

中文摘要 本計畫共包含二大工作重點,(一)落實及強化機關綠色採購;(二)提升民眾對環保標章的認知及綠色消費的認同。為鏈結政府機關、民間企業及團體、社區、學校、商店、餐飲業、旅宿業及製造業等對象,設計出多元化宣導與輔導推動計畫,目的為鼓勵民眾優先選購具有環保標章的綠色商品及服務,落實生活簡約原則,實現綠色生活理念,達到環境保護之效益。本計畫之重要工作效益包括: 1. 辦理2場次執行會議,詳細說明「民間企業與團體實施綠色採購計畫」106年度實施成果及107年度計分標準及注意事項,並實際了解各縣市環保局實際執行之困難。 2. 修訂107年度「民間企業與團體實施綠色採購計畫」,重點提升民間企業與團體綠色採購金額並簡化計分項目提升各縣市環保局執行之效益。 3. 至各縣市評鑑綠色商店、星級環保餐館及環保旅店,針對店家的綠色商品行銷推廣、環保優惠方案及綠色採購進行查核。並表揚44家綠色服務業績優業者。 4. 辦理106年度及107年度地方政府補助計畫,擴大綠色消費推廣,106年度有5縣市環保局申請補助計畫,107年度17縣市環保局申請。 5. 定期管理「綠色生活資訊網」,審核各縣市環保局所辦理之活動、民間企業與團體及綠色商店申報家數及金額,已審核5,831筆相關記事。 6. 輔導郵政商城成為網路綠色商店,並結合「國軍福利站網路商店」及「環保產品線上採購網」,辦理招商說明會、線上促銷活動及印製宣導品,提供民眾多元化管道購買綠色商品,並提升綠色產品認知度。 7. 綜整綠色消費、綠色採購相關成果及研提後續精進作法,針對「推動民間企業與團體實施綠色採購計畫」、「政府機關綠色採購業務推動及績效評核作業」及「綠色生活與消費宣傳活動」提出精進作法建議。 8. 協助參加2017臺北國際旅展及2017環保科技展,推廣綠色旅遊、環保標章產品及環保集點制度,2場次展覽共計1,107人參與。 9. 辦理綠色消費主題體驗營隊,培養綠色消費種子。透過問卷調查發現,68%的學員在參與營隊後,願意在生活中實踐綠色消費。 10. 與警廣臺南臺合作,宣傳綠色消費概念,宣傳時間共計2個月。 11. 辦理105年度機關綠色採購績效評核檢討、執行106年度機關綠色採購評核作業及研擬107年度機關綠色採購績效評核方法,107年度評核方法已修訂完成,將綠色採購項目簡化為兩大項,共166項。 12. 針對105年度機關績效評核成績優等單位及評核成效較差單位進行現場訪視,共計10機關。 13. 完成32場次機關綠色採購實務教育訓練,共3,587人次參與。 14. 輔導3家業者取得環保標章,並研擬環保標章規格標準申請範本2式。
中文關鍵字 綠色消費、綠色採購、綠色商店


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-FA11-02-A191 經費年度 106 計畫經費 6639.941 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/05 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 周函螢
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 鄭玉琴 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-106-FA11-02-A191.pdf 43MB

106 year Green Consumer Promotion Project

英文摘要 The two main tasks of this project are emphasized as follow: I. Implement and strengthen the green procurement to the public governments & institutions, private enterprises, NGOs, communities and schools. II. Encourage consumers to choose the green products or services with green label and live with the principle of simple life to achieve the purpose of environmental protection. The benefits of this project are described as follow: 1. Two conferences were convened, one was hold in the first half and the other was conducted in the second half of 2017. The 105 final yearly results were published and notices for 107 yearly evaluation was amended in the plan of the green procurement for private enterprises and organizations. At the same time, understanding the difficulties of local EPA for executing the project. 2. Amended the evaluation of Green consumption for private enterprises and organizations project in order to promote the performance of execution of local EPA. 3. Completion of evaluation for green stores, star grade green restaurants and green hotels. 44 green stores, star grade green restaurants and green hotels were praised with good performance. 4. Completion of green consumption benefit project. 5. Managed and maintained the Platform of Greenliving Information. 6. Completion of Postmall join green store, and implement promotional activities. 7. Improved and recommended the concepts for green consumption and green procurement. 8. Participated Taipei International Travel Fair and Environmental Protection Technology Exhibition. Total 1,107 persons were involved with those two events. 9. Completion of green consumption camp. Through the survey, more than 68% of the participated students would like to practice green consumption for their daily living. 10. Green consumption were propaganda on Tainan Police Broadcasting Service for two months with 8 EPA officers attended onsite support. 11. Reevaluated and examined the green procurement for 2018 and simplified the products to two categories and included 166 items. 12. Coached 10 government’s agencies that had lower performances in the 105 yearly report for green procurement. 13. Completed 32 training classes of government green procurement practice education. Totally, 3,587 persons had participated in training course. 14. Assisted 3 enterprises to obtain green mark and standardized the 2 kinds of form for applying green mark.
英文關鍵字 Green Consumption, Green Procurement, Green Store