

中文摘要 柴油車所排放的粒狀污染物是造成市區空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,而世界衞生組織的國際癌症研究機構(IARC)已將柴油引擎所排放的粒狀污染物列為確定致癌因子。根據行政院環境保護署統計資料顯示國內各類污染源對PM2.5濃度影響,移動污染源佔整體PM2.5總量30~37%,細分各類污染源則以柴油大貨車佔11.2~16.8%最高;另依交通部統計資料顯示,國內車輛普遍老舊,車齡大於10年的數量超過五成,造成污染相對地明顯。 為有效改善老舊大型柴油車污染排放,除了修法規劃劃設空氣品質維護區及加強對於老舊柴油大型車的稽查及限制外,為了提高淘汰老舊一二期大型柴油車及三期大型柴油車加裝濾煙器意願,環保署自106年8月16日公告「淘汰老舊大型柴油車補助辦法」及8月8日公告「大型柴油車加裝濾煙器補助辦法」。同時透過計畫執行辦理補助宣導說明會及針對潛在車主進行訪談,讓車主更加了解政府相關移動污染源管制政策及補助措施,並針對車主疑慮及困境加以了解並協助排除。 計畫自106年10月24日至107年12月31日止執行成果如下: 一、淘汰補助案件共計受理238件,已完成審查238件,無退件案件。審查通過已撥款235件,核撥5,460萬元。 二、受理大型柴油車加裝濾煙器案件2件,並已完成電話查訪及實車查核作業。 三、補助宣導說明會已完成2場次之宣導。 四、加裝濾煙器操作維護宣導說明會已完成4場次之宣導。 五、宣導說明、調查推廣及服務已經完成364人次之調查。 六、相關宣導新聞稿協助撰寫並已發佈2則。 七、案件審查或查核之相關SOP已在計畫初期均已經擬定並提送經核備,且案件均已經按照SOP執行相關審查作業。
中文關鍵字 柴油車、濾煙器、補助、淘汰


專案計畫編號 1060964 經費年度 106 計畫經費 3400 千元
專案開始日期 2017/10/24 專案結束日期 2018/12/31 專案主持人 葉家豪
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 潘秋凡 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 嘉義市老舊柴油大型車汰除與加裝濾煙器補助審查計畫定稿(上傳).pdf 9MB 期末報告
英文摘要 Particulate pollutants emitted from diesel vehicles are one of the major causes of air quality deterioration in urban areas, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of World Health Organization (WHO) has classified particulate pollutants emitted from diesel engines as a definitive carcinogenic factor. Based on statistics from the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan, the impact of various domestic pollution sources on PM2.5 concentration shows that mobile sources account for 30~37% of total PM2.5, while among the various subdivided sources, heavy-duty diesel vehicles account for the highest 11.2~16.8% of the total. The statistics from the Ministry of Communications reveals that the domestic vehicles are generally old, 50% of which have exceeded 10 years old to cause a significant extent of pollution. To effectively improve the pollution caused by old heavy-duty diesel vehicles, besides setting up air quality maintenance areas and strengthening inspections and restrictions on old heavy-duty diesel vehicles, EPA has promulgated the “Subsidy Measures to Eliminate Old Heavy-duty Diesel Vehicles” on August 16, 2017; and “Subsidy Measures for Installing Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) on Heavy-duty Diesel Vehicles” on August 8 as to increase people’s willingness to eliminate old heavy-duty diesel vehicles and install DPF on the three-phase heavy-duty diesel vehicles. EPA has also simultaneously conducted subsidy advocacy briefings and interviewed the potential vehicle owners to allow them to understand the government’s relevant mobile pollution source control policies and subsidy measures, and help them to clarify their doubts and dilemmas. From October 24, 2017 to December 31, 2018, the project has received 238 applications for the subsidy to eliminate phase 1 and phase 2 heavy-duty diesel vehicles, amounting to a total of $54.84 million. So far, 235 applications have been approved with an allocated amount of $54.6 million. EPB has hosted session of advocacy briefing on applying the elimination of old heavy-duty vehicles and installation of DPF on heavy-duty diesel vehicles and interviewed 364 person-times of potential vehicle owners. It will follow up and continue to assist vehicle owners to apply and consult about the subsidy.
英文關鍵字 Diesel vehicles, Diesel Particulate Filters, subsidy, Eliminate