

中文摘要 為增進民眾參與資源回收,強化政策推動的廣度與深度,進而落實資源回收分類政策,嘉義市環境保護局於106年推動『嘉義市精進資源回收計畫』,首先結合基層里、社區建置30處資源回收行動站,提供民眾除資源回收車外多元回收管道,兌換活動共辨理179場次,平均每場回收站可回收124公斤,參與人次1,663人,總回收量22,144公斤,由各里回收站營運日期(假日、非假日),貯存空間,營運人力分析,以假日,貯存空間5坪以上,由里長與志工合作經營回收成效最佳。 為落實垃圾分類本計畫自7月起辦理機關、學校定點與垃圾車沿線分類檢查工作,機關、學校定點破袋檢查違規比例較民眾垃圾車沿線丟包違規較高,因此,建議機關、學校應加強子車與定點垃圾桶管理與自行檢查,避免垃圾交付清潔隊摻雜回收物,沿線破袋檢查隨違規比例較低,但也發現不少民眾容易違規熱區,建議後續可藉由說明會、里長廣播系統進行宣導並同時結合環保志工加強該區民眾垃圾檢查,本市106年1-7月嘉義市平均垃圾清運量2,865公噸、資源回收量3,837公噸、廚餘回收量550公噸,在經過5月宣導期、6-7月勸導期、8月破袋稽查後發現,8-10月的平均垃圾清運量增加50公噸、資源回收量增加356公噸、廚餘增加12公噸。雖然垃圾量些微增加1.7%,但資源回收量卻提升9.3%,廚餘回收量也微幅增加2.1%,證明破袋具有一定的威嚇成效。 未來持續推動里資源回收站政策,在制度面應同時考量規劃里回收站淘汰或退場機制,並訂定回收物清潔隊回饋辦法,在運作面,建議訂定全市每月回收站資源回收日,每年編列固定預算定期定點長期間辦理里回收站兌換工作融入民眾日常生活中。今年度垃圾分類檢查工作無論對機關、學校與一般民眾均達到一定程度遏阻效果,建議明年度可針對違規較高機關學校與沿線違規熱區進行宣導與持續檢查工作,對於分類檢查較常見回收物可優先納入明年里資源回收站兌換項目。
中文關鍵字 106年度嘉義市精進資源回收計畫


專案計畫編號 1060216 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4210 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/01 專案結束日期 2017/11/30 專案主持人 林百文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 許瓊旭 執行單位 綠信環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 106年度嘉義市精進資源回收計畫-期末報告.pdf 49MB 106年度精進資源回收計畫(期末報告)

106 year Chiayi City refined recycle program

英文摘要 In order to encourage the citizens to participate in the recycling activities, expand the scope of the related policies and implement the recycling classifications, the project, “Advanced Recycling Project in Chiayi”, was initiated by Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City, in 2017. Firstly, all the boroughs and communities were aligned to set 30 recycling stations to provide the people another recycling channel beyond the recycling trucks. Also, we conducted 179 events for exchange rewards with 124 kilograms recycling materials per event in average so we collected 1,663 attendees and 22,144 kilograms of recyclable materials in total. As per the analyzed results based on the open hours of the recycling stations in boroughs (both holidays and office hours), storage spaces and operational manpower, the best results showed in the recycling storage space more than 16.5 square meters with the joint operations of borough chiefs and volunteers during the holidays. The project started to have the garbage classification spot checks at the institutes and schools along with the general driving routes of garbage trucks by garbage bag breaking among the communities since this July, then we found the higher violation rate in the spot checks at the institutes and schools compared with the general driving routes of the garbage trucks among communities. Therefore, we’d like to suggest those institutes and schools should enhance the self-checks and management of the trash carts and cans to avoid some recycling materials mixed with the garbages and collected by the cleaning team. In spite of the lower violation proportions, the garbage bags broken and found violations still exist in some specific area along the general driving routes of garbage trucks. The following correction actions are suggested, like to conduct some educational seminars in those boroughs with more cases of violations, enhance educations through the broadcast of borough chiefs and inspections of environmental protection volunteers in the area. In 2017, the monthly average garbage cleaning quantities, recycling quantities and kitchen wastes recycling quantities in Chiayi from January to July were 2,865 tons, 3,837 tons and 550 tons, respectively. With the educational stage in May, advice stage during June to July and spot checks in August, the monthly average garbage cleaning quantities increased by 50 tons, the recycling quantities increased by 356 tons and kitchen wastes recycling quantities increased by 12 tons from August to October. The garbage quantities increased slightly by 1.7% but the recycling quantities increased by 9.3% and kitchen wastes recycling quantities slightly increased by 2.1%, which reflected the spot checks by breaking garbage bags can effectively prevent the further violations. The recycling stations in boroughs should continue until the future but there should be a mechanism to decide when to withdraw or terminate the recycling stations in boroughs and the rewards for recyclable materials cleaning team, in terms of policies; also, there should be a Municipal monthly recycling day and a budget plan for periodically exchange rewards activities of the recycling stations in boroughs to encourage the people to continue to maintain the recycling habits, in terms of operations. The annual garbage classification inspections of this year have successfully halted the violations from institutes, schools or communities. We’d like to propose to enhance the advices and continuous inspections at those institutes, schools and communities found with more violations; and the more common recycling items found in the classifications would be included as one of the exchange rewarding items in the recycling stations of next year.
英文關鍵字 106 year Chiayi City refined recycle program