

中文摘要 空氣污染防制法自民國六十四年五月二十三日經制訂公告以來,隨著對空氣污染物排放特性掌握程度趨於成熟與完備及民眾對環保意識的抬高,近年來各項管制標準不斷趨嚴而管制對象也越趨於完備。但由於空氣污染物排放特性複雜,以嘉義縣(以下簡稱本縣)空氣品質而言,空氣污染指標(AQI)>150之日數近4年雖有轉趨改善,但仍以臭氧(O3)及懸浮微粒(PM2.5)為主要之污染指標成分。顯示僅就個別排放源管制,對空氣品質仍未有顯著之改善,因此以整體性空氣污染排放管制之考量方式,即空氣品質管理發展計畫便因應而生。 本縣環保局為使環保基金功能有效發揮及落實督導查核各委辦計畫之執行成效,遂整合SIP提出「空氣品質管理發展計畫」,本計畫所擔任的角色係以協助環保局的立場,督促各項管制工作之執行進度及品質,同時彙整分析各計畫之執行成效及歷年空氣品質狀況,研擬出可行之空氣品質改善對策與應變措施,具體地推動空氣污染管制工作。另外亦期使環保基金能更有效監督與運用,且配合環保署考評方式進行子計畫管制,以達到空氣污染管制之最大績效,並爭取環保署空污基金最高之撥交比例。 綜合上述,106年度空氣品質管理發展計畫在定位上以達成績效指標及環境指標為努力方向,其中績效指標為執行完整之成效管制方式,以環保署績效考評辦法為基礎,協助環保局督促各項管制工作之執行進度及品質;在環境指標部份則為透過空品分析及本縣排放量修正更新,就本縣地方污染特性,規劃本縣空品目標與管制策略,並訂定各計畫污染物減量目標與檢討達成情形。此外並規劃短中長程管制策略,擬定下年度及未來空氣品質改善計畫之執行重點,有系統地規劃及研定本縣改善空氣品質之時間表。 依據106年度「嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫」招標規範文件,本計畫之目標有下列六項: 一、配合環保署空氣品質管制政策訂定,解析本縣歷年空氣品質,並依據本縣訂定之空氣污染防制計畫及排放量管理計畫書,分析空氣污染源特性,研擬短、中及長程管制對策,以使三級防制區提升為二級防制區。 二、研析本縣細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度變化趨勢及擬訂管制措施。 三、協助定期查核及檢討空氣污染防(管)制相關計畫其工作事項之執行數、品質及進度之達成,並督促進行缺失改善,以爭取考評佳績。 四、辦理既設空氣品質淨化區查核、環境清理維護、設施維護管理、碳匯調查建置及網路平台資料填報等相關作業。 五、協助辦理本縣環境污染防制(治)基金之運作及其相關行政事宜,達到基金編列運用之適切性。 六、辦理空氣污染管(防)制相關宣導(傳)作業,以提升縣民環保意識及政策推動之配合度。 106年度計畫執行期程自106年4月10日起至107年4月9日止,本計畫相關工作執行進度說明及辦理情形,均依據原排定進度如期完成,各項工作進度及成果摘要說明如下所述: 一、污染物排放清單與空氣品質現況 本縣TEDs9.0(102年基準年)排放量結果顯示,TSP排放比例以營建/道路揚塵佔比例最高(83.5%),其次為車輛排放比例7.4%。PM10排放比例同樣以營建/道路揚塵佔比例最高(69.7%),其次為車輛排放比例13.2%。PM2.5排放比例同樣以營建/道路揚塵佔比例最高(48.5%),其次為車輛排放比例24.6%。SOX排放比例以工業佔比例最高(70.1%),其次為非公路運輸比例23.3%。NOX排放比例以車輛佔比例最高(51.7%),其次為工業比例34.8%。NMHC排放比例以工業佔比例最高(33.2%),其次為車輛比例24.2%。 統計本縣106年度AQI>150空品不良站日數共有23站日,其中PM2.5不良日有9站日,O3不良日(O3及O3-8h之副指標值皆計算,再取兩者之最大值作為當日空氣品質指標值AQI)有14站日,PM10則無不良日事件日,不良比例為3.2%,同時較雲嘉南空品區平均不良率(4.0%)低。 二、擬訂本縣污染源管制措施 固定污染源管制部分:建議輔導業者可改變使用乾淨燃料,如重油改為天然氣,或是使用乾淨生煤,將生煤含硫份下降,以減少污染源排放;餐飲業管制可參考其他縣市,利用補助方式為誘因,使業者加裝油煙防制設備,以降低污染排放。 移動污染源管制部分:建議環保局可依照雲嘉嘉空氣污染管制共同策略,禁止二行程機車進入管制區域,劃定低污染運具示範運行區,並規劃禁止使用二行程機車之時程。針對柴油車車輛管制部分,雲嘉嘉空氣污染管制共同策略中提到將設籍一~三期柴油車輛於109年底前全數加裝濾煙器,嘉義縣目前設籍之一~三期柴油車輛約有13,900輛,車輛數較多且考量目前濾煙器未達穩定量產階段,建議採階段性管制執行,回歸檢測面,結合環保署濾煙器補助政策,雙管規劃執行管制。 逸散污染源管制部分:建議於露天燃燒好發時期,加強巡查本縣主要稻作之地區,針對過去曾被查獲的熱點區域展開稽查,以降低燃燒比例;積極推廣列管一級工地周圍道路洗掃認養制度,降低工區周邊揚塵逸散情形。推廣寺廟推廣紙錢減量,可研議於寺廟設置PM2.5簡易監測儀,讓民眾了解紙錢、燃香對空氣的即時污染情形。 三、追蹤考核各計畫辦理成效 辦理完成2場次空氣污染物減量推動小組會議、4場次工作檢討會、3場次委員專案檢討會及1場次106年空氣品質維護改善綜合檢討會暨107年度執行工作重點規劃。 污染橫向通報計有4件,污染改善回報4件,每件處理時效大多在24小時內完成改善。 四、空氣品質淨化區設置維護管理作業 本計畫於5月及10月完成2場次現場考核作業,並於6月及11月完成2場次改善追蹤,分別計29處次及31處次;8月完成2場次(共12處次)委員現場輔導查核,並於9月完成改善追蹤;12月完成1場次年終現場評鑑,並於107年1月完成改善追蹤;同時於5月、8月、11月及107年2月更新維護單位相關聯絡人;於107年2月完成辦理1場次設置與維護管理說明會及106年度績優單位表揚。本計畫代管2處淨化區維護作業,每月代管維護管理環保局淨化區,「朴子市嘉朴段274地號廢棄物堆置場綠美化工程」及「水上鄉十一指厝龍德小段廢棄物堆置綠美化工程」各完成12月次環境清潔維護,其中更新25面空品淨化區植栽解說牌與8座木質座椅、既有步道設施補充碎石增其厚度及整平,以及增設3面宣導告示牌;並完成10處次淨化區植樹碳匯調查,完成確認計算10處淨化區CO2吸存量,合計CO2吸存量為242,747.791Kg。 五、協助空氣污染防制(治)基金作業 辦理完成4場次基金管理委員會會議及協助編列107年度空污基金概算編列,同時向環保署提報107年度補助計畫,提報該署申請補助計畫有延續性5項計畫,分別為「固定空氣污染源許可暨揮發性有機物稽查管制計畫」、「固定污染源連續自動監測系統(CEMS)功能查核及稽查管制暨中洋防護網管理計畫」、「柴油車動力計排煙檢測暨阿里山空品淨區管制計畫」、「農業廢棄物露天燃燒防制計畫」及「因應氣候變遷及低碳永續家園推動體系與成效管考計畫」。 六、其它辦理事項 本計畫配合環保局推動空氣品質宣導,當主要污染物即時濃度值超過設定值時,系統將自動發出E-mail,通報轄內各局(處)及18鄉鎮市公所等,得知即時最新空氣品質狀況,各局(處)可利用網頁、跑馬燈或村里廣播等宣傳方式,協助通報空氣品質不良訊息。 於空品不良期間,為了提供民眾關於空氣污染的資訊與自我防護的策略,當得知空氣污染物濃度達到設定的通報條件(預報或即時)時,透過嘉義縣民眾熟悉的電台廣播,以口播訊息方式播放空氣品質不良時相關訊息及提醒民眾自我防護資訊。 計畫期間共發布180日次空氣品質不良預報及通報,臭氧(O3)不良預報有2日次、臭氧八小時(O3-8h)不良預報有15日次、懸浮微粒(PM10)不良預報12日次及細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)不良預報有151日次,空氣品質不良通報中,含有140日次空氣污染指標(AQI)>100情形。以營建工程-通報加強物料加蓋、灑水等防制措施、道路髒污加強執行道路洗街、固定逸散性污染源-稽巡查及通報自主管理、露天燃燒管制-露燃稽巡查及移動污染源-路邊攔檢(含反怠速、目測判煙)較能降低轄區內污染物貢獻比例。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質管理發展計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 106 計畫經費 5760 千元
專案開始日期 2017/04/10 專案結束日期 2018/04/09 專案主持人 何宗安
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 許瑜芬 執行單位 新系環境技術有限公司


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期末報告 106年度嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫.pdf 52MB 106年度嘉義縣空氣品質管理發展計畫期末報告

The 2016 Air Pollution Management Plan

英文摘要 Since the announcement of the Air Pollution Control Act on May 23, 1975, the regulatory standards have continued to be tightened and control targets have been better monitored in recent years with the more mature and comprehensive command on the characteristics of air pollutant emission, along with higher public awareness of environmental protection. However, due to the complicated air pollutant emission characteristics, the air quality in Chiayi County (hereinafter referred to as the County) is used as an example; although the number of days with air pollution indicators (AQI)>150 in the County has been improving in the past four years, ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) remain the main contributors to air pollution. It seems that the control on individual emissions has not significantly improved the air quality. Therefore, in consideration of the overall air pollution emission control method, the air quality management development plan was initiated. In order to effectively implement the functions of the environmental education fund, while supervising and ensuring the effectiveness of the implementation of various committees, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the County has integrated the SIP to propose the “Air Quality Management Development Plan.” The Plan plays a role in assisting the Environmental Protection Bureau in supervising the progress and quality of implementing various control tasks, and simultaneously in compiling and analyzing the implementation effectiveness of each project and the air quality status over the years. It develops feasible air quality improvement and contingency measures to specifically improve air quality and enforce air pollution control. In addition, in order to effectively supervise and utilize the environmental education fund, the sub-plan control will be implemented to achieve the maximum performance of air pollution control that is in line with the evaluation method set by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), and to strive for the highest allocation proportion of the EPA’s Air Pollution Control Fund. Based on the above, the 2017 air quality management development plan aimed to enhance both the performance and environmental indicators. The performance indicator refers to the implementation of a complete effectiveness control method based on the performance evaluation method of the Environmental Production Bureau, in order to help the Bureau supervise the progress and quality of implementing various control tasks. As for the environmental indicator, the County’s air quality objectives and control strategies were planned, and various plans to reduce pollutants and review the situation were formulated via analyzing air quality and revising and updating the amount of emissions of the County from the perspective of its pollution characteristics. In addition, short-, medium- and long-term control strategies were planned to formulate the key points of implementing air quality improvement plans in the following years, in order to systematically plan and study the timetable for improving air quality in the County. According to the 2017 tender documents of the “Chiayi County Air Quality Management Development Plan”, the objectives of this project are as follows: I. Along with the formulation of EPA’s Air Quality Control Policy, the air quality of the County over the years has been analyzed; characteristics of air pollution sources were analyzed and short-, medium- and long-term control strategies were formulated in accordance with the air pollution control plan and emission quantity management plan set by the County, in order to upgrade the County from a Class 3 control region to a Class 2 control region. II. Study the trend on changes in the concentration of PM2.5 in the County to formulate control measures. III. Assist in the regular checks and reviews of the implementation of plans related to air pollution prevention (management): the number of tasks completed and the quality and progress achieved; supervise improvements made on deficiencies in order to obtain good performance evaluation. IV. Handle related operations such as checking air quality purification areas, environmental cleanup maintenance, facility maintenance and management, carbon sink survey, and entering information in a network platform. V. Assist in handling the operation of the County’s environmental pollution prevention and control (governance) fund and related administrative matters to ensure the fund has been utilized appropriately. VI. Handle affairs related to the promotion of the air pollution control (prevention), in order to enhance the County residents’ environmental awareness and adaptability to policy promotion. The implementation schedule of the 2017 plan ran from April 10, 2017 to April 9, 2018. The implementation progress and handling of related work have all been completed according to schedule, and the progress and summary of achievements are as follows: I. List of pollutant emissions and air quality status The results of the County’s TEDs 9.0 (year 2013 as the base year) emissions showed that construction/road dust (83.5%) accounted for the highest proportion of TSP emissions, followed by vehicle emissions (7.4%); construction/road dust (69.7%) accounted for the highest proportion of PM10 emissions, followed by vehicle emissions (13.2%); construction/road dust (48.5%) further accounted for the highest proportion of PM2.5 emissions, followed by vehicle emissions (24.6%); industrial emissions (70.1%) accounted for the highest proportion of the SOX emissions, followed by non-road transportation (23.3%); vehicle emissions (51.7%) accounted for the highest proportion of the NOX emissions, followed by industrial emissions (34.8%); industrial emissions (33.2%) accounted for the highest proportion of NMHC emissions, followed by vehicles emission (24.2%). The 2017 statistics released by the County showed that there were 23 days where AQI>150, among which there were 9 days with high concentration of PM2.5, and 14 days with high concentration of O3 (sub-indicator values of O3 and O3-8h were calculated, and the maximum of both values was used as the AQI). There was no high concentration of PM10 on any given day. The poor air quality rate was 3.2%, which is lower than the average poor air quality rate (4.0%) of Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan. II. Formulated measures to control pollution sources in the County Control of stationary pollution sources: It is recommended that guidance be provided to proprietors regarding the use of clean fuel, such as replacing heavy oil with natural gas, or using clean coal to reduce the sulfur content of raw coal, in order to reduce emissions of pollution sources. Reference can be made to regulations for the catering industry in other counties and cities, whereby subsidies are provided to encourage proprietors to install fume control equipment, in order to reduce pollution emissions. Control of mobile pollution sources: It is suggested that the Environmental Protection Bureau forbid two-stroke scooters from entering the controlled area, demarcate the low-pollution vehicle lane, and plan a schedule for banning the use of two-stroke scooters in accordance with the joint strategy on air pollution control implemented in Yunlin, Chiayi County and Chiayi City. With regard to diesel vehicles, it is indicated in the joint strategy that all registered phases 1~3 diesel vehicles must install smoke filters before the end of 2020. Currently, there are approximately 13,900 phases 1~3 diesel vehicles registered in the County. Where there is a high amount of vehicles, stable mass production of smoke filters has not been achieved at present. As such, it is recommended that stage-based implementation and control be adopted: reverting to testing and integrating EPA’s subsidy policy on smoke filter to formulate an implementation and control plan. Control of fugitive pollution sources: It is recommended that the main rice production areas of the County be inspected during the period of open burning of rice straw. Inspections on hot spots where open burning of rice straw was found in the past should be conducted to reduce the possibility of occurrence. The adoption system for cleaning roads around Class I construction sites is actively promoted to reduce dust emitted from these sites. To encourage temples to reduce the burning of joss paper, simple PM2.5 detectors can be set up at temples to allow the public to view air pollution caused by the burning of joss paper and incense in a real-time manner. III. Tracked and evaluated the effectiveness of each project Two task force meetings on the reduction of air pollutants, four work review meetings, three committee review meetings, and one comprehensive review meeting on 2017 air quality maintenance and improvement, as well as key points of implementing 2018 tasks, were conducted. Four pollution cases and improvements made in four pollution cases were reported; each case was handled within 24 hours. IV. Establishment, maintenance, and management of the air quality purification zone Two on-site assessments were conducted in May and October, respectively. Tracking of improvements was done twice in June and November, respectively, in which 29 and 31 places were tracked, respectively. On-site inspection and verification was done twice (in 12 places) by committee members in August. Tracking of improvements were completed in September. One end-of-year on-site evaluation was conducted in December, and tracking of improvements was done in January 2018. Relevant contact persons of the maintenance unit were updated in May, August, November 2017 and February 2018. A briefing session on the establishment, maintenance, and management of the air quality purification zone was conducted, along with commendation for units with excellent performance in 2017. This Plan helps to manage the maintenance work for 2 purification zones of the Environmental Protection Bureau, whereby monthly maintenance and management tasks were carried out on the “Greening and Beautification Project at waste dumpsite on lot No. 274 of Jiapu Section in Puzi City” and the “Greening and Beautification Project at waste dumpsite on Longde Section, Shiyizhicuo in Shuishang Township” for 12 months; 25 interpretive signs were updated, 8 wooden benches were repaired, the thickness of the existing trail facilities was increased and levelled by adding gravel to them, 3 promotional signs were added, and carbon sinks in 10 areas within the air purification zone were completed. The calculation of the CO2 storage in 10 areas within the air purification zones was also conducted, and the total CO2 storage was 242,747.791Kg. V. Assisted in operations of the Air Pollution Control (Governance) Fund Four fund management committee meetings were conducted, while assistance in preparation of the 2018 air pollution fund budget was provided. Meanwhile, the 2018 annual subsidy plan was submitted to EPA; the plan contained 5 continual projects: the “Project on Inspection and Control of a Permit for Stationary Air Pollution Sources and Volatile Organic Compounds”, the “Project on Checking, Inspecting, and Controlling the Function of Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) and Managing the Protection Network of Zhongyang Industrial Park”, the “Project on Exhaust Inspection of the Power Meter for Diesel Vehicles and Control of Alishan Air Quality Purification Zone”, the “Project on Preventing Open Burning of Agricultural Waste”, and the “Project on Promoting a System and Effectiveness Evaluation to Adapt to Climate Change and Low Carbon Sustainable Homes”. VI. Other matters The Plan is in line with EPA’s policy to enhance air quality. When the instantaneous concentration of major pollutants exceeds the pre-set value, the system will automatically send out an email message to notify the bureaus (offices) and 18 townships and municipal offices within the jurisdiction. Once the bureaus (offices) obtain the latest air quality situation, they can use web pages, electronic scrolling signs or village loudspeakers to convey poor air quality messages. In order to provide the public with information on air pollution and the self-protection approaches to tackle it, relevant messages about the air pollutant concentration that has reached the notification indicator (forecast or real-time) will be broadcast by radio stations known to Chiayi citizens as soon as such information is obtained when poor air quality occurs, while the public is reminded to protect themselves. During the implementation of the Plan, 180 forecast and notification messages about poor air quality were released; there were forecast messages about 2 days with high concentration of O3, 15 days with high concentration of O3-8h for 8 hours, 12 days with high concentration of PM10, and 151 days with high concentration of PM2.5. Among notification messages about poor air quality, one was about 140 days with AQI>100. Comparatively, the following contributed more to the reduction of the proportions of pollutants in the County: construction project: materials were better handled by being covered with a lid, water was sprinkled and other control measures were implemented; dirty roads were washed; stationary and fugitive pollution sources: inspection was conducted and autonomous management was reported; control of opening burning of rice straw: inspection was conducted; mobile pollution sources: vehicles were pulled over for inspection (including anti-idling and visual inspection of smoke emissions).
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Management Plan