

中文摘要 本計畫針對公告、未公告場所及室內空氣品質管理法規範之相關 類型場所,辦理宣導、講習、檢測作業,查核輔導場所執行室內空氣 品質維護管理情形,提升場所自主管理能力。106 年度持續宣導公共 場所室內空品管理,推動「巡查檢測」、「輔導改善」、「教育訓練」、「宣 導交流」等工作,藉由可攜式儀器之量測、標準方法檢測、現場專家 輔導,擴大推動之效果。相關執行內容及成果摘述如后。 一、室內空氣品質調查及檢測 本年度執行現場直讀式儀器巡檢調查作業,共計完成131 家 (1115 點次)公私場所巡查檢驗,巡檢家數以托嬰中心最多,共計有 43 家;其次為幼兒園38 家;護理之家12 家;產後護理機構10 家; 火鍋燒烤業7 家;政府機關5 家;圖書館4 家;大專院校3 家;運動 健身場所3 家;醫院2 家;鐵路車站、商場、博物館及補習班各1 處。 131家場所調查中,CO2巡檢濃度值超過1000 ppm的場所共計45家次。 包含為大專院校1 處、運動健身場所2 處、補習班1 處、幼兒園18 處、火鍋燒烤業1 處、托嬰中心21 處、產後護理機構1 處、護理之 家1 處等場所。另外針對本縣17 家公告場所進行查核及114 家次輔 導建立維護管理計畫。協助場所建立維護管理計畫書及宣導維護管理 計畫之重要性,包含場所基本資料及空調通風設備資料等。 經現場調查發現幼兒園、補習班及托嬰中心,多數空調設施無外 氣功能,CO2 濃度易累積,導致場所測值異常;運動健身場所採中央空調,特定區域民眾聚集頻率高(重訓區),故區域換氣頻率不足導 致場所CO2濃度偏高;圖書館之HCHO 異常原因為兒童教室頻繁使用酒 精消毒液及地板打蠟,且場所無通風,導致場所污染物檢測異常;大 專院校採中央空調,特定區域學生聚集頻率高(視聽教室),故區域 換氣頻率不足導致場所異常。 本年度執行標準檢測調查作業17 處公告列管場所室內空氣品質 檢測中,其中13 處場所檢測結果符合室內空氣品質標準,1 處場所 CO2及細菌濃度超標、3 處場所細菌濃度超標。東元綜合醫院、台元運 動中心、世界健身中心、健身工廠竹北店。依據室內空氣品質管理法 第十五條,已限期場所改善及張貼不合格項目之公告。東元綜合醫院、 台元運動中心、世界健身中心於限期改善完成,經標準檢測複查,皆 符合室內空氣品質標準。執行歷年追蹤標準檢測調查作業7 處未列管 場所室內空氣品質檢測中,其中2 處場所(1 家產後護理機構、1 家護 理之家)檢測結果符合室內空氣品質標準,5 處場所(3 家托嬰中心、1 家幼兒園、1 家產後護理機構)細菌濃度超標。 二、室內空氣品質異常場所專案輔導 已執行15 家專家現場輔導作業(3 家運動健身場所、12 家幼兒園), 專家委員提供場所之輔導建議,依據分成使用管理改善及工程改善面 向,已追蹤場所後續室內空氣品質改善情形。 本年度協助2 處場所進行實場改善,竹北戶政事務所裝設2 個抽 風扇強制將民眾洽公等候區的空氣向外排,且協助場所以現場二氧化 碳雲端監測設備連動機械排風裝置,當洽公民眾人流高於場所負荷量 (二氧化碳超標)或二氧化碳長時間累積超標,現場二氧化碳雲端監測 設備連動機械排風裝置,增加場所的通風量,降低二氧化碳濃度,並 於改善後量測二氧化碳最大濃度為569 ppm,符合室內空氣品質標準。 竹東鎮立幼兒園於各教室與門呈對角之上方裝設排風扇,強制將教室 內的空氣向外排出。從竹東鎮立幼兒園改善前二氧化碳量測5 間教室 最大平均濃度為1071 ppm,而該最大平均濃度之教室,經改善後量 測平均濃度為480.5 ppm。顯示工程改善面,可有效改善場所環境二 氧化碳之濃度。三、室內空氣品質法規宣導作業 已辦理2 場次跨局處協調分工會,藉由跨局處分工事項,配 合各局處聯合稽查巡檢且增加室內空氣品質項目於衛生局督考評 鑑(產後護理機構、護理之家),有效調查未列管之敏感族群及室 內空氣品質宣導,且藉由督考評鑑協助主管機關督導場所,進行 室內空氣品質管理及改善維護工作;與教育處合辦2 場宣導會之 成果,宣導對象為公私立幼兒園主管人員,宣導議題內容以生活 化深入淺出方式進行說明,提升師生室內空氣品質管理意識。 共完成新竹縣室內空氣品質宣導手冊1500 份及宣導品1500 份,主要內容包含法令提醒、室內空氣污染來源、室內空氣品質 改善方式及諮詢服務資訊等項目;維護環保局之「室內空氣品質 資訊網」,1 月至11 月定期更新網頁內容,呈現室內空氣品質辦 理推動成果、室內空氣品質法規推動概況及相關室內空氣品質改 善內容與方式。 四、二氧化碳濃度雲端即時監測系統作業 106 年度完整年度16 處監測數據(4 家第一批列管場所、4 家第 二批列管場所、8 家未列管場所)。經數據分析得知,圖書館多使用 箱型式冷氣或中央空調(AHU),使用箱型式冷氣空調僅內部循環,而 夏季為節省經費避免冷氣外洩,場所皆緊閉門窗,室內CO2 濃度容易 累積,雖然部分圖書館有安裝外氣引入系統,但暑假人潮較多(7 月 -8 月),對外門窗僅部分時段短時間開啟,無法足夠引入新鮮外氣稀 釋污染物濃度; 政府機關多使用分離式冷氣機、箱型式冷氣或中央空 調(AHU),使用分離式冷氣機、箱型式冷氣空調僅內部循環,而夏季 為節省經費避免冷氣外洩或民眾抱怨風太大,場所皆緊閉門窗,室內 CO2 濃度容易累積,地方鄉鎮政府機關(竹北)空間狹小且辦理民眾較 多,導致無法足夠引入新鮮外氣稀釋污染物濃度。 本計畫針對105 年度改善實場成效追蹤情形,105 年及106 年1 月至10 月,湖口鄉立圖書館二氧化碳平均改善效益63.1%,顯示出 現場二氧化碳雲端監測設備連動機械排風裝置,可有效改善場所環境 二氧化碳之濃度。106 年雲端場所,以竹北戶政事務所服務大廳監測設備連線手機 app 程式,當二氧化碳超過法規之濃度會以電子郵件及手機提醒方式 通知場所立即改善,並給予現場立即改善作為方法,讓場所即時了解 該如何因應超標狀態。
中文關鍵字 室內空品、巡查檢測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4980 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/01 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 王鳳瑾
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 宋佩芸 執行單位 恆康工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度新竹縣室內空氣品質管理計畫期末報告定稿.pdf 9MB 106年度新竹縣室內空氣品質管理計畫期末報告定稿

2017 Annual Hsinchu County Indoor Air Quality Management Project

英文摘要 Contemporary people spend most of their indoors. The quality of the air indoors has a direct impact on work performance and efficiency and its effects on human health are starting to gain much attention. Environmental Protection Administration (EPD) announced The Indoor Air Quality Managerial Law on Nov., 23, 2011, and the law went into effect on Nov., 23, 2012.EPD announced “the first batch of places that should comply with The Indoor Air Quality Managerial Law (the Law),” and, at the same time, stipulated the first batch of places that should be regulated and monitored, the items of indoor air pollution, and controlled the scope of indoor space. EPD announced that there were seven public places within the county’s jurisdiction should “tally with the first batch of places the Law announced.” This project aimed at announcing and preannouncing the places and the types of places within the scope of the Law. Also, we should be responsible for the publicity, seminar, testing, and to check and help guide places to execute affairs in relation to indoor air quality maintaining and managing. We continued to promote the idea of indoor air quality management to public places, facilitate tasks such as “patrolling inspection,” “guidance and improvement,” and “counseling and communication.” By means of applying portable measuring equipment, standardized measuring methods, educating on-site experts and enlarging promotional scope, we summarized the contexts and results as followings: I. Complete the patrolling inspection in 131 public places We utilized potable equipment to conduct on-site patrolling inspection for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, O3, PM10, and PM2.5. We also finished real-time data inspection in 131 places, and conducted indoor air condition inspection, in accordance with the inspection method standards announced by EPD, on seven places that were in the first announced category, nine and four places in the second preannounced category, all of above exceeded the standard amount. This year direct-reading instruments to perform on-site inspection survey work, completed a total of 131 (point 1115 times) public or private premises inspection test. The number of patrols to support the baby center up to a total of 43; followed by kindergarten; nursing home; postpartum care institutions; hot pot barbecue industry; government agencies; libraries; tertiary institutions; sports and fitness establishments; hospitals; railway stations, Shopping malls, museums and cram schools. In the 131 site survey, a total of 45 sites were selected for the CO2 inspection concentration exceeding 1000 ppm. Including for tertiary institutions, sports and fitness places, cram schools, kindergartens, hot pot barbecue industry, baby care center, postpartum care institutions, care homes and other places. In addition to the county for the announcement of the notice of 17 places and 114 counseling to establish maintenance and management programs. Assist the establishment of the site to maintain the management plan and advocate the importance of maintaining management plans, including the basic information and air conditioning and ventilation equipment information. II. Guidance and Improvement Places with unsatisfactory air quality patrolling inspection results, places didn’t meet the requirements with the tests conducted with the announced testing methods, places failed the long-term CO2 monitoring and places on the second extension batch list were on the priority list of guidance and improvement. They were demanded to undergo on-site counseling by 15 experts and tracked their improvement. The project conduct technical improvement on-site study in Jubei Habitat Office and Zhudong town nursery and respectively made 3D stimulation models on the before and after conditions. In virtue of the different nature of places, we employed different means to improve the situations, the on-site staff can noticeable feel the change when the ventilation is improved. III. Analyzing continuous monitoring system and results According to the analytical data of the project, places are more likely to exceed the standards on summer (from Jul. to Sep.). Places tend to turn on the AC, but do not introduce exterior airflow due to comfort reasons. This, combined with the numbers of staff, might raise the concern of the accumulation of indoor CO2 concentration. IV. Regulation promotion and coordination conference It has handled 2 inter-bureaux to coordinate the division of labor. With inter-bureaux division work items, it cooperated with bureaux and departments to conduct joint inspections and inspection and increased indoor air quality project supervision and evaluation (postnatal care institutions and nursing home) of the Health Bureau. Conducting effective investigations on the management of sensitive ethnic groups and indoor air quality that are not under the control of the Authority and assisting the Authority in supervising the premises through supervisory assessment to conduct indoor air quality management and improvement of maintenance work; , advocacy target for the public and private kindergartens executives, advocacy issues of content to life will be described in simple terms, teachers and students to enhance indoor air quality management awareness.
英文關鍵字 indoor air quality、CO2 concentration、3D stimulation models