106年臺中市后里區、西屯區、大雅區及港區空氣污染物健康風險- 環境污染調查計畫
中文摘要 | 本計畫主要目的在調查后里區、西屯區、大雅區及臺中港區等地區現址空氣污染物之資料,作為評估健康風險之基礎。工作內容包含四大部分: (1) 執行空氣污染物之採樣與分析。(2)探討各地區影響空氣污染物濃度變化之因素。 (3)使用AERMOD模式模擬固定源排放金屬及VOCs於臺中市各地區之濃度分布(4)規劃107年健康風險執行方式。 第一部分,截至107年10月1日止,已完成包括110筆毒理資料之建置及三次採樣與污染物濃度分析,包括264點次之PM2.5、金屬、PAHs、VOCs、氣態汞及72點次之有機酸及無機酸。另有關於105年及106年計畫執行成果之相關問題及意見共150題(含以上),已彙整於釋疑報告中。 第二部分,彙整105年兩次採樣及106年三次採樣之數據,已初步建立相關污染物於臺中市各區之空氣污染物濃度分布情形,探討風向、季節等因素對各測站污染物濃度之影響程度,並比較氣固態中致癌物質濃度之差異。 第三部分,蒐集固定源PM2.5中金屬及氣態VOCs之相關資料,配合AERMOD模式模擬臺中市各區之分布濃度,並比較模擬值與實際檢測值,多數污染物其模擬值都落在實測值約10%內。 最後規劃107年健康風險執行之方式,包括現址濃度調查所評估之背景健康風險及由特定固定源所評估之增量健康風險。現址濃度調查則包括1次大範圍(41個測站)之採樣分析及特定採樣點(5個測站)之密集採樣(共執行5次採樣分析),藉以彌補前兩年樣品數不足的缺失。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 健康風險評估,細懸浮微粒(PM2.5),重金屬,多環芳香烴化合物,揮發性有機物 |
專案計畫編號 | P0949 | 經費年度 | 106 | 計畫經費 | 52680 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2017/08/01 | 專案結束日期 | 2018/10/31 | 專案主持人 | 郭崇義 |
主辦單位 | 臺中市政府環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 劉茲菁 | 執行單位 | 中山醫學大學 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 106 年臺中市后里區、西屯區、大雅區及港區空氣污染物健康風險-環境污染調查計畫(期末報告).pdf | 21MB |
Health Risk Assessment of Air Pollution in Taichung City –Survey of Air Pollution in Taichung City in 2017.
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this project was to investigate environmental pollutants (PM2.5, metals, PAHs, VOCs, and acidic gas) in Taichung City for further health risk assessments. This project was conducted in four parts, as follows: (I) collection and analysis of the ambient air pollutants in Taichung City; (II) exploration of the effects of factors on the concentration variations of pollutants among different sampling sites; (III) use of the AERMOD model to simulate the concentration distribution of metals and VOCs emitted from industrial sources; and (IV) plan the project titled “Health Risk Assessment of Air Pollution in Taichung City in 2018”. To date, a toxicological data bank of 110 chemical compounds has already been established. We have completed three samplings of PM2.5 and air pollutants, during which various pollutants including metals and PAHs in PM2.5, VOCs, gaseous mercury, and inorganic acids were measured. The number of samples taken for inorganic acids was 72, and 264 samples were taken for other pollutants. We also responded to 150 questions about the results of projects that were completed in 2016 and 2017, which are summarized in the Q&A report. In the second part, we conducted data measurements of pollutants in 2016 and 2017 to analyze the distribution of air pollutants in Taichung city. We then explored the influence of wind direction, season, and other factors on the concentration variations of pollutants. We also compared the differences in the concentrations of carcinogens in the gas and solid phases. In the third part, we collected data on metals and VOCs from industrial emissions and compared the observed data from the model with real samples. Most of the model results were less than 10%of the real sample. In the last part, further schemes of this project, which will be executed in 2018, were proposed in this study, including background risk assessments, as based on the measurement of pollutant concentrations in situ, and incremental risk assessments, as based on emissions from industrial sources. To make up for the deficiency of data in the previous two-year survey, the samplings from 41 stations will be executed one time, while the five representative stations will be sampled five times. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Health risk assessment; Fine particulate matter (PM2.5); Heavy metals; PAHs; VOCs. |