order to comply with the current international trend and to ensure sustainable development in the low-carbon construction process, the EPD will incorporate the concept of "sustainable development" in the "low carbon home" policy promoted in 1999 and put forward the concept of "low carbon permanent home" 10 large operational functioning elements, as the core of building a sustainable core of low-carbon permanent home, 2015 years, the official launch of low-carbon permanent home certification assessment operations. The program handle the low carbon permanent home related conferences,on May 24 and November 6, 2017, two sessions of the Southern District Living Circle Conference were held. Held two sessions of Green Energy Conservation Technology and Information Advisory Group Meeting on June 26 and November 22. Held two sessions of Green Transport Technology and Information Advisory Group Meeting on June 27 and November 21. The program counseling 4 core communities to promote low-carbon sustainable home initiatives, respectively Liuying district Baweng village, Guantian district Daqi village, Danei district Shicheng village, Rende district Erxing village, promote community farms, aquaponics system, energy efficient indoor lighting, photovoltaic system installation, rainwater storage and reuse, etc. It will fix 1,384 kg CO2e/year, reduce 5,755.39 kgCO2e/year emissions, save 3,192 kWh energy, save 5,895 mt water. The program counseling 5 low carbon demonstration communities to promote low-carbon sustainable home initiatives, respectively South district Mingde village, South district Xinan village, Annan district Nanxing village, Nanhua district Nanhua village, Xinying district Taibei village, promote photovoltaic system installation, energy efficient indoor lighting, energy efficient lighting for temples, etc. It will reduce 5,755.39 kgCO2e/year emissions. The program counseling 4 district to promote combined action items, respectively Guantian district, Yujing district, South district, Nanhua district, photovoltaic “Promote community or rooftop farms”, “Public buildings to improve energy efficiency”, etc. It will fix 2,377.88 kg CO2e/year, reduce 5,776.64 kgCO2e/year emissions, save 58,475 mt water. The participants can work toward three levels of certification: Nomination, Bronze and Silver. This year, the program totally counseling 62 villages get nomination, 9 villages get bronze; 5 district get nomination, 3 district get silver; Tainan City get silver.To the end of December, there were 37 district of Tainan city get nomination and 6 district get silver; 312 villages get nomination, 43 villages get bronze and 7 villages get silver; Tainan City get silver at May 5, 2017. 2.Promote county level operation of functional action items This program counseling energy conservation improvement plans in Tainan City, from 2013 to 2017, the improvement targets include rented houses, villages (communities), shopping malls (markets), temples, schools, government agencies and social welfare agencies, totally it will reduce 1,756.2 TCO2e/year emissions, save power 3,155,651 kWh/year. From March 31 to April 10, 2017, we hold 8 sessions of “Subsidy Method Sessions”, we invited 37 administrative region, community development associations, local officials and offices , etc. totally 599 people involved the sessions. In the program counseling 34 social welfare agencies and 15 rented apartments. It is estimated that there will be a total of 49 social welfare agencies and 15 rented residential buildings in total, which will increase the afforestation area by about 835m2, replacing lighting equipment, thermal insulation coating, inverter ceiling fans, etc. The project can save 326,434.5 kwh of electricity, reduce (solid) carbon 196,500.8 kgCO2 / year. 3.Promote low-carbon city plans and sustainable home-related operations (1)Greenhouse Gas Control Program In accordance with Article 15 of the WTC and Article 14 of the WTCA, municipalities and counties (cities) shall, in accordance with the promotion plan approved by the Executive Yuan and the action plans set by the central competent authority for undertaking the undertaking, Therefore, the city transformed from a low-carbon city project in 2016 to a Tainan City greenhouse gas control program. In 2017, a total of 14 projects were promoted, 33 were promoted and 115 were promoted, and in 2017, there were a total of 64 promotion initiatives completed, 47 promotion actions are in line with progress, and 6 actions were behind. The progress of the project is 95.65% underlined by the progress of work, the overall completion and compliance. In terms of implementation effectiveness, the actual carbon reduction is 1.43 million tonnes of CO2e and the carbon sequestration is 3,798 tonnes of CO2e. Compared with the expected results, The rate of achievement is 126%, the rate of carbon fixation is 109%. (2)Participate ISO 37120 index system certification This year, the program will assist Tainan to join the World Council on City Data (WCCD) and participate in the ISO 37120 index system certification in accordance with the international standard city index system. The project was submitted on February 21 for registration , On March 2 received WCCD reply the consent of the login and EPA by the mayor to be signed by Lai Ching Tak on April 26 after the consent of the consent of the transfer, completed in August 100 indicators of project information and supporting information Upload, and after a third party unit to amend and supplement the instructions, in November WCCD highest level Platinum level certification, becoming after Taipei, Taiwan's second membership and get Platinum certification of the city. Currently, only 35 cities in the world have Platinum certification. (3)Greenhouse gas inventory inspection operations 2015 years of investigation, the GHG emissions of the administrative area totaled 21.65 million metric tons of CO2e, of which 67% was mainly from the industrial sector, followed by 3.27 million tons of CO2e from transport of energy, 3.35 million tons of CO2e from commercial, agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries, and 458,000 metric tons of CO2e from the rest of the waste sector and 167,600 metric tons from the agricultural sector CO2e, accounting for 2% and 1% respectively. 2016 years of investigation, the GHG emissions of the administrative area totaled 20.90 million metric tons of CO2e, of which 65% was mainly from the industrial sector, followed by 3.39 million tons of CO2e from transport of energy, 3.44 million tons of CO2e from commercial, agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries, and 408,100 metric tons of CO2e from the rest of the waste sector and 167,500 metric tons from the agricultural sector CO2e, accounting for 2% and 1% respectively. 4.Promoting Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Activities (1)The Website of Low Carbon Tainan City To promote the construction of low-carbon sustainable home, During the execution of the project, we will maintain and update the information, and Updated Tainan Low Carbon Sustainable Home Achievements website quarterly. To make the use of the background closer to the user, remove the low-use banner. Another added ISO 37120 certification banner and 2017 Tainan-ECCT Low Carbon City& Circular Economy Conference website. (2)Produce low-carbon sustainable action project implementation results easy to pull exhibition This year, four low-carbon sustainable action projects will be set up to facilitate the performance of "Easy Greening of Vacant Vacant Lands", "Energy-saving Streetlights", "Promoting the Use of Temple-Saving Lamps" and "Assessment of Sustainable Low-Carbon Schools". Four items were submitted to the EPA by October 30, which will be output after confirmation of the error and will be handed over to the EPB on November 2 for preservation. 5.Others (1)Tainan city government attended 8th Resilient City The eighth global forum on urban resilience and adaptation was held in Bonn, German this year. Men-Yen Li, Secretary General of Tainan city Government, and Hsien-Wei Lee, Director of Environmental Protection Bureau, participated in the event. They shared Tainan’s experiences in topics such as climate change, dengue fever prevention, low-carbon care and the air pollution warning system. The talk was well-received by the representatives and scholars present who were highly interested in these issues. The forum, which took place between May 4 and 6 in Bonn, Germany, was organized by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). ICLEI has been helping cities to collaborate with each other, and is also the organizer for the past seven annual forums. A total of 500 individuals from 50 local governments around the world took part in the event this year. ICLEI emphasized that climate change affects everyone on this planet and cities play a major role in building a resilient and adaptive environment. Secretary General Li remarked that this international forum was an opportunity for the world to recognize Tainan's dedication and results on dengue fever prevention, carbon reduction and climate change. The event also provided a great platform for Tainan officials to interact and exchange information on health risks issues related to climate change with other international city mayors and representatives. (2)Other assist to handle or attend the meeting In response to business needs, the team attended the event and held a meeting with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Low Carbon Office. Statistics show that as of November 30, a total of 106 meetings have been attended.
英文關鍵字 low carbon and sustainable homeland, carbon reduction, counseling energy