

中文摘要 主要執行環境用藥管理法及相關子法研修,協助蒐集瞭解目前環藥管理制度及背景,主管機關執行所遇困難,釐清後檢討修正制度,蒐集國內農藥、動物用藥品管理規定,評估制度調和可行性,並評析歐美制度入法可行性。 研析環境用藥管理法與我國農委會之農藥管理法、動物用藥品管理法進行後,提出23條法條調和建議;另研析美國與歐盟等國家之法規制度,瞭解先進國家管理趨勢,及為完備殺蟲劑、殺菌劑原料之源頭管理,提出納管添加於一般性商品之環境用藥有效成分與排除污染防治用藥之建議。 配合引進國際間運用沃爾巴克氏菌(Wolbachia)防治登革熱病媒蚊新技術,協助修正「環境用藥專供試驗研究教育示範專案防治或登記用申請作業準則」,將公、私立研究機構、行政機關納入試驗研究或教育示範申請資格條件,為未來運用推廣及實務管理提供法源依據;另分析97年迄今之環境用藥違法樣態,並參考環保署不法利得相關推估與核算法規後,提出環境用藥管理法不法利得推估與核算機制草案。 派員前往大陸地區參與2018亞大區蟲害管理協會聯盟年會,蒐集亞大區及澳洲國外環境用藥管理及病媒防治發展趨勢及會議幕僚作業方式;協助執行臺美環保合作計畫,蒐集美國環保署環境用藥管理法規制度,完成與美國環保署首次合作辦理環藥有關交流會議「2018臺美除害劑(Pesticide)管理及安全使用研習會暨研討會」,共計160人次參與;對環保局辦理「環境用藥及毒化物管理業務檢討會議」,共計80人次參與,協助中央與地方業務溝通交流。 協助研擬「病媒防治業施藥人員訓練機構管理及訪查作業要點」草案,將病媒防治業施藥人員訓練機構訪查管理制度化,並協助安排實地訪查作事宜,以利後續委託公告作業。
中文關鍵字 環境用藥管理法,歐盟殺生物劑,病媒防治業施藥人員訓練機構、臺美除害劑、污染防治用藥、沃爾巴克氏菌


專案計畫編號 TCSB-106-HC04-02-A031 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3830 千元
專案開始日期 2017/12/29 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 黃義芳
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 洪靜宜 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 TCSB-106-HC04-02-A031.pdf 5MB

Study and Analysis of Environmental Agents Regulations

英文摘要 The main purpose of this project is to provide amendment proposals on the Environmental Agents Control Act and its sub-laws, and to collect and analyze its current management system and background. Previous enforcement difficulties faced by the competent authority were later clarified and evaluated to avoid repetitions. In addition, Taiwan’s regulations on agro-pesticides and veterinary drugs were also analyzed for its potential adjustments and its feasibilities, with U.S. and E.U. regulations used as references. The following paragraph addresses these projects in detail along with its goal and accomplishments of this year: Through comparisons of the Environmental Agents Control Act with the Agro-pesticides Act and Veterinary Drugs Control Act, 23 amendments for the Act are proposed. Part of the recommendations came from thorough analysis of U.S. and E.U. regulations and understanding current world management trends. Proposals such as the management on bug repellents and antimicrobials, including treated articles impregnated with environmental agents, are recommended for adoption into the Act. In addition, removing technical grade agents from the regulation is also highly recommended. To adopt current dengue prevention method and technology, the use of Wolbachia was introduced to Taiwan this year. As such, the “Environmental Agents Experiment and Research Education Demonstration Prevention Project or Education Demonstration Application and Requirement” regulation is amended, allowing its use on the public, private, and governmental institution sector for experimental and educational purposes. As for the misuse of environmental agents, Taiwan EPA penalty calculation methods on the depravation of illegal benefits are used as references on for the draft of penalty charges in related to the Act. To be aware of management methods on environmental agents and pest control in Asia and Australia, including trends in holding large-scale conferences that can be adopted in Taiwan, delegates and representatives were sent to the FAOPMA-Pest Summit 2018 Shenzhen, China this year. From it, Taiwan successfully implement some of these conference trends when hosting the “Taiwan/US Conference on the Management and Safe Use of Pesticides, 2018”; official representatives from the U.S., Taiwan, and industries were invited, making up an approximate total of 160 delegates and attendees. The “Environmental Agents and Toxic Substances Management Review Conference” was also held in order to strengthen communication with other competent authorities, with 80 attendees participating in the conference. Lastly, the “Pest Control Applicators Training Facility Inspection and Survey” draft project has successfully integrated pest control operator training into management practice. Facilities were inspected to ensure that operators are provided with quality training and protection.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Agents Control Act, E.U. Biocidal Products, Application Personnel Training Facility of Pest Control Operators, Taiwan and U.S. Pesticides, Technical Grade Environmental Agents, Wolbachia