

中文摘要 本計畫已依合約規定期程完成期中工作項目之執行,重點工作成果,包括: 依據本計畫之委辦契約,本計畫目前進度需完成之工作項目包含:彙整國內外都市農耕推動政策及建置實例,已完成國內兩處(新北、臺北)及國外三處(西雅圖、首爾、倫敦)、本市推動都市農耕相關計畫及城食森林基地調查分析,已完成調查165處,並擬定城食森林建置與營運模式及資料分析、完成城食森林農夫學院系列課程包含:城食森林基礎培訓課程、樸門永續體驗課程、都市農夫學院、社區在地培力工作坊課程,共計105小時,並辦理1場次課程結業式、持續建置維護105年度示範場域2處及新增東海大學生態農場示範基地1處、透過專家學者及志工協助開闢建置9處城食森林示範點、辦理協調會議5場次(國立中興大學附屬臺中高級農業職業學校合作方向及授課檢討與未來規劃、各局處協調會議暨西雅圖P-Patch經驗分享、東海生態農場與愛的力量社會福利基金會合作開闢示範基地、各局處及區公所協力推動長者農園)、完成推廣說明會11場次,共計490人次參與、辦理城食森林行動展,完成41場次、2兩次國內優良社區觀摩(台南市、新北市)、印製4,000份摺頁以及每月的網路平台經營,並完成4場次網路活動。
中文關鍵字 低碳城市、食物森林、都市農耕


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 4880 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/23 專案結束日期 2017/12/31 專案主持人 林玲如
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳瑜芳 執行單位 中華東海建築文化協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 106期末報告定稿.pdf 19MB

2017 Taichung City Low Carbon Sustainable Urban Food Forest Framing

英文摘要 The project has completed the implementation of the work items during the period stipulated in the contract, focusing on the results of the work, including: two domestic(Tainan, Xinpei) and three foreign cities (Seattle, Seoul, London), the city to promote urban farming related projects and urban forest base investigation and analysis, has completed the investigation of nearly 165、planning the City Forest Farmer College Course, has completed four (Urban Eating Forest Basic Training Course, Park Gate Continuing Experience Course, Urban Farmer College, Community in the Earth Training Course) .Course Planning,for a total of 105 hours, and completed a closing ceremony of 1 course. We continued to set up and maintain 2 demonstration areas in 105 years and 1 ecological farm demonstration base in Donghai University. With the assistance of experts and scholars and volunteers, we opened up 9 demonstration sites for Chengshi Forest. Coordination Meeting 5 sessions (National Chung Hsing University affiliation Taichung senior agricultural vocational school cooperation direction and teaching review and future planning, Bureau coordination meeting and Seattle P-Patch experience sharing, the East China Sea ecological farm and love the power of social welfare Foundation cooperation to open a demonstration base , Bureaux and district offices to promote the elderly farms. 11 promotional activities were completed, with a total of 490 participants participating in the City Food Forest Action Exhibition. 41 performances were completed and 2 excellent domestic community visits (Tainan City and New Taipei City) were completed. 4,000 folds printed, monthly internet platform operation and 4 internet event
英文關鍵字 Low carbon city, Food forest, Urban Agriculture