

中文摘要 藉由本計畫之執行,配合法令宣導與稽查取締等方式,督促車輛使用人養成車輛保養維修之習慣,達成保檢合一目標,進而淘汰老舊車輛,以減少柴油車輛黑煙之排放,降低非法油品使用,並有效控制及改善空氣品質。
中文關鍵字 動力計 柴油車


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 13350 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/05 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 許仲景
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 沈佶琦 執行單位 華門工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106 年嘉義縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨阿里山空品淨區管制計畫定稿.pdf 15MB

2017 Chiayi County Diesel Vehicles Dynamometer Exhaust Smoke Test and Alishan Air Quality Control Clean Area Control Plan

英文摘要 Abstract  Plan Title: “2017 Chiayi County Diesel Vehicles Dynamometer Exhaust Smoke Test and Alishan Air Quality Control Clean Zone Control Plan”  Implementation Duration: 2017 Jan. 5 – 2016 Dec. 31  Total Budget: $13,350,000 Taiwan Dollars  Plan Director: Xu Zhong Jing(許仲景)Our company implements 2017 Chiayi County Diesel Vehicles Dynamometer Exhaust Smoke Test and Alishan Air Quality Control Clean Area Control Plan from Jan .5 to Dec. 31, 2016. Work items are completed within the originally-scheduled timeframe. Individual work progress and result summary is described as shown in Table 1 and in the following content: I. According to statistics data shown in diesel vehicle test, test station completed test for a total of 1,890 diesel vehicles. Based on 1,890 vehicles with complete test data, we ran the sub test for average opacity that returns 0.80m-1 under no load. Performed re-test for degree of pollution for disqualified vehicles, that returns 24.5% under no load, 22.5% under 100% full load, 24.9% under 60% full load, and 27.9% under 40% full load. Opacity test method shows 123 disqualified vehicles(6.5%). 100 vehicles ran the filter paper reflection type smokemeter test, 38vehicles returns disqualified, the disqualified rate is 38%; the overall disqualified vehicles are 61, the disqualified rate is 3.2%. 126 vehicles exited the test due to lack of horsepower, the exit-test rate is 6.7%; 10 vehicles exited the test due to lack of rotating speed, the exit-test rate is 0.53%. II. Vehicles that failed to pass the opacity test are mostly large motor vehicles, higher displacement 2,000~5,000cc, higher vintage 22 years, mostly FORD label.
英文關鍵字 Dynamomete, Diesel Vehicles