

中文摘要 由於我國近年不斷爆發事業嚴重污染環境的重大犯罪事件,環境犯罪對於國民生活及健康影響甚鉅,本研究計畫乃針對目前環境刑法相關爭議問題,包括釐清環境不法與行政罰之間關係、剝奪環境不法利得之罰鍰修正、不法利得追繳與刑事沒收扣押競合時的處理、減輕環境不法利得範圍之舉證責任、清除污染費用與所節省的費用是否視為犯罪所得、行政追繳有無過苛條款之適用以及被害人概念之界定、制定環境不法或犯罪之吹哨者法案、擴大環境犯罪之沒收制度、環境刑法規範之檢討與修正芻議,及創設環境過失犯等十個主題,觀察我國現行法制度,整理學說與實務之見解,參考外國法制與相關文獻,研究現行法制度存在的問題與漏洞,並提出可能的修正方式或具體修正草案之法條,提供將來如有立法或修法必要時之參考建議。
中文關鍵字 環境刑法、不法利得、沒收、吹哨者法案、過失犯


專案計畫編號 EPA-106Z007 經費年度 106 計畫經費 725 千元
專案開始日期 2017/06/28 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 林明昕
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 黃兆偉 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


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期末報告 EPA-106Z007.pdf 3MB 「環境執法不法利得評析計畫」成果報告書

Research on Environmental Law and the Unlawful Profits

英文摘要 A great number of environmental pollution crimes conducted by Taiwanese corporations during the past few years have significantly affected the living quality and health of the Taiwanese people. This research focuses on the ten controversial topics below in the field of environmental criminal law: (1) the clarification between the relationship of criminal sanctions and administrative penalties that are applicable to perpetrators of environmental crimes, (2) the amendment to raise the maximum administrative fine for the purpose of depriving unlawful profits from a environmental crime, (3) the concurrence of an administrative demand to return unlawful profits and criminal confiscation of unlawful profits, (4) lowering the burden of proof in terms of the scope of unlawful profits from environmental crimes, (5) whether the unspent pollution removal cost payable shall be deemed as a portion of unlawful profits from environmental crimes, (6) the recognition of the environmental criminal crime victims and the permissibility of applying the hardship clause in the event of imposing an administrative demand to return unlawful profits, (7) the enactment of a whistle-blower clause for reporting environmental crimes, (8) the expansion of the application scope of criminal confiscation in environmental crimes, (9) proposals regarding the review of and amendment to environmental criminal laws, (10) the creation of negligent environmental crimes. This research reviews the then effective Taiwanese law from both the practical and academic aspects. By referring to foreign statutes and related documentation, this research also points out the issues and loopholes under the then effective legal regime. This research also proposes practical solutions or draft amendments to the law, as a reference for legislators in enacting or amending environmental laws in the future.
英文關鍵字 environmental criminal law, unlawful profits, criminal confiscation, whistle-blower clause, negligent environmental crimes