

中文摘要 桃竹苗區環境教育區域中心,以永續發展為核心理念,建構永續環境教育(SEE, Sustainable Environmental Education),邁向全民攜手共好,讓世界看見臺灣的願景。中心由中原大學組合在地跨領域團隊,整合桃竹苗區環境教育各地資源及能量,於在地深耕、擴大夥伴、循環經濟發展主軸下,以期達成永續環境教育在地化、永續環境教育青年化及永續環境教育產業化三大目標。 今年度桃竹苗區環境教育區域中心在水資源保育及擴大民眾參與的共同議題下,配合政府推動政策,研擬在地議題,包括無塑海洋、資源保育、廟宇減燒、科學園區、青年環境教育家、石虎守護等,有系統的培訓青年環境教育家來協助在地議題的擴散,並利用夥伴群組的建置、電子報的發行及夥伴交流活動,強化夥伴對各議題的觀念。截至11月份,桃竹苗區環境教育區域中心對青年環境教育家的培訓,共計完成二份無塑海洋教案和宣導影片,一份食物里程的印尼文和越南文教案,收集了水環境攝影集70份作品,辦理了青年環境教育家辯論比賽及青年論壇一場次,預定11月底完成苗栗縣在地石虎繪本,邀請企業共同參與推廣,青年環境教育家在系列活動上的培訓和參與,不管在環境覺知和環境行動力上處處展現了青年學子的熱忱和熱情。 在夥伴經營部分,中心完成4場夥伴交流行動,輔導二個具潛力夥伴申請國家環境教育獎,並與新竹城隍廟、雄獅旅行社共同辦理廟宇減燒的環境教育活動,會後新竹城隍廟同意在金爐上張貼鼓勵廟宇減燒的公告,雄獅旅行社在帶團活動中,也會協助推廣減燒對健康的效益等觀念。中心並進一步拓展觸角,攜手北健有線電視股份有限公司利用環境傳播來認識無塑海洋的意涵,灑下環境素養的種子,後續號召夥伴參與淨灘活動轉換成環境行動更有感。 桃竹苗區環境教育區域中心期許自己扮演整合平臺的角色,利用各種不同攜手的行動方案,逐年達成永續環境教育在地化、青年化及產業化三大目標,引導生活、生產、生態及經營處處都有永續環境教育的元素,為未來永續環境教育產業化奠定基礎。
中文關鍵字 環境教育區域中心、增能學習、科技支援、研究評估、夥伴推廣


專案計畫編號 EPA-106-EA03-03-A029 經費年度 106 計畫經費 6000 千元
專案開始日期 2017/01/10 專案結束日期 2017/12/15 專案主持人 王雅玢
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 紀禹圻 執行單位 中原大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA106EA0303A029.pdf 35MB

The work plan of Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli Environmental Education Regional Center

英文摘要 The core concept of Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli Environmental Education Regional Center is sustainable development. Making sustainable environmental education (SEE) atmosphere cultivates public and students environment-based quality in their daily life. The ultimate goal is to let the world see the success on environmental education in Taiwan. The Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli Environmental Education Regional Center is an integrated interprofessional team led by Chung Yuan Christian University. The development of the center is based on the localization, partner-expanding and circular economy to achieve sustainable environmental education localization, youthfulness and industrialization. This year, combining the government policy and local action plan, water resources reservation and expanding public participation are the main topics issued by the Center. The young environmental educators were systematically trained to assist in the proliferation of the main topics. The set-up partners Line groups, issued electronic newsletters and exchange activities with partners were processed to strengthen the partners' conceptions on various environmental topics and issues. Two Indonesian and Vietnamese language education programs on food mileage were finished, 70 photography on water issues were collected, the youth environment educators debating competitions and Youth Forum were also completed on the end of September. The Leopard Cat picture book will be issued by the end of this year sponsored by the local enterprises. The environmental awareness and environmental mobility of these young environmental educators show the full enthusiasm and enthusiasm. For partner operation, the Center completed 4 exchange activities with partners and guided two potential partners to apply for the National Environmental Education Award. Cooperation with Hsinchu Du Cheng Huang Temple and Lions Travel Co., Ltd., the Center promoted the concept of burning less sticks in temples. After the meeting, Hsinchu Du Cheng Huang Temple agreed to hold the Post on the stove to encourage the public to reduce burning the joss papers. Lion Travel will also help promote health benefits and other concepts related with burning the sticks and joss papers in the group tour activities. The Center further cooperated with the Beijian Cable TV Co., Ltd. by using environmental communication to promote the idea of plastic-free ocean, shed the seeds of environmental literacy in public, follow-up calls to partners to participate in the beach-cleaning activities into a more sense of environmental action. The Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli Environmental Education Regional Center will play an integrated platform and take advantage of various action plan to achieve the three major goals of sustainable environmental education localization, youthfulness and industrialization. Introducing the environmental elements into everyday life, production, ecology balance and business management. Accordingly, the industrialization of sustainable environmental education will come true in the future.
英文關鍵字 Enviromental Education Regional Center, Improving ability of study, Science and technology support, Research assessment, Promotion of partners