

中文摘要 一、完成彙整研析國外環境噪音評估指標使用現況及評估指標建立相關文獻 (一)完成彙整10篇國外環境噪音評估指標使用現況及評估指標建立相關文獻,以瞭解國外一般環境多使用均能音量LAeq作為評估指標。 (二)完成彙整國外建置環境噪音評估指標方法採社會調查和客觀測量2種,而噪音評估預測建置方法分為經驗公式、解析模式、電腦模式及模型實驗等4種,可作為我國未來制定評估指標及方法之參考。 二、完成蒐集國外住宅區室內音量品質指標、噪音測量、建議值及評估模擬方法 (一)完成蒐集國外住宅區音量現況及民眾噪音煩惱度相關研究結果 完成蒐集6個國家地區或組織資料,包括韓國、中國大陸、香港、日本、歐盟、美國等住宅區音量現況,其中低頻噪音影響越來越加重視,根據國外研究若採A加權須進行補償,使能更客觀地反應住宅區內之低頻噪音引起的噪音煩惱度。 (二)完成彙整研析不同國家住宅區音量品質相關指標、標準或建議值 完成蒐集16個國外住宅區室內之音量品質評估指標,大多採LAeq作為評估指標,僅世界衛生組織(WHO)、英國曼徹斯特市、韓國有列入LAmax作為評估指標,此將做為我國未來訂定住宅區室內音品之參考。 (三)完成蒐集國外住宅區音量之量測方法和標準作業程序,並參考環保署96年、97年圖書館及醫院等公共場所室內音量研究工作、98年至101年陸上運輸系統場站室內音量研究工作內容,以做為我國未來研擬室內建議容許值及量測方法之參考。 (四)完成蒐集5個國家室內評估模擬方法,包括丹麥、比利時、紐西蘭、德國和日本,並介紹了日本之室內外噪音經驗式及計算概念。 三、完成調查住宅區室內外場所音量及噪音源分布,並改善建築物隔音測量方法及隔音結構改善相關研究 (一)完成住宅區室內外噪音量測研究 依據契約需調查住宅區室內外場所音量10點次,惟本工作團隊共完成一般道路1點次、道路系統(高速公路、快速道路)9點次、軌道系統(捷運、臺鐵、高鐵)10點次,共計20點次,包括開窗與關窗之不同條件、反射音及衰減狀況等量測調查。 本計畫現地測量之開關窗的Leq結果與國外文獻之結果相近,關窗之平均隔音量初估約有20分貝,開窗之平均隔音量約有10分貝。由表可以瞭解,「開窗」情形加上室內室外差(衰減)10分貝下,室內建議容許值與我國陸上運輸系統及噪音管制標準還有10到15分貝之防制措施需要再努力,無論是從音源端的防制措施或受體端的防護兩者都可以考量;而如果是「關窗」情形,則關窗後音量與室內建議容許值相近。 (二)完成辦理室內噪音源分布及頻譜資料之調查分析 依據室內噪音源頻譜資料之調查分析,低於200Hz的部分,室內外音頻之線型變化有較大的差異,顯示於室內有低頻噪音源之干擾。 (三)分析建築物隔音測量方法實驗原理條件及進行音源實驗,並針對建築物隔音測量方法提出改善建議 本工作團隊完成蒐集3種測量方法優缺點比較,包括實驗室測量方法、現場測量方法之交通噪音源及現場測量方法之揚聲器噪音源,用揚聲器音源進行隔音的現場測量或驗收時,可以僅測量音波以 入射構件時的隔音量為主以降低測量或驗收的工作量。 (四)針對輕薄隔音結構進行理論研究與實驗分析,並進行至少2種之不同隔音結構性能之理論分析與實驗 本工作團隊共完成3種隔音結構分析,各隔音材料在中高頻隔音效果較好,但低頻隔音性能則降低。 四、完成研提我國住宅區室內音量品質指標、測量方法和建議值草案,並辦理各1場次說明會議與諮詢會議,以廣納各界意見 (一)民國106年6月20日於臺北車站第2會議室完成辦理說明會議,針對住宅區室內音量品質指標、室內外場所測量方法、數量分配、噪音源分布情形及頻譜資料調查分析等實地測量作業規劃進行討論及內容說明。 (二)民國106年8月28日於法鼓德貴學苑階梯教室6F會議室完成辦理專家學者諮詢會,針對住宅區室內音量品質指標、測量方法和建議值草案及室內外場所實地測量作業規劃進行討論及實地測量初步結果說明,進行意見交換,以做為環保署之參考。 (三)民國106年11月15日於法鼓德貴學苑階梯教室6F會議室完成辦理第二次說明會議,說明室內外場所之測量結果。
中文關鍵字 室內噪音


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-U1F1-02-A216 經費年度 106 計畫經費 2520 千元
專案開始日期 2017/05/10 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 劉嘉俊
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 丁培修 執行單位 環境永續工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106年度「室內場所噪音檢測作業程序暨量測規範驗證研究」專案研究計畫(本文).pdf 6MB 106年度「室內場所噪音檢測作業程序暨量測規範驗證研究」專案研究計畫

Research Project on Operating Procedures for Indoor Noise Monitoring and Verification of Measurement Regulations

英文摘要 In order to promote the enhancement of indoor acoustic quality in public places, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan has required the management unit of various public places to manage the indoor acoustic quality in an autonomous manner. Since 2007 and 2008, researches on indoor noise level in public places, such as libraries, hospitals and depots/stations/offices of the ground transportation system, have been conducted one after another. Starting from 2007, researches on indoor acoustic quality in residential areas have been added to these efforts, and the recommended indicators and permissible noise levels for indoor sound level adopted by various countries were referenced for the purpose of maintaining citizens’ health and environmental tranquility in order to enhance the quality of life of our compatriots. Although the measurement of indoor/outdoor acoustic quality in residential areas conducted in this project belongs to the work of EPA’s technology research projects, since the building indoor noise is the responsibility of the Construction and Planning Agency of the Ministry of the Interior, instead of EPA, the purpose of measurement concerning this project is not to propose indoor noise control standards, but to understand and find out whether or not there is room for improvement of current noise control standards at the source end so as to understand and improve the indoor acoustic environmental quality. The achievements of this research project include: 1. Completed collecting, organizing and analyzing papers relating to the establishment and application status of environmental noise assessment indicators adopted in foreign countries. 1) Completed collecting and organizing 10 papers relating to the establishment and application status of environmental noise assessment indicators adopted in foreign countries, hence found out that equivalent sound level LAeq was commonly used as an assessment indicator for environmental noise in foreign countries. 2) Completed collecting and organizing papers relating to the establishment methods of environmental noise assessment indicators adopted in foreign countries, hence found out that the community survey and objective measurement were commonly used to establish environmental noise assessment indicators in foreign countries and four methods were most commonly used to establish noise assessment and prediction – empirical formula, analysis model, computer model, and model experiment. The findings might serve as a reference for the future establishment of noise assessment indicators and methods in our country. 2. Completed collecting indoor noise quality indicators, noise measurements, recommended exposure limits, and noise assessment/simulation methods adopted for residential areas in foreign countries. 1) Completed collecting research results relating to the noise status and noise annoyance level perceived by the public in residential areas in foreign countries. Completed collecting and analyzing related data on the noise status in residential areas in 6 countries or districts, including South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Japan, the EU, and the US, hence found out that middle and low frequency noises were getting more and more attention and, according to the research in foreign countries, if A-weighting was used, compensation should be applied in order to reflect the noise annoyance caused by the low frequency noise in residential areas in a more objective manner. 2) Completed collecting and analyzing the noise related indicators, standards or recommended exposure limits for residential areas in different countries. Completed collecting and analyzing the indoor noise quality assessment indicators adopted in 16 foreign residential areas, hence found out that LAeq was used as the sole noise assessment indicator in most residential areas with only the World Health Organization (WHO), Manchester (UK), and Korea also adopting LAmax as an extra assessment indicator. The findings might serve as a reference for the future establishment of indoor noise assessment indicators for residential areas in our country. 3) Completed collecting and analyzing the measurement methods and SOPs for indoor noise assessment in residential areas in foreign countries and making reference of EPA’s research projects concerning the “indoor noise level in public places, such libraries and hospitals” (2007, 2008) and “indoor noise level at stations of ground transportation systems” (2009, 2012). The findings might serve as a reference for formulating recommended exposure limits and measurement methods of indoor noise in the future in our country. 4) Completed collecting the indoor noise assessment and simulation methods adopted in five countries, including Denmark, Belgium, New Zealand, Germany, and Japan, as well as introducing Japan’s empirical formula and computing concepts for indoor noise assessment. 3. Completed investigating the sound level and distribution of noise sources in indoor/outdoor places in residential areas, as well as conducting related research on the improvement of measurement methods of sound insulation in buildings and acoustic structures. 1) Completed research on indoor/outdoor noise measurement in residential areas. According to the contract, 10 point-times of noise level measurement at indoor/outdoor places in residential areas should be conducted. In this project, our project team conducted 20 point-times of measurement in total, including 1 point-time on the normal road, 9 point-times on the road system (freeway and expressway), and 10 point-times on the rail system (MRT, TRA, and THSR), with various conditions and situations considered, such as open window, closed window, reflected sound, and acoustic attenuation. In this project, the Leq of open/closed window field measurements is similar to that contained in foreign papers. The average of sound reduction in closed-window condition is preliminarily estimated to be around 20 dB, and in open-window condition, around 10 dB. As shown in the table, in open-window condition, with an indoor/outdoor gap of 10 dB (acoustic attenuation), there is room for improvement of 10-15 dB comparing to the indoor recommended exposure limits and noise control standards for ground transportation systems in our country. The noise control measures can be made either on the noise source end or the receiving end. In the case of closed window condition, the indoor noise level is close to the indoor recommended exposure limits. 2) Completed survey and analysis of indoor noise source distribution and spectral data. As shown by the survey and analysis of indoor noise source distribution and spectral data, on the part of frequency lower than 200Hz, the linear change of indoor/outdoor sound levels is obvious, indicating that there is interference of low frequency noise sound indoors. 3) Analyzed the test principles and conditions of measurement methods of sound insulation in buildings, conducted noise source tests, and proposed recommendations for improvement of measurement methods of sound insulation in buildings. Our project team completed pros and cons comparison of 3 measurement methods, including lab measurement method, field measurement method (on traffic noise source), and field measurement method (on speaker noise source). When conducting sound insulation field measurement or acceptance on speaker noise source, it is okay to just measure the sound insulation of a 45。 incident member in order to reduce the workload of measurement or acceptance. 4) Conducted theory research and experiment analysis on thin/light sound insulation structures and theoretical analysis and experiment on at least two types of soundproof structural performances. Our project team conducted three kinds of soundproof structural analysis. The analytical results show that various soundproof materials perform better on middle to high frequency noise than low frequency noise. 4. Completed researching and proposing the indoor noise quality indicators, measurement methods, and recommended exposure limits in residential areas in our country and held explanation and consulting meetings to collect opinions from all circles. 1) Held an explanation meeting at the 2nd meeting room of Taipei Railway Station on June 20, 2017 to explain and discuss topics concerning field measurement operational planning, such as indoor noise quality indicators in residential areas, indoor/outdoor measurement methods, quantity allocation, noise source distribution, and spectral data survey/analysis. 2) Held an academics and experts consulting meeting at the 6th meeting room of Dharma Drum Degui Academy on August 28, 2017 to discuss, explain, and exchange views on the preliminary results of field measurement on topics such as indoor noise quality indicators in residential areas, measurement methods, recommended exposure limits, and indoor/outdoor field measurement operational planning, to provide reference for the EPA. 3) Held a second explanation meeting at the 6th meeting room of Dharma Drum Degui Academy on November 15, 2017 to explain the measurement results at indoor and outdoor places.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Noise