

中文摘要 第五階段電子化政府之目標在於以數據匯流、資料策展、數據分析、多元應用與跨域合作等構面,發展數位服務及創新應用,以實現「智慧政府、綠色公民」之目標。故本專案規劃「環境雲資料展示平臺」及「環境雲資訊公開網」此二平臺,作為環境相關之各政府機關展示、發佈資料,並與各界互動之基礎。 「資料服務展示平臺」之目標除資料服務管理之能力外,更著重在提供環境相關資料服務作為產官學界施政參考、學術研究、創新應用,以便利之互動介面讓民眾對環境資源能有更深的認識,結合社群分享力量,擴大參與。本平臺的完成預期可獲得下述四項效益: 1.擴大服務對象,提高參與度。 2. 建立資料開放機制,快速提供資料服務。3.規劃資料管理流程,提升資料品質與效度。4.提供互動模式,創造資料應用價值。 「環境雲資訊公開網」之目標除主動公開環境雲計畫各參與機關之執行現況相關資訊,提供給民眾檢索、查閱、擷取及下載資料,以增進民眾對環境雲計畫之瞭解外,更著重在提供環境雲整合性的關鍵績效指標(KPI),使各機關或民眾更容易理解環境雲發展重點與成效。 綜上所述,本專案提供結合社群平臺之管道,讓環境整合資訊能有效揭露,結合各領域專家,共同創造增進環境生態之創新應用。
中文關鍵字 案件結案、資料展示平臺、資訊公開網


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-L103-03-A062 經費年度 106 計畫經費 14000 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/13 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 陳明崇處長
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 詹効儒 執行單位 中華電信股份有限公司企業客戶分公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環境雲資料服務展示平臺建置案_結案報告_公開版(含摘要).pdf 8MB 環境雲資料服務展示平臺建置_結案報告

Environmental and Natural Resources Data Services Display Platform

英文摘要 The fifth phase of e-government program (2017 - 2020) establishes digital services and innovative applications to achieve the goal of "Smart Government、Green Citizens" by using Data Convergence、Data Services Display、Data Analysis、Multiple applications and Cross-border cooperation . In order to serve various environment-related government departments、academia and public, we develop “Environmental and Natural Resources Data Services Display Platform” and “Environmental and Natural Resources Database Integration Plan” to display and publish information. In addition to the data service management capabilities, the " Environmental and Natural Resources Data Services Display Platform " focuses on the provision of environment-related information services as reference for government and academia, academic research, innovative applications. This “Data Services Display Platform” also provides an interactive interface to facilitate public’s enjoyment of environmental resources understanding and connect with the community to share their power and expand participation. This “Data Services Display Platform” is expected to receive the following four benefits: 1. To expand service targets and increase participation. 2. To establish an open data mechanism to quickly provide information services. 3. To establish data management processes to improve data quality and validity. 4. To provide interactive mode to create data application value. The goal of the " Environmental and Natural Resources Database Integration Plan " is actively disclosing relevant information on the implementation status of participating unites in the “Environmental Cloud Projects”, and providing public access to search, access, retrieval and downloading information to enhance public understanding of “Environmental Cloud Projects”. More emphasis is placed on providing the statistics of KPIs to make it easier for participating unites or the general public to understand the focus and effectiveness of “Environmental Cloud Projects”. To sum up, this project provides integrated social platforms to disclose environmental integration information effectively and connect with experts in various fields to create innovative applications of environmental ecology.
英文關鍵字 case closed、data services display platform、database integration plan