

中文摘要 本計畫為提升回收處理體系運作成效,執行並完成下列工作:(1) 廢電子電器及資訊物品回收流布情形調查,透過對民眾、機關學校、企業單位、零售商、清潔隊、回收商及處理業者進行廢物品流向調查,掌握回收狀況,作為回收管理及提升回收成效政策重要參考。(2)推動稽核認證作業科技化,探討導入科技化作業對原作業程序的影響,並提出修訂建議,另進行實廠測試評估導入後之作業問題,並針對作業問題提出因應措施,以及透過成本效益評估作為未來推動決策的參考。(3) 檢討不符允收標準廢物品重量補貼作業試辦成效,透過實地作業訪查,掌握現況及問題,並提出檢討及作業調整建議,做出續辦評估建議及內容。(4) 更新回收清除處理淨成本,追蹤原物料價格變動對回收清除處理淨成本的影響,作為徵收與補貼費率有無調整需要之參考;另外針對不同類型的廢主機(迷你主機、AIO主機) 進行回收處理成本評估,並依評估結果,提出是否須分別補貼及徵收之建議。(5) 提供處理產業技術提升方向,透過日本國外考察,瞭解日本的管理及廢物品處理模式,作為我國政策及技術推動參考。
中文關鍵字 廢電子電器、廢資訊物品、回收清除處理費率、稽核認證


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-HA14-03-A066 經費年度 106 計畫經費 7200 千元
專案開始日期 2017/02/24 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 溫麗琪
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 劉倩 執行單位 財團法人中華經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告-正式報告(公開版).pdf 10MB

Project on investigating the flow and improving the recycling technology of waste home appliances and IT equipment recycling

英文摘要 The goal of this project is to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of the national recycling scheme with the objects of(1)Investigating on the distribution of waste flows through schools, private companies, retailers, collection enterprises and recyclers to be the basics of revising policies in the future.(2)Promoting the applications of new technologies to auditing and certification tasks on recyclers, as well as proposing the standard operation manuals for adopting new technologies and their cost and benefit analysis.(3)Reviewing the criteria of the waste taken back to be recycled and subsidized and proposing future revisions on the criteria.(4)Examining the costs of recycling practices and the market prices of secondary materials for the adjustment of recycling fee rates, especially on the computers of special designs such as All-In-One models.(5)Understanding and proposing the directions for recycling technology improvements by the observatory conclusions from the field study in Japan.
英文關鍵字 Waste home appliances, Waste IT equipment, Recycling fee, E-waste management system, Auditing and certification