

中文摘要 為了積極有效運用空氣污染防制費以改善本市空氣品質,並於環保署的績效考評制度中爭取佳績,故執行本項計畫作為整合各項空氣品質改善維護子計畫成果,也就污染防制策略進度實施追蹤,適時提出建議,達到持續改善空氣品質之目的。本年度計畫執行期間自106年3月7日起至106年12月15日止,執行至12月15日,時間比例100%,已依據合約規定提送期中報告及期末報告,統計本計畫各項工作進度平均100%,主要工作項目之執行成果摘要如下: (一) 空氣品質指標與空氣品質變動趨勢 統計本市101年至105年PSI>100站日數,自101年1站日 (不良率0.27%),至105年1站日(0.27%),顯示嘉義市空氣品質改善具有實效,空氣品質獲得改善。106年(至12月15日)AQI≧151不良站日15站日,符合本年度空氣污染防制目標(低於26站日);PSI<50 空氣品質良好站日數方面,自101年88站日(比例24.0%),增至105年141站日(比例38.5%),顯示空氣品質趨於良好。106年(至12月15日) AQI≦50良好站日84站日,比例27.6% (84站日/測定日數304站日),相對防制目標 (高於30.9%)仍需努力。 (二) 各類排放源污染屬性分析 依據本計畫檢討更新和掌握之TEDS 9.0排放量資料,本市102年 (排放量基準年)排放量分別為懸浮微粒 (PM10) 1,177.4公噸、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5) 500.5公噸、硫氧化物(SOX) 45.9公噸、氮氧化物(NOX) 2,283.2公噸、非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC) 4,120.9公噸、一氧化碳(CO) 4,998.1公噸,與前一版(TEDS 8.1,99年度)相較,粒狀污染物(PM10、PM2.5)排放量增加,行業別以營造業者增量較高,污染管理上須重視。 因應對策為強化營建施工污染防制措施,包括:1.提高營建工程污染削減率(採用高防制效率措施)、2.營建工程管理辦法符合度管理、3.提高營建工程納管比例、4.推動營建工程道路認養與圍籬綠美化、5.街道揚塵洗掃工作。 (三) 檢討與追蹤空氣污染防制維護策略 掌握本年度1月至12月15日,本市空氣污染防制策略推動現況,固定污染源總計有18項策略,達成率100%;移動污染源總計13項策略,達成率91%;逸散污染源總計14項策略,達成率98%;低碳城市總計13項策略,達成率100%;綜合性改善/便民措施總計8項策略,達成率100%。 (四) 推動環保署績效考評作業 本市105年度考評成績得「特優」評等。 統計本市106年(至12月15日)環保署績效考評得分為86.53分,達成率82%。本年已完成彙整第1~4季管制資料並更新至12月15日,予以自評成績,本項工作達成率100%。 (五) 空氣品質淨化區 本市共設置8處空氣品質淨化區,綠化面積達11.452公頃,分別為裸露地綠化4處、環保公園2處、自行車道2處。本年度透過自行考核、委員考核方式,掌握淨化區基地管理維護現況;經6月22日、11月23日的二次委員現勘,各基地以「下頭路自行車道 (嘉油鐵馬道)」及「啓明路綠化工程」最佳。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質指標、空氣品質指標空氣品質淨化區、空污年報、績效考評、空氣污染防制策略


專案計畫編號 1060104 經費年度 106 計畫經費 6300 千元
專案開始日期 2017/03/07 專案結束日期 2017/12/15 專案主持人 蕭伯任
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李珮蓓 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 3.內文_期末報告_本文.pdf 41MB

106 annual "Chiayi City air quality assessment and management plan to improve the performance of specific cum and annual air pollution compiled plan" and other two plans

英文摘要 In order to actively and effectively use air pollution control costs to improve the city's air quality, and strive for success in the EPD's performance appraisal system, the implementation of this program integrated various air quality improvement sub-program results, also track the pollution control strategy implementation progress, and raise proposals in due course to achieve the purpose of continuous improvement of air quality. This year's program execution period started from March 7, 2017 till December 15, 2017. At the implementation of the interim phase, in the proportion of the time 93%, according to the contract, the interim report should be submitted. The work progress reached 98%, and the focuses of the work program in the implementation of the outcomes are summarized as follows: (A) Air quality indicators and trends in air quality changes Statistically, our city from 2012 till 2016, the days of station PSI> 100 have decreased from 1 days of station (NPL ratio 0.27%) in 2012 to 1 days of station (0.27%) in 2016, showing Chiayi City air quality has improved with the effectiveness and its air quality has also improved. In 2017, from January to December the days of AQI≧151 areadverse Station Day is 15 days, which is also in line with this year's air pollution control targets (less than 26 days of station); as for PSI <50, days of good air quality days of station. In 2012, 88 days of station with 24.0% proportion has increased to 141 days of stations (the proportion of 38.5%), showing the air quality tends to be good. In 2017, from January till October, the AQI≦50 days of station is 84 with the proportion of 27.6% ( 84 days of station/ days measured 304 days of station), which is also in line with the prevention and control target. (greater than 30.9%) (B) Various types of pollution sources attribute analysis According to the program update and review of the TEDS 9.0 emissions data, in 2013 the city's (emission base year) emissions were suspended particulates (PM10) with 1,177.4 tons, fine suspended particles (PM2.5) with 500.5 tons, sulfur oxide matter (SOX) with 45.9 tons, nitrogen oxides (NOX) 2,283.2 tons, non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) with 4,120.9 tons, and carbon monoxide (CO) with 4,998.1 tons. Compared to the previous version (TEDS8.1, 2010), the emissions of granular pollutants (PM10, PM2.5) have increased; the increment industry has produced them increasingly, the pollution management of which must be paid attention to. Measures are to strengthen the construction pollution control measures, including:1. Improve construction engineering pollution reduction rate (high efficiency prevention and control measures), 2. Enhance the construction engineering consistent management, 3. Improve construction engineering controlling ratio 4. Promote road construction adoption and green fence landscaping, 5. Improve street dust sweeping and washing work. (C) Reviewing and tracking air pollution control maintenance strategy Take the current year from January to October for example. As for the city's air pollution control policy promotion status, among the mobile sources 13 strategies, the average of completion rate reached 91%; fugitive sources 14 strategies, the average rate of completion reached 98%; stationary sources 18 strategies, the average of completion rate reached 100%; among 13 strategies to promote low carbon city, the average rate of completion reached 100%, which are all in line with the progress of time process control. (D) Promoting EPD performance evaluation In 2016, the Chiayi city's annual evaluation results is the place with "Premium" rating.. In statistics, the city in 2017, from January till October, the EPA performance evaluation self-assessment score was 86.53 with the completion rate of 82%, continuing to improve air quality and maintenance sub programs and jointly striving for performance evaluation results. (E) Air quality purification zone The city was set 8 air quality purification areas with its green area reaching 11.452 hectares, with 4 exposed green places, 2 green parks and 2 bike lanes. This year after the self-assessment, the Commission assessment methods, we easily master the purification zone base management and maintenance status; On June 22, and November 23, members inspected the site. In each purification zone base, Jiayou bicycle trail and Qiming park are the best ones.
英文關鍵字 Air quality purification zone, Air quality indicators, performance evaluation