

中文摘要 為強化毒性化學物質管理與推動防救災應變技術所需,建置「毒化災防救應變3D虛擬實境訓練模組」,俾使環境事故專業技術小組於平時應變訓練、預防整備等任務,能體驗各種災害場景及災害現場第一時間緊急應變及環境偵測。毒化災防救應變3D虛擬實境訓練模組包含多人同時演習模擬教學,也提供不同事故場景之模擬兵棋推演情境,讓學員在模擬訓練中學習救災步驟,並提升應變能力。 本計畫共建置訓練模組功能及元件一式2套:學員端操作軟體功能(3組)、教官端操作軟體功能(1組)、移動式教學教官操控軟體功能(1組)、3D視覺資料庫。訓練模組配備及附屬設施安裝設置一式2套:筆記型電腦4台、變形平板電腦3台、附屬設施:大型白板1片,投影機2部,大型投影布幕2片。 在建置虛擬實境訓練情境部分,重現一處國內實際發生的災後事故現場及救災應變搶救過程-以民國94年台中欣晃化學工廠火災為模擬對象。透過軟體訓練系統建置國內毒化災環境事故應變特色的擬真物件-毒化災環境事故救災應變虛擬車輛二式、毒化災環境事故防救應變虛擬人員男女各一式。另建置毒化災環境事故防救模擬兵棋推演訓練情境15式、重大事故情境1式、港口事故1式與隧道搶救1式等,一共18式。提供毒化災環境事故防救模擬兵棋推演訓練情境18式推演腳本的圖片及情境劇情概述,口白和演練動作等。 在教育訓練部分,已分別於中區環境事故專業技術小組、南區環境事故專業技術小組進行教育訓練,包括硬體設定、基本操作,模擬情境相關訓練以及多人同時連線演習等,協助教官熟習情境觸發設定,也幫助學員了解軟體操作,讓專業技術小組藉由軟體擬真訓練提升隊員間的默契與應變能力。
中文關鍵字 毒化災,緊急應變,虛擬實境訓練


專案計畫編號 TCSB-106-HC03-03-A024 經費年度 106 計畫經費 8850 千元
專案開始日期 2017/11/20 專案結束日期 2018/02/17 專案主持人 卓聖光
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 劉建良 執行單位 永亮有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB 期末成果報告摘要(詳細版)

3D virtual reality training module for emergency rescue on toxic chemical incidents

英文摘要 In order to enhance management on toxic chemical substances and improve rescuing abilities, this project“3D virtual reality training system for emergency rescue on toxic chemical incidents”is built to train Hazardous Material Emergency Response teams being capable of precaution, inspection, as well as emergency response after authentically experiencing a series of disasters/incidents rescuing practices through software. The training system can tolerate multiple trainings simultaneously. This project contains 2 training packages along with related hardware devices. Each package includes 3 licenses of trainees, 1 license of instructor, 1 license of tablet and the objects data base. The project establishes 2 main system set-ups, installation of 10 licenses (6 of trainees, 2 of instructors, 2 of tablets), hardware of 8 laptops, 3 tablets, 2 whiteboards, 4 projectors and 4 big screens. Hence, the pointed incident scenario is created based on the real incident- Sin Hun chemical plant on fire in 2005. This scenario enables Hazardous Material Emergency Response teams to practice emergency response with offered simulating objects like roles, trucks, tools. Moreover, another 15 incident scenarios plus 1 big incident scenario ,1 harbor incident and 1 tunnel incident are also provided to facilitate training on different types of environmental situations. Software trainings to Central&South Hazardous Material Emergency Response teams include hardware setting, basic operation, multiple connection exercises and so on. To ensure instructors and trainers understand adequate operation and can enhance emergency response abilities via simulation training.
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemical Incidents, Emergency Response, Virtual Reality Training