英文摘要 |
This project follows classification of IPCC and EPA’s GHG inventory calculation method to update 2016 Taipei city's GHG emssions. We also update the GHG Emissions Inventory for GPC to compare with other international cities.
This project analysis emitted trend of Taipei city’s GHG emissions in different sections. The total emission of Taipei city was about 12,395 thousand CO2e in 2016, which was 2.14% higher than 2015. The emission in the residential and commercial section was 9,211 thousand tons, accounting for 74.31% of total emission. The emission in the transportation section was 2,613 thousand tons, accounting for 21.08% of total emission.
This project also completes exposing data in CDP and cCR carbon reporting platform, and assists Taipei City to participate the Compact of mayors and get all the certification mark.
This project completes the 2016 GHG inventory verification of Taipei city by third-party verification unit. For carbon neutral, the project chose the "2017 International Forum on Food Waste Management" as the carbon neutral target based on the PAS 2060: 2014 to perform carbon neurtalization. The total GHG emissions of this conference are about 4.8 tons CO2e.
This project has held the first greenhouse gas control project management conference by Deputy Secretary-General of “Taipei Greenhouse Gas Control”, which was approved by mayor on 23 June 2016 and implemented on 1 January 2017.
This project revises greenhouse gas emissions baseline, in addition to updating the base year, we also condsider the local population growth trend, existing energy-saving measures, the greenhouse gas emission trend of power and else.
For expanding the "Taipei Energy Hill" achievement, this project writes "Taipei's Energy Hill - Photovoltaic Project at the landfill" plan to apply the carbon right certificate of the Environmental Protection Administration. The plan is verified by third-party verification unit. The Taipei Energy Hill Project will generate 6,876 metric tons of carbon right certificate from 2018 to 2024. The project has been submitted to the Environmental Protection Administration for review.
To make field operations more systematic, we formulate “Practice Guidelines for counseling staff” to provide on-site counseling, experts and scholars to complete the on-site conseling by follow the steps. We had completed energy-saving counseling for 20 agencies and schools and 10 communities.
According to the eleven resolution of promote energy conservation committee, we measure priority for the chiller used more than 9 years or the total used hours more than 9,000. We screened out 10 units by this principle and completed before October 2017, After further statistical analysis the different load energy chiller operating efficiency (COP value), chiller operation mode of operation, the operation efficiency of air-conditioning equipment subsidiary analysis, and provides air-conditioning system improvement measures and recommendations report.
This project assists agencies and schools of Taipei city reporting yearly electricity and fuel consumption. All schools and agencys have completed the reporting during the reporting period, with a reporting rate of 100%. The relevant results were not available due to the assessment report for 2017 has not been published.
This project also proposes subsidized communities on energy-saving equipment replacement subsidies. There were 4 communities applied subsidiary project until deadline. We assist the DEP for data reviewing and site investigation.
In order to encouraging people to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, this project continuously holds the "2017 Taipei Energy Conservation Leadership Award". There are 17 winners with saving 6.64 million kWh, equal to reduce 3,470 metric tons CO2 emissions.
In this project, Taipei city has participated Resilient Cities 2017, 2017 Urban Environmental Accords (UEA) and COP23, the works include planning the trip, making propaganda, and collecting aggregated translation meeting documents and other information.
We also assume the office of contact window with the international organizations, such as ICLEI 、UEA、COM, and collect the data of UNFCCC, Paris Agreement, UN Green Climate Fund and Resilient Cities 2017 latest development.